Selection of academic activities organised by the Slavonic Library in 2016
S Bosnou v srdci (vzpomínky Františka Valouška)
With Bosnia in My Heart (the Memories of František Valoušek)
A discussion organised on the occasion of the publication of the Bosnian translation of F. Valoušek’s book Sjećanja na Bosnu
Co-organiser: the publishing house Bosanska riječ
Date: 9 February 2016
Moï doslidzhennia istoriï ta suchasnosti ukraïnskoï movy: dorobok ostannikh rokiv
A lecture by the President of the International Association for Ukrainian Studies, Prof. Michael Moser (Institut für Slawistik, Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Wien)
Date: 15 March 2016
Události a vzpomínky Semena Nikolajeva
The Events and Memories of Semen Nikolaev
A discussion with Dmitrii Plisetskii and the presentation of the book of memories by S. Nikolaev, Vospominaniia
Co-organiser: the association Russian Tradition
Date: 10 March 2016
Ozvěny současné literatury Bosny a Hercegoviny v České republice
The Echoes of the Contemporary Literature of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Czech Republic
A literary evening organised on the occasion of the publication of the Czech translation of the novel Vječnik by Nedžad Ibrišimović
Co-organisers: the publishing house Malvern; organised under the auspices of the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Prague
Date: 10 May 2016
Korespondence T. G. Masaryk – Slované (3. svazky)
The Correspondence of T. G. Masaryk – The Slavs (3 volumes)
A presentation of an editorial project
Co-organisers: Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Institute of History of the CAS, v.v.i.
Date: 1 June 2016
Ukrajinská hospodářská akademie v Poděbradech
Ukrainian Economic Academy in Poděbrady
A lecture by the researchers Roman Kovaľ and Viktor Morenets and the presentation of the publishing project The Poděbrady Regiment of the Army of the Ukrainian People’s Republic
Co-organiser: the historical club “Kholodnyi Iar”
Date: 7 June 2016
Tradice českých / československých bádání o dějinách a kultuře východní Evropy. (Na počest doc. PhDr. Václava Vebera, CSc. 31. srpna 1931 – 24. května 2016)
The tradition of Czech / Czechoslovak Research into the History and Culture of Eastern Europe. (In Honour of Doc. PhDr. Václav Veber, CSc., 31 August 1931 – 24 May 2016)
An international conference
Co-organiser: Research Centre for the History of Eastern Europe of the Institute of History of the CAS, v.v.i.
Date: 14 September 2016
Prezentace publikace Marie Magidové Pod znakom katalogov i materialov k… V. N. Tukalevskij i russkaja kniga za rubežom. 1918–1936 gg. (Praha – Sankt-Petěrburg, 2016)
The Presentation of the Publication of Marie Magidová “Pod znakom katalogov i materialov k… V. N. Tukalevskii i russkaia kniga za rubezhom. 1918–1936 gg.” (Prague – Saint Petersburg, 2016)
Co-organisers: Information and cultural centre “Russkaia emigratsia” (Saint Petersburg), the “Symposium” publishing house (Saint Petersburg)
Date: 22 September 2016
Prezentace memoárů Jiřího Vacka Slovanská knihovna – můj osud (Mozaika vzpomínek)
The presentation of the Memoirs of Jiří Vacek “The Slavonic Library – My Destiny (A Mosaic of Memories)” (Prague, 2016)
Date: 5 October 2016, 5 p.m.
Rasščeplenije Karnavala: jurodstvo i šutovstvo kak dva poljusa smechovoj kuľtury v Rossii
Rasshcheplenie Karnavala: iurodstvo i shutovstvo kak dva poliusa smekhovoi kuľtury v Rossii
A lecture by the Russian literary scholar Prof. Ivan Andreevich Esaulov (The Maxim Gorky Literature Institute in Moscow)
Co-organisers: Dostoyevky’s Society in Prague, Department of Russian Studies and Language Teaching Methodology of the Faculty of Education of Charles University
Date: 11 October 2016
Vzpomínková akce věnovaná památce Romana Lubkivského (1941–2015)
A Commemorative Event Dedicated to the Memory of Roman Lubkivski (1941–2015), a famous Ukrainian poet, state and public figure, diplomat, the first ambassador of Ukraine to the Czech Republic
Co-organiser: organised under the auspices of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic
Date: 24 November 2016