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Selected Academic Activities Organised by the Slavonic Library in 2017

Má ukrajinština svou historii?
Does Ukrainian Have Its Own History?

A lecture by the President of the International Association for Ukrainian Studies, Prof. Michael Moser, and a presentation of his new publication, New Contributions to the History of the Ukrainian Language (Edmonton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press, 2016)
Date: 25 January 2017

Beseda s ukrajinskou literární vědkyní a překladatelkou Irynou Zabiiakou věnovaná literárním překladům na Ukrajině
A Discussion with the Ukrainian Literary Scientist and Translator Iryna Zabiiaka
, devoted to literary translations in Ukraine
Date: 25 April 2017

František Skorina a Praha – k 500. výročí vydání Skorinovy pražské Bible
Francysk Skaryna and Prague (on the 500th Anniversary of the Publication of Skaryna’s Prague Bible)

The international symposium commemorating the publication of the first translation of the Bible into Church Slavonic. Francysk Skaryna, a physician and translator from Polotsk in present-day Belarus, printed a total of 23 books of the Old Testament under the title ‘The Russian Bibleʼ in Prague in 1517–1519. This event is considered by several East Slavic nations, especially the Belarusian nation, to be the beginning of their literature.
Co-organisers: National Library of Belarus, Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Czech Republic
Date: 15 June 2017

Pramen Bělonohé, poetický podvečer s Petkem R. Slavejkovem
‘The Spring of the White-Leggedʼ, a Poetic Evening with Petko R. Slaveikov

A literary evening organised on the occasion of the one-hundred and ninetieth anniversary of the birth of the prominent Bulgarian poet, journalist, folklorist and translator Petko R. Slaveikov (1827–1895)
Co-organisers: Institute of Slavonic Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the CR, Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Prague
Date: 15 November 2017

Proč? Svědectví o životě s dr. Oldřichem Peclem a o pražském procesu roku 1950
Why? A Testimony of the Life with Dr. Oldřich Pecl and of the Prague Process in 1950

A discussion on the occasion of the publication of the homonymous book of memoirs of Ana Milić Peclová
Co-organiser: For Prague
Date: 21 November 2017

Běloruský prokletý básník konečně česky
The Belarusian Poète Maudit Finally in Czech

A presentation of Přetržený náhrdelník [A Broken Necklace], selected works by Maksim Bahdanovič published by the Slavonic Library
The main organiser: the tearoom Mist and Max Ščur
Date: 8 December 2017

Lukáš Babka

Jan 04, 2019
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