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KNIHOVNA – knihovnická revue [LIBRARY - Library Professionals Review]
Since 2005 has been published twice a year. Printed version is made to the electronical version and it is later published like open access periodical. The periodical is published by the Library Institute of National Library of the Czech republic.

Roč. 34, 2023, č. 1 [Year 34, 2023, No. 1]

The first out of the four peer-reviewed contributions is dedicated to the Strachota cantor family from Panenský Týnec and their music collection preserved in the National Library of the Czech Republic (hereinafter the NL CR).  The second contribution is dedicated to the interesting history of the Masaryk´s Bible, which can also be found in the collections of the NL CR. In the third study, the authors describe metadata processing on the portal and the deduplication process. The last of the peer-reviewed contributions is a case study treating the possibilities of digitization of seal matrices using the photogammetry method

The section of Libraries and Information at Home and in the World is focused on databases oriented at bookbindings and the brief history of the predecessors of the Librarianship Institute, which will celebrate the 70th anniversary of its establishment this year.

We have selected the publications Compendium of Library Science 1 and Czech Children and Youth as Readers in the Time of Pandemic 2021 for reviews.

The issue closes with Tips from the Library of Librarianship Literature, a column in which we present interesting book news, and The News of Foreign Librarianship Literature.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2023, 112 pp. Price CZK 250.

ISSN 1801-3252

Knihovna plus
A separate periodical appearing twice a year in electronic form. It is published by the Library Institute of National Library of the Czech republic. Knihovna plus brings information about successful projects of both Czech and foreign libraries.
National Library of the CR. Prague 2022.

ISSN 1801-5948


Národní knihovna
Journal published from 1990 was ended in 2004. Since this year continued by two periodicals - Knihovna (printed and electronic version) and Knihovna plus (electronic).

ISSN 1214-0678




Sestavila/edited by Tereza Rejdová
Slovanská knihovna v tisku a dalších médiích: bibliografie za léta 1979–2023
The Slavonic Library in the Press and Other Media: Bibliography 1979–2023
The Bibliography provides information on the materials devoted to the Slavonic Library (Prague) that were published in 1979–2023. It contains records of books, studies, short articles, interviews, reviews and reports concerning the activities of the library that appeared in the press (newspapers, magazines, anthologies and individual publications) as well as other media (internet, radio, television).
The book is divided into sections on the library itself (its activities, history and collections), followed by reactions to its publications, exhibitions, and cultural and professional events, as well as texts on the people associated with the library. The bibliography contains more than 2,700 entries, many of which are accompanied by links to digital versions of the articles.
The volume is a loose continuation of the bibliography Slovanská knihovna a slavistika [The Slavonic Library and Slavic Studies], which came out in 1979 and included a catalogue of publications about the library from its establishment in 1924 until 1979 and a bibliography of its employees.
National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2024, 1st edition, 259 pp., (Bibliografie Slovanské knihovny; 85), 275 CZK
ISBN 978-80-7050-809-1


Pavel Štěpánek

Jezuita Ignaz Tirsch jako misionář, architekt a umělec v mexické Dolní Kalifornii [Jesuit Ignaz Tirsch as a Missionary, Architect, and Artist in Baja California, Mexico]

The popular educational publication from the Z klementinských pokladů [From the Klementinum Treasures] edition series gives an opportunity to look into the album of watercolour drawings, which is known today under the name Codex pictoricus Mexicanus and its original can be found in the collections of the National Library of the CR. Its author was Jesuit Ignaz Tirsch (1733–1781), who was not only a missionary, but also an architect, natural scientist, and artist. The drawings depict the appearance of the landscape, flora, and fauna as well as the inhabitants of Baja California, Mexico, around the mid-18th century. They are provided with brief descriptions or only names in Indian laguages or in German, partly interspersed with Spanish words and concepts; Tirsch mainly captured local names, plants or animals (here, in the illustrated supplement, the Czech translation of the original text is used). Although the drawings are of simple documetary character, this set is of extraordinary value for history and natural scince; in addition, it also provides the evidence of the Central European view of Baroque Mexico.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2024, first edition, 125 pp., paperback, price CZK 399

ISBN 978-80-7050-802-2


compiled and edited by Jan Boháček, Daniela Brádlerová, Marek Ďurčanský, Jiřina Urbanová
Jaroslav Bidlo (1868–1937) a Milada Paulová (1891–1970): bibliografie publikovaných prací [
Jaroslav Bidlo (1868–1937) a Milada Paulová (1891–1970): A Bibliographies of Published Works]

Jaroslav Bidlo (1868–1937) and Milada Paulová (1891–1970) are two of the founding figures of Czech historical Slavic studies. Their contribution to the knowledge of the history of Eastern and Central Eastern Europe has not yet been fully appreciated. More systematic research on their works has mainly focused on monographs. However, the bibliography compiled shows that they were also authors of shorter pieces, including intensive reviewing, journalism, or the writing of encyclopaedic entries. In addition, many of their texts were published in periodicals that are hardly available and little known now.

Personal bibliographies are supplemented by studies placing the work of both figures in the context of their lives and professional careers. In both cases, these were mainly connected with Charles University in Prague, but they also included activities in scientific societies, especially the Institute of Slavonic Studies and the Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences. Moreover, the bibliographies clearly show a major involvement of the personalities in the creation of the content of some scientific periodicals (Český časopis historický [Czech Historical Review], Časopis Matice moravské [Journal of the Moravian Foundation]) or directly in their editing (Časopis Národního muzea [Journal of the National Museum], Byzantinoslavica).

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, Prague 2024, 1st edition, 142 pp, price CZK 290

ISBN 978-80-7050-782-7 (paperback)

Renáta Modráková
Kunhuta: královská dcera a svatojiřská abatyše [Cunigunde: A Royal Daughter and Abbes of St. George´s Convent]

The publiction presents not only the life of Kunhuta (Cunigunde) but also a unique set of her manuscripts that became part of the library collection of the Benedictine convent after her death. It monitores the origin of all manuscripts and analyzes them in terms of their content, artistic decoration and cultural level. Featured is Kunhuta´s legacy and her reception in early monastic history and the history of the Czech lands.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2023, 1st edition, 203 pp., price CZK 200
ISBN 978-80-7050-794-0 (paperback)


Lucie Heilandová and collective
Lux secretis inclusa claustralibus: ženské kláštery zrušené v době josefínských reforem

[Lux secretis inclusa claustralibus: Nunneries Dissolved in the Period of Joseph´s Reforms]

The first publication from the new specialised series Monographia Klementinana uses the example of two Czech and two Moravian female contemplative orders dissolved in the period of reforms by Joseph II to introduce us to both the actual process of dissolving individual convents and the impact on the fate of nuns. Special emphasis is placed in the studies on library holdings of the convents, as the subsequent transfers of books and documentary material are among the key moments of many valuable collections. Joseph´s reforms thus not only meant the end of the activity of a number of contemplative orders, regardless of their historical values or social ties, but also caused great material and cultural damage, as number of historically valuable collections were scaattered or destroyed.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2023, first edition, 140 pp., price CZK 150
ISBN 978-80-7050-787-2 (paperback edition)


Libri boni semper amici fidi erunt...: A Collective Monograph on the Occasion of the Life Anniversary of PhDr. Milada Svobodová

The monograph in four chapters features some fields, from which the coexistence of a man and a book across the centuries is evident. The team of specialists in various disciplines dealing with the development of book culture tried to demonstrate on several examples a close relation between a man and a book, not only from the position of a reader but also from the perspective of a practical user and last but not least a collector. The book provides information about owners of several libraries from different environments, from relatively small personal collections, through major scientifically focused ones, to a large whole of a noble chateaux library. Finally, it also allows to have a look at the guest book of our largest library in the Klementinum, Prague.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2023, first edition, 268 pp., 23 pp. of illustrated supplement, price CZK 380
ISBN 978-80-7050-780-3 (paperback edition)


We Create a Library. The National Library!

The Strategy of the Developent of the National Library of the Czech Republic for 2024–2027

The publication introduces the National Library´s plans in the area of its services, national heritage protection, digital content, its methodological and international status, science and research, as well as personnel and professional development.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2023, first edition, 64 pp. Not for sale.

ISBN 978-80-7050-797-1 (paperback)

PDF (online reader)

Milada Svobodová
Rukopisy palácové knihovny hrabat Czerninů z Chudenic v Praze na Hradčanech dochované ve fondu pražské lobkowiczké knihovny v Národní knihovně České republiky. Svazek I, Číslo 1–122 (signatura XXIII A 9–XXIII D 112). Svazek II, Číslo 123–248 (signatura XXIII D 113–XXIII G 82). Rejstříky ke svazkům I–II.

[Manuscripts of the Palace Library of Counts Czernin of Chudenice in Hradčany, Prague, Preserved in the Collections of the Lobkowicz Library in the National Library of the Czech Republic. Volume I, No. 123-248 (shelfmark XXIII D 113–XXIII G 82). Indexes of Volumes I-II]

The catalogue represents a step forward in making accessible one of the largest manuscript collections in the holdings of the National Library of the Czech Republic. The Prague Lobkowicz Library, a fideicommissary library of the Lobkowicz secundogeniture, was bought by the Czechoslovak state in 1927.  In the spring of 1928, the Palace Library was handed over to the Public and University Library in Prague (today´s National Library of the Czech Republic). The shelfmarks XXIII were assigned to manuscripts taken over on the basis of the inventory from 1842. Nowadays, the manuscript collection of the Prague Lobkowicz Library includes the total of 871 shelfmarks in 1 165 volumes. It is a really remarkable set of manuscripts in Latin, German, Czech, Italian, French, Croatian, Dutch and Arabic languages, which originated in the period from the 9th to the beginning of the 20th centuries.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2023, first edition, 920 pp., 19 pp. of unnumbered illustrated supplements, price CZK 800
ISBN 978-80-7050-793-3 (paperback edition)


Pavlína Mazáčová
Rozvoj kompetencí učícího knihovníka: výzkumy – kurikulum – gramotnosti [The Development of Competencies of a Teaching Librarian: Research – Curriculum Literacy]

The publication formulates basic pedagogical principles for practical teaching in libraries. It is the first of a series of professional publications that will bring answers to the questions of what competencies a teaching librarian should have and what he/ she should master in his/ her profession in order to be able to help library users solve various situations of everyday life in the 21st century.

