Exhibitions organised by the Slavonic Library in 2017
Zmizelý svět Podkarpatské Rusi ve fotografiích Rudolfa Hůlky The Lost World of Subcarpathian Rus’ in the Photographs of Rudolf Hůlka An exhibition of approximately 150 reproductions of Hůlka’s photographs from the 1920s Co-organiser: Iľko Gallery (Uzhhorod) Date: 11–31 May 2017 Venue: Iľko Gallery (Koshicka 28, Uzhhorod, Ukraine) |
Zmizelý svět Podkarpatské Rusi ve fotografiích Rudolfa Hůlky The Lost World of Subcarpathian Rus’ in the Photographs of Rudolf Hůlka An exhibition of the reproductions of selected photographs made by Hůlka in the 1920s Co-organisers: The Zabolotny State Scientific Library of Architecture and Construction (Kyiv), Czech Centre in Kyiv Date: 21 September – 31 October 2017 Venue: The Zabolotny State Scientific Library of Architecture and Construction (Peremohy Ave. 50, Kyiv, Ukraine) Photogallery |
Zmizelý svět Podkarpatské Rusi ve fotografiích Rudolfa Hůlky The Lost World of Subcarpathian Rus’ in the Photographs of Rudolf Hůlka An exhibition of the reproductions of selected photographs made by Hůlka in the 1920s Co-organisers: Museum of Odessa Modern Art, Czech Centre in Kyiv Date: 16 November – 10 December 2017 Venue: Museum of Odessa Modern Art (Belinskogo Str. 5, Odessa, Ukraine) Photogallery |
František Skorina a Praha (k 500. výročí vydání Skorinovy pražské Bible) Francysk Skaryna and Prague (on the 500th Anniversary of the Publication of Skaryna’s Prague Bible) The exhibition is one of the series of events commemorating the publication of the first translation of the Bible into Church Slavonic. Francysk Skaryna, a physician and translator from Polotsk in present-day Belarus, printed a total of 23 books of the Old Testament under the title ‘The Russian Bible’ in Prague in 1517–1519. This event is considered by several East Slavic nations, especially the Belarusian nation, to be the beginning of their literature. Co-organiser: The Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, under the auspices of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania Dates: 14 June – 8 July 2017 |
Jordan Radičkov na českých divadelních scénách Iordan Radichkov on the Czech Stage The exhibition Iordan Radichkov on the Czech Stage, prepared by the Slavonic Library, is a part of the more broadly conceived evening ‘Circassian Chroniclesʼ, organised by the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Czech Republic and the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Prague. Iordan Radichkov (1929–2004) is one of the most translated Bulgarian writers in the Czech Republic, and he was probably the most performed playwright in the Czech Republic in the 20th century. The exhibition of the Slavonic Library includes rich photographic material from these productions, theatre programs and a selection of the most interesting contemporary reviews in Czech periodicals. Author: Ivana Srbková Date: 24 October – 24 November 2017 Venue: Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Prague |
Marina Cvětajevové – Poéma Hory (bibliofilské vydání Valji Ejdis). K 125. výročí narození M. Cvětajevové Marina Tsvetaeva – Mountain Poem (A Bibliophile Edition By Valja Ejdis). On the occasion of the 125th birthday anniversary of M. Tsvetaeva An exhibition commemorating the 125th birthday anniversary of M. Tsvetaeva is dedicated to the Mountain Poem, a significant work of Russian lyric poetry of the 20th century. The work originated in the begining of 1924, in the time when the authoress lived and worked in Prague. It is inspired by the Petřín Hill. The exhibition presents the Mountain Poem in the form of a bibliophile edition prepared by French artist of Russian origin Valja Ejdis, who accompanied the text with many graphic works and engravings. Date: 9 November – 13 January 2018 |
Křesťanský východ zblízka (Desáté výročí odborné edice Pro Oriente a revue Parrésia) A Close Look at the Eastern Christianity (the Tenth Anniversary of the Scientific Editorial Series ‘Pro Orienteʼ and the Journal ‘Parrésiaʼ) Date: 22 November 2017 – 13 January 2018 Co-organiser: Pavel Mervart Publishing House Photogallery |