The heritage of Saints Cyril and Methodius
May 20 – September 30, 2013 (PROLONGATION)
Exhibition grounds of the Slavonic Library, third floor, Mon, Wed, Fri: 9 am – 2 pm, Tue, Thu: 9 am – 7 pm
The exhibition maps reviving the tradition of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Bohemia and especially in Moravia from the 2nd. half of the 19th century, which is connected with the jubilee anniversary of the arrival of Saints Cyril and Methodius to Great Moravia and the issue of Grande Munus encyclical by Pope Leo III. It documents the heyday of this tradition in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe in the 1st half of the 20th century, its decline after World War II due to the seizure of power by Bolshevik regimes in the Slavic countries and an attempt for its reviving in the late 1980s. The exposition presents monographs and periodicals focused on the theme of Saints Cyril and Methodius from the collections of the Slavonic Library.