National Library of the CR – The Librarianship Institute, Prague 2023, first edition, 91 pp., price CZK 230
ISBN 978-80-7050-783-4 (paperback edition)


Zdeňka Hochmanová, Zlata Houšková and a collective of authors

A Year with Bookstart: Practical scenarios based on book stories

The fifth methodical handbook of the Bookstart programme to support work of libraries with parents and their children. It provides scenarios of activities based on book stories. It contains sixteen scenarios, out of which the first twelve were prepared by staff of Hradec Králové City Library and form a complete set of programmes for one year from spring to autumn. They also provide a very good model to use such a complex approach also to other topics, e.g. animals, plants, fairy-tale heroes, customs etc. Other four scenarios were created by staff of Jiří Mahen Library, Brno, and Sedlčany City Library. They are also intended to be used as a model to help prepare one´s own programme, plan the event, set goals, conditions etc.

National Library of the CR – Librarianship Institute, Prague 2023, first edition, 71 pp.

Not for sale.

ISBN 978-80-7050-795-7 (paperback)

ISBN 978-80-7050-796-4 (online: pdf)


Lukáš Babka

Slovanská knihovna 1924–2024 (Průvodce po dějinách, fondech a službách)

The Slavonic Library, Prague 1924–2024 (A Guide to its History, Funds and Services)

The Slavonic Library in Prague was founded in 1924 by the Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This library was tasked with two main goals: (a) creating the informational foundations for the newly established Institute of Slavonic Studies, and (b) collecting and making accessible documents for the diaspora from the Russian Empire. Many of these refugees, with different nationalities, found refuge in Czechoslovakia after 1918. The Slavonic Library since 1958 has been part of, what is today, the National Library of the Czech Republic. Thanks to the size and composition of its collections, the Slavonic Library is an internationally recognized centre of Slavic studies.

This book provides a detailed description of the history of the Slavonic Library over the last century. It introduces the reader to the libraryʼs collections, how they were created, and gives insights into the most valuable documents in the library. In addition to providing the usual information about those departments dealing with books, journals, and newspapers this monograph also highlights the Slavonic Libraryʼs unique historical, manuscript, and cartographic collections. Information about emigration from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, after 1917 is presented in a separate chapter. This is because on this migration topic the Slavonic Libraryʼs collection is of global importance. In addition, this volume also presents the libraryʼs special collections that include unique archives of documentary, visual, artistic, photographic, and numismatic materials.

Finally, this book provides an overview of the range of services provided by the Slavonic Library with practical information about the libraryʼs operations that will be welcomed by anyone interested in studying and using the Slavonic Libraryʼs services.

This book was published to mark the centenary of the libraryʼs foundation.

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, Prague 2023, first edition, 333 pp., (A Publication of the Slavonic Library; 88). Price: 350 CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-792-6


edited by Olga Leshkova a Rita Lyons Kindlerová
Katalog starých ruských tisků z fondů Slovanské knihovny tištěných azbukou. Díl IV. Knihy (1796–1800), ruská periodika 18. století

[Catalogue of Russian Early Printed Books from the Slavonic Library Collections Printed in the Cyrillic. 4th Volume. Books (1795–1800), Russian Periodicals Produced in the 18th Century]

The fourth (final) volume of the Russian early printed books catalogue is derived from Slavonic Library’s collection of books printed in Cyrillic. Specifically, this volume contains information about books published in Russia in the final years of the 18th century (1796–1800). This period, roughly corresponding to the reign of Tsar Paul I (1796–1801), was very unfavourable for printing, the book trade, and written and literary production. This was due to the introduction of strict censorship and a system of state control over literature. This era culminated in a complete ban on importing books and periodicals into Russia and a prohibition on the operation of private printing houses.

This fourth volume begins with a scientific study of materials from the A.F. Smirdin collection housed in the Slavonic Library, Prague. This introductory study examines problems associated with book printing, the book trade, and publishing in Russia between 1796 and 1800. The study also outlines the legacy of Aleksandr Filippovich Smirdin (1795–1857): a prominent Russian bookseller, publisher, bibliographer and bibliophile.

In addition to a bibliography of 216 titles for the 1796–1800 period, the fourth volume of this catalogue also contains an inventory of Russian periodicals produced in the 18th century that currently form part of the collections of the Slavonic Library (46 titles), visual supplements and a summary index of all four published volumes.

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, Prague 2023, first edition, 549 pp., (Bibliography of the Slavonic Library; 88). Price: 230 CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-784-1


Eliška Šedivá (ed.) et al

Preserve, explore, revive

Czech collections of musical sources and their processing

The present critical catalogue for the virtual exhibition entitled ‘Preserve, explore, revive. Czech collections of musical sources and their processing’ presents a collection of ten studies devoted to musical sources of the 18th-20th centuries and their processing. It introduces the reader to the music documentation and musicological activities carried out at the Music Department of the National Library of the Czech Republic and supported by the institutional project of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic (Long-term concept of the research organization development). The individual studies deal with music collections of the National Library of the Czech Republic, the National Museum - Czech Museum of Music, the Prague Conservatoire's Library, the collections from the churches in Teplice and Litomyšl and the Schwarzenberg Music Collection from Český Krumlov. A treatise on the collection of contemporary correspondence (as another type of nonmusical) material is included. The introduction provides a detailed insight into the typology and cataloguing of musical documents. The following papers summarize completed or ongoing researches in the field of music history and comment on the virtual exhibition, which are mainly examples of sheet music, letters and other iconography. The exhibition is realized in cooperation with the Manuscriptorium Digital Library.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2023, 1st edition

ISBN 978-80-7050-798-8 (online ; pdf)


Petra Vávrová and a collective

Restoration of Treasures of the National Library of the Czech Republic or the Secrets of the Restorer´s Work

The catalogue prepared for the exhibition of the same name summarizes the development, activities and findings in the field of collections care and conservation leading to permanent preservation of our written cultural heritage in good physical condition. Featured are different professions, like a restorer, a conservator, a bookbinder, a microbiologist, a restoration technologist, a climatologist etc., as well as the history of collections care departments. Presented are also examples of specific complex restorer´s interventions including a wide range of restoration procedures, and instruments, tools and special materials used in this work.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2022, first edition, 145 pp. Not for sale.

ISBN 978-80-7050-766-7 (paperback edition) and ISBN 978-80-7050-774-2 (pdf)


Sestavila a úvodní studii napsala Kateřina Kolářová
Československo-jihoslovanská liga (1921–1929) a Československo-jihoslovanská revue (1930–1939). Bibliografie časopisů [Czechoslovak-South Slavic League (1921–1929) and Czechoslovak-South Slavic Review (1930–1939). A Bibliography of Journals]

1st ed.– Prague, 2022 – 354 p. – (Bibliografie Slovanské knihovny; 82) – ISBN 978-80-7050-757-5

The publication, edited by Slavist and Balkanist PhDr. Kateřina Kolářová, DiS., focuses on one chapter of the rich Czechoslovak-South Slavic (Yugoslavian) cultural relations in the interwar period – the publication of the journals Czechoslovak-South Slavic League (1921–1929) and Czechoslovak-South Slavic Revue (1930–1939).

In the first part of the volume the author presents the history of Pan-Slavic societies in interwar Czechoslovakia. It primarily focuses on the Czechoslovak-South Slavic League, which was one of the main promoters of the development and deepening of mutual (chiefly) cultural contacts in Czechoslovakia at the time. Among its miscellaneous activities the publication of the journal Československo-jihoslovanská liga in the 1920s, renamed Československo-jihoslovanská revue in the 1930s, stands out. The book describes the structure of both journals, their thematic content, and the main figures associated with their preparation.

The second part of the book – the bibliography – is introduced by an extensive editorial note. The bibliographies of both journals themselves contain a total of 4,475 entries. The volume also includes a list of identified authorial marks and a name index.

Price: 359 CZK


Prepared for publishing by Renáta Krejčí Salátová
The 20th Anniversary of the Library Act

The publication has been completed on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Act No. 257/2001 Coll. on Libraries and Terms of Operating Public Library and Information Services (the Library Act). It contains several papers, which commemorate the history of the creation of this act, feature wide consequences that resulted from its adoption, and finally, draw attention to the need for possible changes in this legislation. Included is the list of abbreviations and the name index.

National Library of the CR – Librarianship Institute, Prague 2022. First edition, 115 pp., paperback, CZK 250

ISBN 978-80-7050-765-0


Richard Ščerba
Personnel Management in Libraries: A Manual for Personnel Work

The publication mainly features management of the personnel agenda, labour law relations, emloyment relationship, temination of employment, qualification and training of employees, home office, collective bargaining, remuneration for work, personal data protection, a code of ethics, etc.

National Library of the CR – Librarianship Institute, Prague 2022. First edition, 156 pp., CZK 100

ISBN 978-80-7050-772-8

Renáta Modráková – Jan Vojtíšek and coll.
Kniha a závoj: 1100 let od úmrtí kněžny a světice Ludmily [The Book and the Veil: 1100 Years since the Death of Princess and Saint Ludmila]
The main purpose of the title is to present the image of Saint Ludmila in written book culture of the Czech Middle Ages and Modern Era. The work is divided into author´s papers and a subsequent catalogue of originals that were displayed at the exhibition of the same name. The papers reflect the personality of Saint Ludmila in written documents from the earliest manuscripts to the printed production published up to the year 1800 and place her in the overall picture of mediaeval and modern book culture. Individual authors devote themselves to the evaluation of partial topics, which in many cases led to new discoveries and finding further connections. The second part with catalogue includes 51 entries in chronological order, out of which 14 refer to manuscripts and 37 to the printed originals. Each entry is accompanied by pictures, in which you can see the development of visual depiction of Saint Ludmila.
National Library of the CR, Prague 2022, first edition, 271 pp.
ISBN 978-80-7050-768-1


Hana Friedlaenderová, Vít Richter, Jiří Trávníček
Covidočtení: co s naším čtenářstvím udělala pandemie [Covidereading: What the Pandemic Has Done to Our Readership]

The publication is based on a statistical survey organized by the National Library in February 2021. It provides data concerning our behaviour before and during the Covid-19 pandemic and tries to find out which media activities increased the most and which ones, on the other hand, decreased, how our reading habits changed, how we perceived changes in behaviour of our children in consequence of the school closures. The authors put the collected data into a broader context of culture and social changes brought by the pandemic.

National Library of the CR in cooperation with the publishing house Host, Brno–Prague 2022, first edition, 83 pp.
ISBN 978-80-275-1095-5 (Brno, Host), ISBN 978-80-7050-764-3 (Praha, Národní knihovna ČR)


Hana Friedlaenderová, Hana Landová, Pavlína Mazáčová, Irena Prázová, Vít Richter
České děti a mládež jako čtenáři v době pandemie 2021 [Czech Children and Youth as Readers in the Time of the Pandemic 2021]

The publication summarizes the results of the third nationwide representative survey from 2021, organized by the National Library of the CR and focused on the relationship of children and youth to reading books and to libraries, as well as on the evaluation of reading as a leisure activity or as an important condition to successfully master the lectures at primary and secondary schools. Data collection and follow-up discussions as part of the qualitative investigation took place in June 2021, i. e. in time when schools and the whole society began to gradually return to normal after more than a year of extraordinary measures and restrictions. In additin to readership, the research was newly focused on the relationship and evaluation of the field of digital (distance) education, on the way of regulating children´s free time spent on digital devices, as well as on the use of various types of electronic information sources when preparing for school etc.

