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Selection of academic activities organised by the Slavonic Library in 2014

Rusko na křižovatce vývoje vztahů s Evropou a celým světem
Russia at the Crossroads of the Development of Relations with Europe and the Whole World

A discussion with the Russian historian Prof. Andrei Borisovich Zubov
Co-organisers: Dům národnostních menšin v Praze, Ruská tradice, o.s.
Date: 12 May 2014

Slavjanskaja biblioteka v Nacionaľnoj biblioteke Finljandii – fondy elektronnyje resursy i uslugi čitateljam (Slovanská knihovna v Národní knihovně Finska – sbírky, elektronické informační zdroje a služby uživatelům)
The Slavonic Library in the National Library of Finland – Collections, Electronic Information Sources and User Services

A lecture by the director in the Slavonic Library of the National Library of Finland Irma Reijonen
Date: 3 June 2014

Prezentace knihy „Zmizelý svět Podkarpatské Rusi ve fotografiích Rudolfa Hůlky (1887–1961)“ (Praha: 2014)
The Lost World of Subcarpathian Rus’ in the Photographs of Rudolf Hůlka (1887–1961) – a book presentation

Date: 16 October 2014

Prigov – Multimedia, Performative, Translingual (Dmitry Prigov’s Legacy as a Multimedia Artist and Writer)
A workshop devoted to the work of the Russian conceptual artist Dmitry Prigov
Co-organizers: Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Prigov Foundation
Date: 5–6 December 2014

Jan 26, 2015
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