Selected Academic Activities Organised by the Slavonic Library in 2019
Konstantin Jireček a Bulharsko
Konstantin Jireček and Bulgaria
A discussion devoted to Konstantin Jireček (1854–1918), a Czech historian and diplomat, and a key figure of Czech-Bulgarian relations.
Co-organisers: Institute of Slavonic Studies of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Prague
Date: 21 February 2019
Sokrovishcha russkogo iskusstva v Chekhii (Poklady ruského umění v Čechách)
Treasures of Russian Art in the Czech Republic
A lecture by the art historian Julie Jančárková dedicated to Russian fine art in the collections of Czech museums, galleries and archives. The event was organised as part of the cultural project ‘Prague Art Weekends’.
Co-organiser: Prague Art Weekends
Date: 22 February and 15 March 2019
Timur Novikov: umění nové vlny v Leningradu v osmdesátých letech 20. století
Timur Novikov: The Art of New Wave in Leningrad in the 1980s
A lecture by the Russian art historian and curator of the Russian Museum in Saint Petersburg Ekaterina Andreeva devoted to Leningrad’s unofficial art scene, the activities of the art group ‘New Artists’, and its leading representative Timur Novikovov (1958–2002).
Date: 4 March 2019
Sokrovishcha russkogo iskusstva v Chekhii. Chasť 2 – Iľia Repin (Poklady ruského umění v Čechách. Část 2 – Ilja Repin)
Treasures of Russian Art in the Czech Republic. Part 2 – Ilia Repin
A lecture by the art historian Julie Jančárková dedicated to the oeuvre of the Russian painter Ilja Repin and his works preserved in Czech collections. The event was organised as part of the cultural project ‘Prague Art Weekends’.
Co-organiser: Prague Art Weekends
Date: 22 March 2019
Russkie peizazhisty v cheshskikh sobraniiakh (Ruští krajináři v českých sbírkách)
Russian Landscape Painters in Czech Collections
A lecture by the art historian Julie Jančárková dedicated to examples of Russian landscape painting preserved in the collections of Czech museums, galleries and archives. The event was organised as part of the cultural project ‘Prague Art Weekends’.
Co-organiser: Prague Art Weekends
Date: 26 April 2019
Interpretace Nabokova. Výzkumy a materiály
The Interpretation of Nabokov. Research and Materials
A discussion with the Russian literary historian Andrei Babikov organised on the occasion of the publication of the book Prochtenie Nabokova. Izyskaniia i materialy (Sankt-Peterburg: Izdateľstvo Ivana Limbakha, 2019).
Date: 16 May 2019
Současná bulharská literatura. Úspěchy a výzvy
Contemporary Bulgarian Literature. Achievements and Challenges
A discussion with Svetlozar Zhelev, the director of the National Book Centre in Sofia.
Co-organiser: Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Prague
Date: 22 May 2019
Dobrodružství dialektologického výzkumu na pomezí střední a východní Evropy
The Adventures of Dialectological Research on the Border of Central and Eastern Europe
A discussion with Mirosław Jankowiak and Michael Vašíček (employees of the Institute of Slavonic Studies of the Czech Academy of Sciences), focused on the results of current dialectological research in Belarus, Latvia and Western Ukraine and combined with the presentation of Jankowiak’s book Současná běloruská nářečí v Lotyšsku [Contemporary Belarusian Dialects in Latvia] (Praha: Slovanský ústav AV ČR, 2018).
General organiser: Institute of Slavonic Studies of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Date: 13 November 2019