National Library of the CR in cooperation with the publishing house Host, Brno–Prague 2022, first edition, 189 pp.
ISBN 978-80-275-1378-9 (Brno, Host), ISBN 978-80-7050-775-9 (Praha, Národní knihovna ČR)


Renáta Modráková
Knižní kultura kláštera benediktinek u sv. Jiří na Pražském hradě [Book Culture of the Benedictine Convent of St. George at Prague Castle]
The work maps the book richness of the most important Czech convent of Benedictine nuns. The first part deals with the history of the convent from its establishment in the 970s to its abolishment in the 1780s. Every documented nun of the convent as well as other personalities, who participated in running the convent or cooperated with it are given due attention. The second part describes the composition of the convent library and the circumstances of the origins of manuscripts preserved especially in the collections of the National Library of the CR. The theoretical part is complemented by a catalogue of manuscripts and several printed documents from the former convent library. The publication is currently the only modern comprehensive work treating cultural history of this important mediaeval Czech institution.
National Library of the CR, Prague 2022, first edition, 611 pp., paperback edition, price CZK 520
ISBN 978-80-7050-751-3


Anastasija Kopršivova, Lukaš Babka
Russkaja emigracija v Prage (1918–1945): putevoditel‘ = Ruská emigrace v Praze (1918–1945): průvodce [
Russian Émigrés in Prague (1918–1945). A Guide]

1st ed. – Prague, 2022 – 207 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 87) – ISBN 978-80-7050-741-4

Following the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917 and the subsequent Bolshevik takeover of Russia, thousands of the Russians that had been forced to flee their homes and escape abroad found temporary refuge and often a permanent home in the new state of Czechoslovakia. The publication Russian Émigrés in Prague (1918–1945). A Guide presents in the form of an address directory the colourful public life of the Russian émigré community in Prague in 1918–1945.

Although the Russians were scattered throughout the republic, the book focuses only on Greater Prague, where their concentration was the greatest and where organisations with regional branches mostly had their centres. Other nationalities comprising this refugee wave (Ukrainians, Belarusians) are also omitted, with the exception of the few groups of Caucasian and Siberian peoples, often cooperating with the Russians.

The 168 entries of the directory are divided by their nature (e.g. associations, educational, religious, scientific, sporting and cultural institutions, shops, restaurants, as well as memorial plaques), accompanied by brief descriptions and rich pictorial documentation comprising historical as well contemporary photographs of the places listed, reproductions of stamps, letterheads, logos and other materials of the time. The book also includes a name index, a list of the addresses of the houses photographed, a list of the owners of the visual materials used, and a list of the sources and literature used.

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, Prague 2022, first edition. 207 pp., (A publication of the Slavonic Library; 87). Price: 350,- CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-741-4


Milada Svobodová

Rukopisy palácové knihovny hrabat Czerninů z Chudenic v Praze na Hradčanech dochované ve fondu pražské lobkowiczké knihovny v Národní knihovně České republiky [Manuscripts of the Palace Library of Counts Czernin of Chudenice in Hradčany, Prague, Preserved in the Collections of the Lobkowicz Library in the National Library of the Czech Republic]

Volume I, No. 1–99 (shelfmark XXIII A 9–XXIII D 89)

The first volume of the catalogue represents another step to make accessible one of the largest manuscript collections in the holdings of the National Library of the Czech Republic. A special shelfmark department XXIII was created for the manuscripts that were taken over based on the inventory from 1842. After the loss of two mauscripts in the 1960s, the manuscript collection of Prague Lobkowicz library includes 871 shelfmarks in 1 165 volumes. It is a remarkable set of manuscripts in Latin, German, Czech, Italian, French, Croatian, Dutch and Arabic languages, which originated in the period from the 9th to the beginning of the 20th century.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2022, first edition, 377 pp., Price: 800 CZK.

ISBN 978-80-7050-769-8 (online; pdf)


Zlata Houšková and coll.

Jak opravdu vstoupit s knížkou do života [How To Really Start Life with a Book]

Methodical handbook for libraries to work with parents and their newborn and infant babies

The fourth methodical handbook of the Bookstart Project has been prepared by Z. Houšková from the Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic (SKIP in Czech). The first chapter includes an article by K. Červinková Houšková on the development of a baby from birth through the first year of life in connection with the importance of social communication and reading. The second chapter is dedicated to the target groups of the project, the content and the form of activities for families with babies at an early age; it provides a lot of inspiration from the work of libraries with the mentioned target group. Examples of specific scenarios are presented at the end of the publication.

National Library of the CR – Librarianship Institute, Prague 2022, first edition, 56 pp.,

not for sale

ISBN 978-80-7050-770-4 (paperback) and ISBN 978-80-7050-773-5 (pdf)


Michal Dragoun

The Medieval Library of the Old Town of Prague

The existence of the medieval municipal library of the Old Town of Prague has been known so far thanks to the references made by widow Catherine called Velislav in 1431 and burgher Simon from the House of the White Lion (Šimon od Bílého lva) in 1433, and also thanks to the owner´s notes in several manuscripts kept in the National Library of the CR (NL). The analysis of provenance records of the NL codices made it possible to significantly extend information about the scope of the Old Town Library collections – in addition to owner´s notes its books were marked by a typical shelfmark, and at least one of these provenance marks has been preserved in thirty five manuscripts. Based on the preserved shelfmarks it is possible to estimate the scope of the library collections at least 300 volumes in the time when the selfmarks were assigned to books. The Library of the Old Town of Prague originated most probably in the 1420s and its main source was the book collections of Prague monasteries and convents, and university colleges, which were destroyed or damaged at that time. It apparently disappeared in the last third of the 15th century and its manuscripts were moved back to the libraries of Prague university colleges.

Apart from a detailed analysis of the content of the preserved part of the Library of the Old Town of Prague the book sets its history into the Czech context, in which medieval municipal libraries are undoubtedly further documented in Znojmo and Louny, and it also compares it with the environment in the empire. The book also includes a detailed codicological description of the manuscripts that have been identified so far as part of the collections of the Library of the Old Town of Prague.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2022. First edition, 456 pp., hardcover book, CZK 590

ISBN 978-80-7050-767-4


Petra Vávrová and a collective of authors
The Plastic Age In Bookbinding

Synthetic Materials in the Library Collections

It is a catalogue to the exhibition of the same name, which presents a research project of the NAKI applied research and development programme entitled Synthetic Materials in the Library Collections. The research started with a survey of the National Library´s large collections and was focused on synthetic materials, especially those of lower stability and durability. It provided a suitable platform for research and preservation of books containing synthetic elements, as well as the protection of other materials, books and library staff. Used were above all non-destructive methods of identification of various types of synthetic materials in bookbinding and their degradation processes. The project included development and validation of methodologies and working procedures of conservation and restoration of synthetic materials usable for modern library collections and the cultural heritage made of synthetic materials in general. A rich illustrated supplement includes i. a. specific examples of complex restoration interventions in historical books and presents a wide range of restoration procedures.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2022. First edition, 122 p. Paperback. Not for sale

ISBN 978-80-7050-764-3


Ludmila Šmídová
… paper and lead …

Sheet Music Published in 19th Century Prague and Housed in the Collection at the Music Department of the National Library of the Czech Republic

English version of the publication, which focuses on the sheet music that was printed and published in 19th century Prague and constitutes part of the collection of the Music Department of the National Library of the Czech Republic. It opens up the specific issue of its production with several insights from different viewpoints. The introductory essay briefly introduces the collection of the Music Department of the National Library in which the music in question is housed and its origins. The chapter entitled The Musical Life of 19th Century Prague as Reflected in the Locally Published Sheet Music presents the music repertoire that can be found in the period sheet music in confrontation with the knowledge of music historiography, while the associated text reveals how some educated musicians and culturally aware individuals of the 19th century viewed the composition of the printed repertoire. The other chapters deal with bibliological aspects and endeavour to cast light on the secrets of the used music-printing techniques, which developed rapidly during the period in question based on a wide range of experiments. These chapters will also acquaint the reader with the individuals who created and distributed the local sheet music, i.e. Prague’s book merchants, publishers, engravers, lithographers and printers. The treatises have been supplemented with reproductions of the sheet music and references to specific pieces of printed music, usually presented with more detailed comments in the final section of the publication, i.e. the catalogue of the exhibited sheet music.

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2022, 1st edition, 107 pp. Price CZK 332

ISBN 978-80-7050-763-6

Petra Vávrová and coll.
Tajemství knih: využití zobrazovacích metod pro studium skrytých informací v knihách [The Secret of Books: Use of Imaging Techniques for the Study of Hidden Information in Bookbinding]

The publication is a catalogue of the exhibition of the same name. It summarizes results of the research, carried out for several years as part of the NAKI II National Project and dedicated to safe and non-destructive methods of displaying hidden information in books. The project was based on and inspired by the results of similar research and partly of forensic applications, however, the application of imaging methods to library collections is currently new and has not been elaborated in detail in the Czech Republic and abroad. The publication includes examples of image recordings of hidden elements in bookbinding and book materials, and visualizations of information invisible to the naked eye made with the aid of selected methods, such as radiography, thermography or beta radiography.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2022, first edition, 99 pp., paperback edition. Not for sale.
ISBN 978-80-7050-762-9

Prepared for publication by Alena Císařová Smítková
Kráčel krajem poutník…

Kolektivní monografie k životnímu jubileu PhDr. Jana Sobotky

/A Wanderer Walked Through the Country…

A collective monograph on the occasion of the life anniversary of PhDr. Jan Sobotka/

The publication is dedicated to the analysis of selected map works from the period of the 16th-19th centuries, which are related to the territory of our country. It brings closer the interconnectedness of mathematics and cartography and deals with issues of traveling in the broadest sense. The twelve studies contained in this book look at the topic from different perspectives according to the scientific disciplines of their authors.

While the first chapter called The Maps, Their authors, Content and Accessibility is dedicated to maps in terms of their origin, content, and forms of their accessibility to the wide public, the second chapter entitled Paths of Education and Cognition includes the contributions describing that not only people can travel round the world – such as painter and entomologist Maria Sybilla Merian, who took an expedition to a Dutch colony of Surinam, or a Jesuit missionary from the family of Boryňa of Lhota, who lived and worked on the territory of Bolivia – but also things, thoughts or information. And this is proved, for example, by the mapped journey of three monastic codices or a Spanish early printed book from 1541. The circle closes symbolically and the book ends in style with a guide to Prague from the mid-19th century. The publication is provided with a bibliography, a source list and rich name and local site indexes.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2020, 1st edition, 232 pp., Price CZK 299

ISBN 978-80-7050-728-5 (a paperback edition)


Petra Vávrová

Restoration and Conservation of Library Holdings in New Zealand and Australia

A Summary of Knowledge from the Study Trip and New Possibilities

In the publication, the authoress summarizes her findings and experiences from the business trip to New Zealand and Australia, which she undertook thanks to the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the CR and the project of the development of the National Library of the CR as a research institution. She visited more than fifty cultural institutions, libraries, archives and museums, she met there with restorers and conservators and consulted with them on their approach and way of thinking in saving cultural heritage. At the same time, she introduced them the National Library of the CR, particularly the work of the Division of the Library Collections Preservation. She also established professional contacts in the field of protection and care of library collections, she visited specialized workplaces, she consulted with experts the preparation of collections for digitization, shared her experiences in the field of microfadeometry, deacidification, exhibition of books and paper documents or photographs, materials for restoration etc. Thanks to help from former Czech NL colleagues Libor Coufal and Jan Hutař, who work there in important national institutions, the authoress managed to become acquainted with the life and work of the colleagues in these distant countries. With regard to the fact that she had the opportunity to get acquainted with both national institutions and local libraries and museums, as well as interesting cities and remarkable places, she presents them not only from the point of view of a visitor, but also from the position of an expert in restoration technologies and a person working in a library.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2020, 1st edition, 143 pp. Price CZK 219

ISBN 978-80-7050-736-0 (a paperback edition)


A Library in a Village. Handbook for Mayors and Deputies

This handbook is intended for not only village mayors and deputies, but also architects, planners, interior designers, all staff of cultural and educational institutions, and those who want to get a complex view of libraries in order to develop a close cooperation with them. Since, the libraries can fulfill their role properly only if the village deputies, library staff and community stakeholders create a new vision of public libraries and take advantage of the opportunities that are offered. The premises of the library are also important for fulfilling its role as an educational, cultural and community center. The presented handbook gives a basic set of information and good examples from practice, which can help develop a village library.

National Library – Librarianship Institute, Prague 2020, 1st vydání, 44 pp. Not for sale.

ISBN 978-80-7050-729-2 (a paperback edition) and ISBN 978-80-7050-730-8 (pdf)


The concept of library development in the Czech Republic for the years 2021–2027 with a view to 2030

The Concept formulates the basic vision of the development of the library system within three basic pillars: Libraries as pillars of civil society and natural community centers, Libraries as educational and training institutions and Libraries as administrators of cultural and knowledge wealth. The analytical part includes the PEST analysis, sectoral (internal) analysis, and SWOT analysis, which deal with the field of libraries in terms of the influence of the external environment and internal factors as well as opportunities and risks. The strategic part contains a vision of development until 2027 divided into the above mentioned three pillars, to which theses and strategic goals are assigned. The implementation part consists of implementation measures - activities and sub-projects necessary to meet the objectives.

National Library – Librarianship Institute, Prague 2020, 1st edition, 86 pp. Not for sale.

ISBN 978-80-7050-734-6 (a paperback edition) and ISBN 978-80-7050-735-3 (pdf)


Veronika Laufková et al.
The Bookstart Project and Reading Literacy

A methodical handbook for the work of Libraries with children aged 3-6

The basis of the methodical handbook for the second stage of the Bookstart project is the article by PhDr. Veronika Laufková, Ph.D., from the Institute of Research and Development of Education and the Department of Czech Literature, Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague. The publication also includes scenarios of programs for children aged 3–6 by Markéta Dubnová from the Library of the City of Hradec Králové, Mgr. Hana Hellebrantová, Mgr. Marta Malchárková and Mgr. Pavla Řehová from the Library of the City of Ostrava, and Jana Roškotová from the Municipal Library of Sedlčany. The introduction was written and the publication was compiled by Mgr. Zlata Houšková from the v Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic.

National Library of the CR – Librarianship Institute, Prague 2020, 1st edition, 92 pp. Not for sale.

ISBN 978-80-7050-732-2 (a paperback edition) and ISBN 978-80-7050-733-9 (pdf)


Prepared for publication by Alena Císařová Smítková
With a Book In Hand

A collective monograph on the occasion of the life anniversary of PhDr. Veronika Procházková

The main topic of a collective monograph, which includes a considerable number of eighteen contributions divided into four chaptes, are objects that are very close to the person being honoured. They are books, an integral part of our lives. The books not only co-create our culture, but they also help with education and record our history. The publication aims to present some areas in which books have played and still plays an important role. It is a long-term research task for both historians, medievalists, codicologists, archivists and librarians, as well as specialists in other scientific disciplines, who use a book in the widest sense of meaning in their work. A team of experts from different fields tried to capture a cross-section of all these important areas of book culture over time. The monograph, which includes an illustrated supplement, also provides the evidence of the riches preserved in the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department, headed by the honoured personality for many years.

National Library  of the CR, Prague 2020, 1st edition, 323 pp. Price CZK 349

ISBN 978-80-70-727-8 (a paperback edition)


Arranged by Lucie Havránková and Karel Veverka
Catalogus Collectionis Operum Artis Musicae Ecclesiae Sanctissimae Trinitatis in Koleč

The thematic catalogue is published as the eleventh part of the NL series Catalogus Artis Musicae in Bohemia et Moravia Cultae. It is provided with a foreword that describes history of the musical collection, originally kept in the parish church of the village Koleč in Central Bohemia, and in 1985, purchased for the NL Music Department collections. The publication includes an editorial report, indexes, drawings of filigrees, and an illustrated supplement, which documents that Koleč was an important local centre of culture. The catalogue is intended for both the scholars and the performers and also those interested in learning about regional music collections, as it represents an important document about cultivation of church vocal music in the Czech countryside at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2020, 1st edition, 312 pp. Price CZK 439

ISBN 978-80-70-731-5 (brož.)


Edited by Renáta Salátová
Mi(ni)str knihovnictví [Ma(Mini)ster of Librarianship]

A Collective Monograph on the Life Anniversary of PhDr. Vít Richter

The publication dedicated to the life anniversary of PhDr. Vít Richter – one of the greatest personalities of our contemporary librarianship – has been prepared for almost two years. And as it happens sometimes, fate wanted it to come out at a time that he can consider a certain peak of his work for the National Library of the Czech Republic, with which he has been professionally related for several decades. However, it is necessary to realise that his librarianship carreer was and still is much broader and richer and touches all major subject topics, including, among other, also his work in the Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic (SKIP) and in the Central Library Council of the Czech Republic. This book does not cover the whole professional carreer of the man of honour. If it does, it should have been more voluminous as demonstrated by the list of his works, the number of which amounts to almost 550 titles, presenting the diversity of his professional librarianship interests. Among them the most prominent  are surveys (mostly on readership), library services, policies, strategies and trends in the field of librarianship, and legislation as well. First two parts of contributions, titled Vít Richter a české i slovenské knihovnictví [Vít Richter and Czech and Slovak Librarianship] and Vít Richter a Národní knihovna ČR [Vít Richter and the National Library of the CR], map at least several principal librarianship themes, he is essentially connected with. The part named Od kolegů a přátel [From Colleagues and Friends] presents a few smiling as well as more serious memories of working with him. The book is complemented by archival photographs.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2020, 1st edition, 178 pp., CZK 179

ISBN 978-80-7050-723-0 (paperback)


Library Services To Libraries
Regional Programmes of Regional Functions to Support Libraries

The second revised edition of the handbook introduces support services for municipal libraries, the main goal of which is to enable access to cultural values for every inhabitant of the Czech Republic, to support the development of education, and to improve the cultural and social life of even the smallest municipalities. The main part of the content of the handbook is a methodical instruction to ensure the performance of regional functions of libraries and their coordination in the Czech Republic, issued by the Ministry of Culture of the CR in 2020. Its purpose is to contribute to the unification of the procedure in performing regional functions of libraries and to create favorable conditions for providing support services to basic libraries.

National Library of the CR – Librarianship Institute, Prague 2020, 2nd revised edition, 16 pp. Not for sale (If interested, contact the Librarinship Institute).

ISBN 978-80-7050- 726-1 (a paperback edition)


The Standard for a Good Library

A methodical instruction of the Ministry of Culture of the CR on defining the standard of public library and information services provided by libraries established and/ or operated by municipalities and regions on the territory of the Czech Republic.

It is the fourth revised edition of the methodical instruction of the Ministry of Culture of the CR, which stipulates basic quantitative and qualitative conditions for the provision of library services for libraries registered in the registry of libraries of the Ministry of Culture of the CR. It is based on the general principles of the IFLA / UNESCO Manifesto on Public Libraries and the related IFLA guidelines.

This document also includes an overview of services that should be offered by each library aiming to provide quality services to its users.

National Library of the CR – Librarianship Institute, Prague 2020, 4th revised edition, 12 pp. Not for sale (If interested, contact the Librarinship Institute).

ISBN 978-80-7050- 725-4 (a paperback edition)


Petra Zelenková

Sbírka univerzitních tezí z Národní knihovny ČR [The Collection of University Dispute Theses from the National Library of the CR]

The collection of university dispute theses is one of many treasures of the National Library kept in the Klementinum. It consists of 526 printed sheets, being thus the largest collection of this specific type of Baroque graphic art in the world. The importance of  Prague collection was confirmed in 2011, when it was listed in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register. The publication not only describes the character of this Klementinum collection that includes works of exceptional cultural and historical value but it also clarifies the issue of university dispute theses in general and presents the wide range of painters and engravers, who participated in their production. The catalogue part of the book includes fifty sheets selected with regard to the diversity of topics, which represent about one tenth of the whole collection. The selection thus offers us the insight into the special artistic language of university theses and brings us closer to the world, rather distant in both time and thinking, in which these specific and exclusive graphic sheets had existed for almost two centuries.

The publication also contains a comparative illustrated supplement, an English summary, a bibliography, bibliographic references and the name index.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2020, 1st edition, 154 p. Price CZK 369.

ISBN 978-80-7050-724-7


Tereza Paličková and Zuzana Adamaitis
The Czernin Family Library

The 16th-Century Printed Books of Czernin Provenance in the Collections of the Prague Lobkowicz Library in the National Library of the Czech Republic

The publication is the output of the project called The Czernin Family Library, Its Genesis, History and Composition. We focused our attention mainly on printed books originating in the 16th century, of which we found 233 volumes in the explored part of the collection. Since 1780, the preserved Czernin book collection has been part of the Prague library of the Hořín-Mělník branch of the Lobkowicz family, which was purchased by the Czechoslovak State in 1928 and since then, it is kept in the collections of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department of the National Library of the CR.

The catalogue of printed documents is arranged alphabetically by authors, and each entry consists of two parts. Part one contains bibliographic data, the header gives the name of the author, or the title of the work or its commonly used unified name, if the work is anonymous. To record bibliographic data (transcript of the title sheet and publishing data) we used the method of the most faithful transliteration possible. Transliterated are also the publishing data from the title page or colophon; the data retrieved outside the document are provided in square brackets. The size of the printed book is determined by the number of sheets in the gathering and the height of the volume. Convolutes (basic works and the appended ones) are mentioned in separate records and linked by reference. Part two of the entry includes a brief typographical description that provides the specification of signature marks, the classification of typefaces, and book decoration. The binding description provides information about the material of boards and their cover, and it characterizes their possible adornment. An important part of the description consists of records of provenance and distinctive characters of individual volumes – handwritten notes, printed bookplates (ex-libris), stamps, supralibros. Records also include reference to the basic national bibliography, if the printed book was found in it, and the present shelf mark.

The basic descriptive part of the catalogue is followed by supplements – the indexes of authors, printers, publishers and booksellers, the topographic and typographic index, the commented list of owners, the language index, and the shelf mark concordance of the original Czernin and Lobkowicz shelf marks

National Library of the CR, Prague 2019, 1st edition, 332 pp. Price CZK 289

ISBN 978-80-7050-712-4 (brož.)


ed. Alenka Jensterle-Doležal
Z Lublaně přes Vídeň do Prahy: (Ivan Cankar a jeho současníci)

Iz Ljubljane preko Dunaja v Prago: (Ivan Cankar in njegovi sodobniki)

[From Ljubljana via Vienna to Prague (Ivan Cankar and His Contemporaries) ]

The publication Z Lublaně přes Vídeň do Prahy: (Ivan Cankar a jeho současníci) [From Ljubljana via Vienna to Prague: (Ivan Cankar and His Contemporaries)] is a collective monograph on Ivan Cankar (1876–1918), a canonical author of Slovene literature and culture, also known in the Czech lands and the whole Central European area. It contains seventeen studies whose authors from the Czech, Slovene and Austrian university backgrounds emphasise not only problems of literary science, literary theory and linguistics but also an interdisciplinary view of Cankar’s work. They further indicate new philosophical approaches and reveal cultural issues related to the Central European importance of his work.

The writer and playwright of Slovene origin Ivan Cankar spent many years in Vienna, but he was also closely tied to Prague, where the first translations of his works were published and his plays were staged. The reception of his work in Czech culture was particularly rich in the early 20th century.

The year 2018 was called the Year of Cankar in Slovenian culture; in both the public and scientific spheres, he was paid special attention. One of the outcomes of this initiative is the presented book. This is further proof of the fact that there are few relations between two nations in the Central European space that would be as rich as between the Slovenes and Czechs.

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, Prague 2020, 1st edition, 270 pp., (Publication of the Slavonic Library, vol. 85). Price 150 CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-722-3


Markéta Poživilová

Ideas, Suggestions and Scenarios for Meetings of Parents and the Youngest Readers in Libraries

Bookstart Project

The author has prepared a methodological handbook based on her experiences and suggestions from libraries that have already joined the Bookstart Project. The methodology includes not only a theoretical part concerning the personality development of children under three years, but also instructions and practical demonstrations of already tested programmes for the youngest future readers.

The publication was issued by the National Library of the CR in association with SKIP (Union of Library and Information Professionals), with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the CR.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2019. 1st edition, 72 pp. Paperback. For free

ISBN 978-80-7050-717-9


Published titles

Směrnice IFLA o knihovnických službách osobám s dyslexií

Přepracované a rozšířené vydání

IFLA Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia

Revised and extended version

The publication aims to offer guidance and recommendations to libraries worldwide on developing and implementing library services to persons with dyslexia. These guidelines were completed by an international working group composed of members of two IFLA sections: „Library Services to Persons with Special Needs“ and „Libraries Serving to Persons with Reading Disabilities“. They are intended as a tool for both trained and less experienced library staff who are responsible for serving persons with reading and learning difficulties. They offer ideas and suggestions for library staff as well as practical examples and basic information on dyslexia and persons with this disability.

The publication was issued by the National Library of the CR – the Librarianship Institute, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the CR.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2019, 1st edition. 73 pp. Free of charge

ISBN 978-80-7050-716-2 (printed version)


Published titlesPublished titlesPublished titles

Oksana Pelens´ka

Ukrajina poza Ukrajinoju: encyklopedyčnyj slovnyk mystecʼkoho, kulʼturnoho i hromadsʼkoho žyttja ukrajinsʼkoji emihraciji v mižvojennij Čechoslovaččyni (1919–1939)

[Ukraine Outside Ukraine. An Encyclopaedic Dictionary of the Artistic, Cultural and Social Life of Ukrainian Diaspora in Interwar Czechoslovakia in 1919–1939]

The encyclopaedic dictionary Ukraine Outside Ukraine deals with one of the most interesting aspects of Ukrainian history and Czech-Ukrainian relations – the artistic and cultural activities of Ukrainian émigrés in Czechoslovakia in the interwar period. The core of the book, which includes a total of 342 entries, is formed by texts devoted to the creative work and life of artists, writers, poets, journalists, composers and actors and by texts mapping the activities of Ukrainian emigré artistic, social, publishing and scientific institutions and organisations. Separate entries deal with Ukrainian-Czech and Ukrainian-Slovak cooperation. The book further contains detailed information on which Czech and Slovak institutions contain artistic, literary and archival collections related to Ukrainian diaspora and how these collections were created. The dictionary provides new information for scientists as well as the wider public interested in the research into the phenomenon of Ukrainian émigrés in Czechoslovakia, especially in terms of their artistic and public activities.

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, Prague 2019, 1st edition, 331 pp., (Publication of the Slavonic Library, vol. 82). Price: 220 CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-713-1


Petra Oulíková

The book is intended to introduce readers to a complex construction development of the oldest and largest Jesuit college in Bohemia, which to this day arouses astonishment not only by the area, but also by the segmentation – it includes five courtyards, two churches, several chapels, towers, tiny towers, and college wings.

In a way, it gives the impression of a closed fortress, which is enhanced by the fact that the recently revitalised interiors of the Klementinum, now home to the National Library of the CR, are not accessible to the wide public, with some exceptions. Individual chapters of the book describe not only representative decoration of both interiors and exteriors of the former Jesuit college itself, but also the sacral buildings, i. e. the Church of the Holy Saviour, the Italian Chapel or the Church of St. Clement. The book is provided with a rich photographic documentation – photographs of buildings and their parts, works of art preserved there, ground plans and designs for the construction of the Klementinum, both the implemented and the unimplemented ones. The supplements include descriptions and illustrations of building plans for the Klementinum structures from Czech and European archives and museums as well as a register of contracts with artists and craftsmen. The book also contains a bibliography including the early printed books published until 1800, a list of illustrations, the index of personal and local names, and a summary in English.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2019. First edition, 277 pp. Price CZK 299.

ISBN 978-80-7050-710-0 (bound)


Eliška Šedivá
Catalogus collectionis operum artis musicae comitis Clam-Gallas

A thematic catalog of the Clam-Gallas music collection is the tenth volume of the NL edition Catalogus artis musicae in Bohemia et Moravia cultae. Artis musicae antiquioris catalogorum series. It is one of the largest works of the series, since it contains more than 1 450 pages of text in four volumes. The music collection of the Clam-Gallas family from Prague and Frýdlant ranks among the most extensive castle-chateau music archives in Bohemia. It presents a rich collection of sources documenting domestic aristocratic music culture of the 18th century. It mainly consists of the music archive of the chateau band and wind harmony of Kristián Filip Clam-Gallas, and a private collection of vocal (particularly opera) music of his wife Marie Karolína Josefa. The collection whole includes the total of 1 572 shelf marks and 2 223 indiviual compositions.

The catalog is provided with a comprehensive introduction and an edition report, both translated in English, which present a rich and remarkable history of the origin of the collection. The music collection also offers ideal conditions to research filigrees in music materials, since it contains a large number of dated music.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2018. First edition. Four volumes (1456 pp.). Price 699 CZK.

ISBN 978-80-7050-698-1


Prepared for edition by Jarmila Burešová a Miroslava Sabelová

Rovný přístup. Knihovny a skupiny ohrožené sociálním vyloučením [Equal Access. The Libraries and Groups at Risk of Social Exclusion]

Methodological Guidelines for Libraries to Work with Groups of Users at Risk of Social Exclusion

The development of civil society also includes strengthening the importance of libraries as community centres, as outlined in The Concept of Development of Libraries for 2016-2020 with a View to 2025. It means in practice that libraries should work as natural information, cultural and educational centres for the needs of the community, in which they operate. Their services should be accessible without barriers and to all without discrimination of any kind as to social or economic position, education, age, race, religion or any other disability.

The manual is intended for all kinds of library professionals, primarily for those providing library services and staff in children´s libraries. It provides theoretical survey, offers methodological support, gives instructions how to work with certain groups of users both generally and in particular cases. Thus, it can serve as a tool to develop library´s strategy, or a source of inspiration for the library and its founder to extend library services and improve their quality.

The publication was issued by the National Library of the CR with support of the Ministry of Culture of the CR and in association with SKIP CR (Union of Library and Information Workers of the CR).

National Library of the CR, Prague 2018, 1st edition. 64 pp. Price: free

ISBN 978-80-7050-706-3 (printed version)

ISBN 978-80-7050-709-4 (electronic version)


Zlata Houšková, Veronika Laufková

Jak na projekt S knížkou do života (Bookstart) [How to go about the Bookstart Project]

Methodical Handbook

In 2018, the Union of Library and Information Workers together with 120 libraries in the Czech Republic joined the international Bookstart project with their own pilot version S knížkou do života (Bookstart), which met with great acclaim. This handbook is intended as one of the aids that can help libraries successfully realise the project. It presents a brief but really concise and instructive insight into the issue for both the librarians and families. On several pages it summarizes the basic pedagogical and psychological principles and provides information how to share a book (reading, telling stories) with the youngest children in families (from their birth up to three years). Further, it contains brief instructions and advice what to do and what to avoid, what not to forget, how to work with whom etc. It also includes scenarios of some successful library activities for this age group and experience from library practice.

The publication was issued by the National Library of the CR with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the CR in association with SKIP CR (The Union of Library and Information Workers).

National Library of the CR, Prague 2018, 1st edition, 48 pp. Price: Free.

ISBN 978-80-7050-703-2 (printed version)

ISBN 978-80-7050-708-7 (electronic version)


Jiří Honzík

Toulky ruskou literaturou. Výbor z textů Jiřího Honzíka

[Wandering through the Russian Literature. A Selection of Texts by Jiří Honzík]

The book Toulky ruskou literaturou [Wandering through the Russian Literature] brings a selection of texts on the Russian literature from the pen of a significant Czech Russian Studies expert, literary scholar, translator and poet, doc. Jiří Honzík (1924–2018). It is a cross-section of the author’s professional work, focused on texts that are little known or not easily accessible as well as on those that have not been published yet. Most of previously published texts have been reworked and revised by their author. The larger part of the volume is thematically associated with the issues of the Silver Age of Russian literature, the theme of Honzík’s life, but the author has also selected texts dealing with an earlier period (the work of A. S. Pushkin) as well as more recent (the production of A. I. Solzhenitsyn).

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, Prague 2018, 1st edition, 139 pp., (Publication of the Slavonic Library, vol. 83). Price: 140 CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-702-5


Josef Stepling (1716–1778) v jeho biografiích a bibliografiích [Joseph Stepling in His Biographies and Bibliographies]

Josef Smolka

in cooperation with Jana Vackářová and other staff of the National Library of the CR

The monograph is dedicated to the life and work of a mathematician, physicist, astronomer, and meteorologist, who improved the quality of education in Austria of the time, and especially in the Czech lands, by turning to methods of infinitesimal calculus and necessary experimenting in physics and natural sciences at all. The book is composed of several sections. We can find there two translated biographies of Joseph Stepling, the former written by Stanislav Vydra in Latin, the latter by František Martin Pelcl in German. These essays are accompanied with a well-arranged bibliography of Stepling´s works, a list of persons and a bibliography. The bibliography is arranged chronologically according to the date of publication so that the reader can form a clear idea of who, when and to what extent devoted his work to the life and work of this eminent scientist, hitherto neglected, who spent most of his life in the Klementinum and has there a memorial to recommend his merits, dedicated by Maria Theresa.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2018, first edition, 244 pp., CZK 359

ISBN 978-80-7050-700-1


Conservation and Restoration of Modern Library Holdings

Prepared for publication by Petra Vávrová and Magda Součková

The book presents selected technologies, new materials, and methods to care for modern library holdings, developed within the NAKI Project under the name Průzkum, konzervace a péče o novodobé knihovní fondy – materiály a technologie [Research, Conservation and Care for Modern Library Holdings – Materials and Technologies]. In the National Library of the Czech Republic the term ´Modern Library Holdings´ (here-in-after MLH) determines books originated after 1800; in other libraries the year of origin is shifted for instatnce to 1850 or 1900. With regard to the material, it is a diversified holding. The materials are usually very unstable, susceptible to degradation. Apart from poor-quality paper and cardboard, they also include textile and plastics, respectively plastic materials of different composition. The project included on the one hand creation of methodologies to research physical condition of the MLH using selected instrumental methods (SurveNIR, mikrofadeometr), on the other hand the Technical University in Liberec developed special materials to restore MLH (coating for cloth and glue). The main and key goal of the project was to develop and optimize specific working procedures and modern technologies for conservation and restoration of MLH (procedures of restoration and conservation of both cloth and plastic book bindings). Results of the project, summarised in this publication, should contribute to improve the quality of care for extensive modern library holdings, and thus contribute to their preservation for future generations.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2017, 1st edition, 288 pp., free

ISBN 978-80-7050-696-7


S knížkou do života [Bookstart]

A charming book is aimed to get a positive relationship to books, reading and readership from the earliest years of life. It is intended especially for the youngest children and their parents. It was published in connection with participation of Czech libraries under the auspices of the SKIP CR organization (Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic) in the Bookstart international project, which is successfully running in twenty countries across continents. The title was published by the National Library of the CR in cooperation with SKIP CR.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2017, 1st edition, 24 pp. Free of charge

ISBN 978-80-7050-694-3 (printed version)

ISBN 978-80-7050-695-0 (elektronic version)


„Zakon soprotivleniia raspadu“.  Osobennosti prozy i poezii Varlama Shalamova i ikh vospriiatii v nachale XXI veka. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov

[‘The Law of Decay Resistance’. Special Features of Varlam Schalamovs Prose and Poetry and Their Perception at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Conference Proceedings]

The book publishes the scientific papers presented by the participants in the international conference ‘The Law of Decay Resistance: Special Features of Varlam Shalamov’s Prose and Poetry and Their Perception at the Beginning of the 21st Century’, which was held in Prague on 17–19 September 2013.

In their texts, the authors have revealed new aspects of the life and work of the Russian writer and poet Varlam Tikhonovich Shalamov (1907–1982), dealing with both his prosaic works and the analysis of his poetry. A separate panel was devoted to the issues of the translation of Shalamov’s texts into different world languages and the methodology of their translation. In comparison with other conferences on V. T. Shalamov, these texts emphasised the ethical issues in his work, with attention logically being drawn to Shalamov’s specific poetry.

The book is complemented by twenty previously unpublished poems by Varlam Shalamov newly discovered in the author’s literary estate deposited in the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art in Moscow.

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, Prague – Moscow 2017, 1st edition, 470 pp., (Publication of the Slavonic Library, vol. 81). Price: 160 CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-680-6


Maksim Bahdanovič

Přetržený náhrdelník: výbor z díla

[A Broken Necklace: Selected Works]

The selected works by Maksim Bahdanovič have been published on the occasion of this Belarusian poet. It is the first comprehensive Czech translation of his poems, which significantly contribute to the understanding of the complicated historical fate of Belarusians in the last century.

Maksim Bahdanovič (1891, Minsk – 1917, Yalta) died prematurely, at the age of twenty-five. In his lifetime, he published only one collection of poems, Vianok (A Wreath, Vilnius 1913). In spite of that, he is considered to be one of the founders of modern Belarusian literature. When he was only five years old, he lost his mother; he had a complicated relationship with his father; at the age of seventeen, he became ill with tuberculosis; he was not lucky in love – this made the poetic (but also critical, journalistic, translation and other) work that he left behind all the more remarkable and significant. He influenced all later generations of Belarussian authors and remains the most widely read classic of the Belarusian national revival period.

The collection of Bahdanovič’s poetry has been organized, translated from Belarusian and provided with a commentary by Max Ščur. It has been recast in verse by Jan Frolík. The book has been published in cooperation with the International Civic Belarus Association.

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, Prague 2017, 1st edition, 118 pp., (Publication of the Slavonic Library, vol. 80). Price: 90 CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-692-9


Marcela Strouhalová

Hidden or forbidden? Remarkable history of the books stored in the Reserve Collections of the National Library of the Czech Republic

The book, as its title suggests, deals with history of the Reserve Collections in the National Library of the Czech Republic. Apart from outlining the administrative mechanisms that influenced the acquisition of books for the National Library of the CR, it provides information about selected parts of the Reserve Collections. It also reflects some international aspects of the problem of moving library holdings in the period after World War II. The Part II of the book includes a collected edition of provenance signs of Masonic books that were brought to the territory of the Protectorate during the World War II, and thanks to administrative acts they have found their permanent storage place in the National Library of the CR.

Published in English.

National Library of the Czech Republic a Stiftelsen Arkivet, Prague 2017, 1st edition, 198 s., not for sale

ISBN 978-80-7050-687-5 (Národní knihovna České republiky)

ISBN 978-82-9230-634-5 (Stiftelsen Arkivet)

Jan Sobotka

Lobkowicz Map Collection

The richly illustrated publication presents the wider professional public with a significant part of

little-known Lobkowicz map holdings, kept in the National Library of the Czech Republic in the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department. The collection of an unusually high quality was bought from the property of the Hořín-Mělník branch of the Lobkowicz family by the State in 1928 together with the Prague Lobkowicz Library. It includes many works by prominent cartographers from Rennaissance to the 19th century and also all important provenance areas of the given period. More than a hundred printers and publishers testify to a considerable diversity, taking into account the total of five hundred titles.

In the introductory part of the book, the author deals in detail with the history of the collection, i. e. its origin, way of acquisition of the items, their including in the National Library´s collections, organisation, storage and finally, also the present condition. He also mentions the kind and age of items, their contents, design, place of production and origin. The second part, which will especially please lovers of old maps and plans, includes fifty selected maps and plans and explains the way of their presentation. The particular item is always listed with full title in exact transliteration and, if possible, it is provided with dating, names of the author, engraver and other persons, if any, connected with it (including their life data), scale, type of reproduction technique, size, number, form of storage and shelf mark. Following is a comment on the particular map or plan that gives other period context.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2017. First edition, 133 pp. CZK 229.

ISBN 978-80-7050-682-0


The Standard for Good Library Holdings

A methodological instruction of the Ministry of Culture of the CR defining the standard for acquisition and updating library holdings in libraries established and/or managed by municipalities on the territory of the Czech Republic

The standard defines general principles of acquisition and updating library holdings with respect to functions of the library and its collections, especially: the principles of building the library holdings, types anf forms of documents kept in it, the extent and basic parts of library collections, funding the purchase of items, updating and discarding collection items, assessments of their use, revision of the holdings, legislation and recommendations. For the library and its manager it also serves as an instrument to determine and plan the optimal financial amount for purchase of library items in order to use efficiently the funds from public budgets.

The standard follows the Methodological instruction of the Ministry of Culture to define standard of public library and information services provided by libraries established and/ or managed by municipalities and regions on the territory of the Czech Republic (The PLIS Standard), and the Methodological instruction of the Ministry of Culture to ensure the performance of regional functions of libraries and their coordination on the territory of the CR (The Standard for Performance of Regional Functions). It is based on general principles of international recommendations The Public Library Service, Guidelines for Library Services for Young AdultsGuidelines for Children´s Library Services, issued by the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA).

National Libraray of the CR, Prague 2017, 1st edition, 20 pp., free of charge

ISBN 978-80-7050-689-9 (printed version)

ISBN 978-80-7050-691-2 (electronic version)


Dmitrij Prigov

Můj milý, jdeš-li v létě Ruskem: výbor z díla

[My Dear, If You Are Walking Through Russia in the Summer]

The collection Můj milý, jdeš-li v létě Ruskem [My Dear, If You Are Walking Through Russia in the Summer] is the first book publication of Czech translations of the work of Dmitrii Alexandrovich Prigov (1940–2007), a Russian poet, artist and performer, one of the founders of Moscow Conceptualism, and a classic of the Russian cultural canon at the turn of the 21st century.

The publication of the book has three objectives: 1) to present Prigov’s work in its exceptional genre diversity, from poetry and examples of extensive prose to smaller forms; 2) to attempt to mediate, in the form of a traditional book, the multimedia character of his production – he wrote and recited his texts as a performance, he was a writer and artist in one person, he created objects and installations, he intervened through his works in the public space; 3) to show his work from multiple perspectives – the collection is a result of cooperation between eight translators. This solution, which is editorially demanding, has made it possible for each participant to select from Prigov’s extensive work whatever was the most interesting and topical for him or her.

The book is complemented by three scientific studies on Prigov’s work. Editor of the volume: Tomáš Glanc.

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, Prague 2017, first edition, 328 pp., (Publication of the Slavonic Library, vol. 79). Price 425 CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-685-1


Marija Magidova
Pod znakom katalogov i materialov k… V. N. Tukalevskij i russkaja kniga za rubežom. 1918–1936 gg.

The book Pod znakom katalogov i materialov k…, written by literary scientist and long-time employee of the Slavonic Library in Prague Marie Magidová, is not only a pure bibliography of Vladimir Nikolajevič Tukalevskij (1881–1936), a Russian bibliographer, economist, journalist, expert in book culture, and historian. The author follows his fates in all key places of his life from Poltava and Kiev, through St. Peterburg and Terijoki (today´s Zelenogorsk) to Prague, where he spent the last years of his life. At the same time, it is a kind of a chronicle of Russian book culture of the end of the 19th century and the first third of the 20th century, for which the authoress used the books contained in the unique personal library of V. N. Tukalevskij. Last but not least, the book maps the establishment and first two decades of the existence of the Prague Slavonic Library, the establishment of which in 1924 V. N. Tukalevskij initiated (in the beginning it was called Russian Library). He gave his own extensive collection of books, periodicals, and documents as the basis of its collections and until the end of his life he managed its Russian department.

The book by Marie Magidová is the result of a year-long research of fates of Russian books and their owners – the intellectuals expelled from Russia by the circumstances of the first third of the 20th century. It was published by the Symposium Publishing House in St. Petersburg, thanks to the time-long programme of the scientific cooperation between the Slavonic Library and the St. Petersburg Information and Cultural Centre Russkaja emigracija Published in Russian language, with an extensive illustration supplements.

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, Prague – Saint Petersburg, 2016, 1st edition, 800 pp., (Publication of the Slavonic Library, vol. 79), price: CZK 360

ISBN 978-80-7050-668-4 (National Library of the CR)

ISBN 978-5-89091-484-2 (Symposium Publishing House)


Jindřich Marek – Michal Dragoun
Soupis středověkých latinských rukopisů Národní knihovny ČR. Doplňky ke katalogu Josefa Truhláře
[The List of Medieval Latin Manuscripts in the National Library of the Czech Republic. Supplements to the Catalogue by Josef Truhlář]

Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Latinorum medii aevi qui in Bibliotheca Nationalis olim Universitatis Pragensis asservantur. Additamenta ad catalogum Josephi Truhlář

The catalogue describes medieval Latin manuscripts in the collections of the National Library of the CR, acquired after publishing the Truhlář catalogue and included in shelf mark sections IXV. It deserves a few words to explain. The sections mentioned above represent the very core of the manuscript collection including the Latin manuscripts. The catalogue by Truhlář records almost three thousand codices, their number has increased from its publication in the years 1905-1906 by several hundreds of volumes acquired usually as a gift or by purchase. This catalogue deals only with the medieval manuscripts out of all the new manuscript acquisitions. After publishing the Truhlář catalogue the Latin medieval manuscripts were purchased mostly from antiquarian booksellers. Whereas the extensive manuscript wholes were stored in separate sections, the Latin manuscripts acquired individually were included in sections IXV. Some of the newly acquired manuscripts were recorded in the Plocek catalogue of music codices from 1973. The significant ones were mentioned in literature, including specialised inventories. Other manuscripts were identified only by catalogue cards, either typewritten by Emma Urbánková or handwritten by Zdeněk Uhlíř, or they even had no detailed evidence. Some individual manuscripts were mentioned in essays by Emma Urbánková, some are mentioned in her book about manuscripts and early printed books in the present National Library, or in a paper dedicated to manuscript acquisitions. New manuscript acquisitions were also recorded in a guide to manuscript holdings in the Czech Republic, published recently, available also in English version. From 2004, the records of selected manuscript acquisitions and their digital copies are also available in the Manuscriptorium digital library operated by the National Library of the CR. For the manuscripts provided with a digital copy (35 volumes in total) in Manuscriptorium by October 31, 2015, this fact is mentioned in the catalogue record.

National Library of the CR. First edition. Prague 2016. 696 pp. Price CZK 509.

ISBN 978-80-7050-669-1


Universitas Ferdinandea [Ferdinand University]

The publication was issued on the occasion of the international conference The Klementinum and Jesuit Science, held on November 9-10, 2016. It includes a reproduction of the original of the decree of Emperor Matthias, dated of August 27, 1616, and kept in the National Archive, its translation from Latin, and three essays dealing themes related to Ferdinand University in the Klementinum – the treatise about Matthias privilege itself (Ivana Čornejová), the study about the Jesuit College at St. Kliment (Petr Kroupa), and the essay about eminent personalities who worked at the academy (Petra Oulíková).

National Library of the CR. 1st edition. Prague 2016. 32 pp., CZK 289

ISBN 978-80-7050-673-8


Edited by Renáta Modráková and Tomáš Klimek
Cesta k rozmanitosti aneb Kavárenský povaleč digitálním historikem středověku

Sborník příspěvků k životnímu jubileu PhDr. Zdeňka Uhlíře

[The Path to Variety or the Café Layabout Made the Digital Historian of the Middle Ages

A Collection of Articles Published on the Occasion of the Birthday Anniversary of PhDr. Zdeněk Uhlíř]

The collection of articles was published on the occasion of the birthday anniversary of Zdeněk Uhlíř, a time-long employee of the National Library of the CR, eminent European expert on codices and a pioneer in the development of digital libraries of historical documents. Authors of individual articles focus on three thematic groups, which are identical with the specialisation and interest of the honoured expert, i.e. the manusctipt research, the issue of sermons and writings from the Hussite period, and the questions connected with digitisation of written cultural heritage. The collection includes Uhlíř´s bibliography, allowing to map his research work for decades.

National Library of the CR. First edition. Prague 2016. 222 pp. Price 159 CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-670-7


Jiří Vacek

The Slavonic Library - My Destiny. A Mosaic of Memories

The book can be described in one sentence: an unconventional memoires, the reading of which is a real plesure. Its author Jiří Vacek, a librarian, Slavic scholar and literary historian, internationally respected expert specialised in Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian émigrés, proved to be a gifted storyteller in these memoires. The stream of memories includes, in particular, more than fifty years of his work for the Slavonic Library (today´s division of the National Library of the Czech Republic), one of the most important Slavic libraries in the world, where he has worked since 1964. The author not only commemorates the most significant events in the Slovanka´s history but he also potrays a pleiad of personalities (members of library staff and Slavic researchers and scholars from all over the world), who have come into contact with the library from its foundation in 1924.  The almost novelistic stories – either tragic or humorous – form an artfully created mosaic, which enchants you while reading by its vividness and humanity.

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, Prague 2016, first edition. 176 pp., (A publication of the Slavonic Library, vol. 77). Price 220 CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-671-4


Hana Opleštilová – Lukáš Babka /Foreword by Edward Kasinec

The Lost World of Subcarpathian Rus’ in the Photographs of Rudolf Hůlka (1887–1961)
[Zmizelý svět Podkarpatské Rusi ve fotografiích Rudolfa Hůlky (1887–1961)]
The second edition of the Czech and English publication presents a selection of photographs,very precious from the documentary point of view. The photographs are part of a large collection including almost 4 400 picture items, preserved in the Slavonic Library in Prague. The collection was created by the Czech Ministry official, translator of Ukrainian literature and amateur photographer Rudolf Hůlka in the first third of the 20th century. His aim was to capture not only common but also festive life of the inhabitants of the region. Therefore he documented folk and church architecture, scenes from everyday life, and also work, shopping, transport modes, religious rituals and folk traditions. The photographs of period clothing and folk products (embroidery, tools, utensils, Easter eggs) are of great ethnographic value. Many pictures show natural scenery and various landscape motifs. A small but notable part of the collection includes images of urban and rural Jewish population. The book consists of three parts: an introductory study describing the life and work of Rudolf Hůlka, a picture album including reproductions of nearly 200 photographs mostly from the territory of Subcarpathian Rus´, and also from other geographic areas, visited by Hůlka, and finally a complete catalogue of visual materials related to Subcarpathian Rus´, consisting of 1 451 items.

Since almost 30 000 Czechs lived in Subcarpathian Rus´ in the 1920s and 1930s the publication may be interesting not only for the eyewitnesses of those times but also for their descendants, and for the wide public as well.

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, Prague 2016, second edition. 299 pp., Publication of the Slavonic Library, vol. 78). Price 420 CZK

ISBN 978-80- 7050-667- 7

Marcela Strouhalová
Books Discovered Once Again. The books confiscated after World War II kept in the National Library of the CR
The publication is one of the outputs of the project Books Discovered Once Again that was the first deeper analysis of the content of the Reserve Collections of the National Library of the CR (here-in-after NL CR). The project had several objectives, let us mention at least the processing of twelve thousand books, legal analysis, and historical research of these books. Originally, we started the archival research with the assumption that almost all books kept nowadays in the Reserve Collections, come from the end of World War II. During the selection of books for processing, priority was given to those with provenance signs, either stamps or bookplates (Ex Libris). Study of these signs revealed that the range of original owners is much richer. The research has shown that the total number of volumes in the Reserve Collections does not agree with our original assumption. It turned out that the books came in the former National and University Library from different places in Czechoslovakia, and it was not only within seizure and confiscation of property and assets after WWII but also in following decades.
The publication Books Discovered Once Again presents a brief analysis of mechanisms that influenced the flow of books, particularly in the period immediately after WWII, and thus it lays the foundations for a more detailed research, which would be deeply devoted to this topic. Many questions remained unanswered.  The books in general were accompanied by a great silence, as if they were not cultural objects, despite of the fact that several million books changed their owners in the period after WWII, and state authorities remembered the books in legislation. Right now, we can say that it is almost impossible to get at exact numbers, how many books had actually this fate. Just because it was not individual items but boxes, packages and wagons, which were taken for the units of measurement.
National Library of the CR. First edition. Prague 2016. 144 pp, 36 pages of illustrated supplement. Not for sale.
ISBN 978-80-7050-665-3


Pavla Semerádová – Eliška Šedivá
Catalogus collectionis operum artis musicae de monasterii Siloensis. A Thematic Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Želiv Monastery
A two-part publication includes an inventory of unique sheet music preserved in the collection of the Premonstratensian Monastery in Želiv. The inventory was prepared with the aid of the information system of the Union Catalogue, built in the National Library of the CR, and RISM database. It is another volume published in the editorial series of the National Library of the CR Catalogus Artis Musicae in Bohemia et Moravia Cultae. The catalogue includes an extensive preface and an editorial report, both of them translated into English, which describe the rich and remarkable history of the origin and formation of the collection. The music collection of the Želiv Monastery also provides ideal conditions for watermark research in music material, since it contains a great number of dated music documents.
The Želiv music collection, of which we have fairly comprehensive overview from 1707 to 1858, includes mainly church compositions. The repertoire represents all kinds of sacred music, masses or only parts of the mass Kyrie and Gloria, offertories, litanies, vespers (evening psalms), sequences, hymns. Several dozens of compositions, mostly symphonies, concerts, compositions for wind instruments and partitas that were found on the choir loft in the 1990s, go beyond the homogenous character of the collection.
The collection of church compositions was created thanks to the care of the church choir directors and it covers almost the whole liturgical year. In the period of the heyday of the monastery in the 18th century, we can see a distinctive tendency to secular music represented especially by compositions for wind instruments, various ouvertures and cassations. The preserved sheet music of the Želiv collection illustrates a rich cultural life of the Želiv monastery during the whole year.
The catalogue is provided with a foreign-language preface describing history of the origin of the collection, an editorial report, and indexes. It is intended for not only researchers but also interpretive artists to help them choose a new repertoire or to learn about regional music collections, and finally it serves as a basic reference literature for music libraries all over the world.
National Library of the CR. First edition. Prague 2016. 660 pp. (pars prima A–N; pars secunda O–Z), 6 pages of illustrated supplement. Price 360 CZK
ISBN 978-80-7050-664-6



Authors of texts: Lukáš Babka, Hana Opleštilová, Alexander Mušinka

Rudolf Hůlka: Fotografie Rómov z Podkarpatskej Rusi zo začiatku 20. storočia

[Photographs of Roma from the Subcarpathian Ruthenia from the Beginning of the 20th Century]

The publication presents a set of twelve photographs of the Roma, yet unknown, from the estate of Rudolf Hůlka, which has been preserved in the collections of the Slavonic Library in Prague. It draws upon the book Zmizelý svět Podkarpatské Rusi ve fotografiích Rudolfa Hůly (1887–1961)[The Lost World of the Subcarpathian Ruthenia in Photographs of Rudolf Hůlka (1887–1961)] , published by the National Library of the CR in 2014. Portraits of the Roma by the Czech official, translator, and amateur photographer are exceptional not only by its high artistic and documentary value but also thematic focus. Unlike other authors, who primarily documented the life of the settled Roma and their colonies, Hůlka focused on the nomadic Roma. The published photographs document, at least partially, material and marginally also social culture of the Roma in the period between the world wars. Thanks to them we can see differencies in clothing between the settled and nomadic Roma, their way of living, jewels of young girls, or we can learn about the composition and number of the Roma groups.

National Library of the CR, Prague, Krajské centrum pre rómske otázky, Prešov 2015, first edition. 23 pp. Not for sale (on request only).

ISBN 978-80-7050-648-6 (Národní knihovna ČR, Praha)

ISBN 978-80-971932-8-7 (Krajské centrum pre rómske otázky, Prešov)


Marie Balíková, Miroslav Kunt, Jana Šubová, Naděžda Andrejčíková

Facilitating acces to cultural heritage content in Czechia: INTERMI project

The publication  informs about the results of the project Interoperability in memory institutions (INTERMI) DF1P01OVV023 -  Applied research and development of national and cultural identity Programme” (in short, “NAKI”) funded by Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

Collections of memory institutions compose the heart of national cultural, industrial and natural heritage. The aim of project INTERPI is creation of a joint ontology and a conceptual model of knowledge useful for all memory institutions and enriched with necessary semantic information enabling even a machine processing of data. The project also brings a new paradigm of data processing based on object-oriented approach, which is focused on processing of entities (classes) and complex relations among them, and the aim of which is semantic interoperability.

The publication brings a teoretic  base of the  project and also information of results and means to their accomplishment.

National Library of the CR. Prague 2015, 1st edition, 77 pp.

ISBN 978-80-7050-659-2

The Depiction of Biblical Stories in Renaissance Manuscripts [Biblické příběhy na renesančních iluminacích] (Exhibition booklet)

Music manuscripts, hymn books and graduals, kept in the collections of the National Library of the CR, include illuminations that are characteristic of a countless number of iconographic motifs, which themselves represent a sampler of biblical iconography.  Art form of these hymnals illustrates the diversity of rich decoration that constitutes a specific area of Renaissance art in the historical Lands of the Czech Crown. Handwritten and hand-decorated graduals are really unique in the context of Central European Art, however in Bohemia the illuminated song books became a strong artistic and social expression of the period.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2015. Not for sale.

ISBN 978-80-7050-656-1


The Klementinum Tales [Klementinské pověsti]

Eva Novotná

Stories about the Klementinum, which have the character of short tales. A cute book brings both true and fanciful stories not only about the arrival of Jesuits at Prague and their Klementinum island, the establishment of the Klementinum library, or the Klementinum treasure, but it also features significant personalities associated with the Klementinum, like W. A. Mozart and his visit at the Klementinum, J. Kepler and the Italian Chapel, Edmund Campion, the founder of Baroque theatre performances in the Klementinum, or about the fountain sculpture Terezka on Marian Square.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2015, 2nd updated edition, 19 pp. Price 20 CZK.

ISBN 978-80-7050-651-6


Standard pro dobrou knihovnu

Metodický pokyn Ministerstva kultury k vymezení standardu veřejných knihovnických a informačních služeb poskytovaných knihovnami zřizovanými a/nebo provozovanými obcemi a kraji na území České republiky

[The Standard for a Good Library. The Methodological Guidelines of the Ministry of Culture for the Definition of the Standard of Public Library and Information Services Provided by Libraries Founded and/or Run by the Municipalities and Regions in the Czech Republic]

These methodological guidelines, which determine the basic quantitative and qualitative conditions for the provision of library services for libraries entered in the register of libraries kept by the Ministry of Culture of the CR, proceed from the general principles of the IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto and the related IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines from 2010.

National Library of the CR – Librarianship Institute, Prague 2013, 3nd edition, 11 pages, not for sale.

ISBN 978-80-7050-652-3


Jan Hus: The Problem to Accept Freedom

Zdeněk Uhlíř

The National Library of the Czech Republic commemorates the 600th anniversary of Jan Hus´s death  with a publication that deals with both Hus´s evolution of ideas and ideological conflicts in the Czech lands. It also demonstrates the multiplicity of different interpretations of Hus´s life and work and leads to knowledge that Jan Hus is neither a person locked in the past, nor a character from reading book stories, but an epochal figure living even nowadays, since he encourages to ever new views and interpretations. The author maps Hus´s influence and related conflicts on the background of the way of active faith promoted by him, which was important for emancipation of the lay element in the medieval church, and its counterpart represented by subjective freedom of action, crucial for liberalisation and democratisation of the society of that time. He also considers the fact that although Jan Hus is a world famous personality of Czech history, he is not taken unambiguously in the wide historical context.  On the one hand, most of Hus´s researchers and great part of Evangelicals consider him a model example of a free thinking man, on the other hand, we cannot omit the opinion of many socialists of different streams and Anglo-Saxon classical liberals and libertarians, who consider Jan Hus a typical clerical, or even an instigator of anticivilization movement and an advocate of destruction.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2015. First edition, 88 p. Price 95 CZK.

ISBN 978-80-7050-649-3

On the Thorny Paths of Life and Creation

Proceedings of the symposium held on the occasion of the life anniversary of František Kautman (Praha, January 25, 2012, National Library of the Czech Republic)

Arranged by Miluša Bubeníková and Radka Hříbková

Proceedings of the symposium dedicated to the life anniversary of PhDr. František Kautman, a significant Czech  literary scholar and writer, which was organised by the  Dostoevsky Society in Prague in association with the Slavonic Library in January 2012. Papers were presented at the symposium by people, who shared professional interests with the honoree at various stages of his colourful and complex life, mainly by literary scholars and his former colleagues from the Academy of Sciences. Papers were also given by Kautman’s dissident companions and a guest from abroad dealing with the work of F. M. Dostoevsky. Apart from the texts presented at the symposium, the proceedings include an article dedicated to Kautman´s works dealing with the legacy of writer Egon Hostovský, an essay on the Club of Liberated Samizdat as well as two extensive Kautman´s works treating key authors of his life – F. M. Dostoevsky and Franz Kafka. The publication also contains a name index, a list of Kautman´s works published for the first time, and bibliography of works on František Kautman.

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library. 1st edition. Prague 2015. 264 pp. (Publication of the Slavonic Library; 75). Price 195 CZK.

ISBN 978-80-7050-645-5


Reconstruction of the Klementinum between World Wars
The Klementinum Gallery Exhibition Hall, March 18 - May 10, 2015

A booklet published on the occasion of the exhibition organised by the National Library of the Czech Republic. The exposition features mostly archival documents and period photographs that document the building conversion and adaptation of the Baroque Klementinum area to suit the then needs of research libraries. The reconstruction took place between 1924 and 1951 in four stages, during which not only construction adaptations were made but also all interior equipment including technical and telecommunication installations were developed.The core of the reconstruction for the needs of university libraries was in first two stages from 1924 to 1929. In the 1930s, the individual wings were adapted for the Library of the Czech Technical College and the Slavonic Library. Restored was also the Mirror Chapel, adapted for exhibition purposes. The author of the extensive reconstruction and completion of the area was architect Ladislav Machoň. Results of the reconstruction in the course of time were documented, among others, by the photographic studio of Jaroslav Bruner-Dvořák. Individual stages and construction solutions are presented thanks to rich materials from the Archive of the National Library of the CR.

The display features three planes of the reconstruction, genius loci of the Klementinum, space and its adaptation by the architect, and the eye of the photographer, who documented the changes, all of them making an interesting view of recent history of the complex that is one of the most characteristic parts of Baroque Prague. It is especially interesting at present, when further adaptations are made as part of the ongoing revitalization of the whole Klementinum area.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2015, first edition. Not for sale.

ISBN 978-80-7050-647-9


Česká Alexandrovka: vzpomínky na život české vystěhovalecké komunity na Rusi / Bohuslav Andrš
Ceska Alexandrovka: Reminiscences about Life in the Czech Emigrant Community in Russia
/ Bohuslav Andrš

The memoirs deal with an interesting, yet quite neglected part of history of the Czech emigrants in Ukraine and Russia. The author (born 1926), a native of the village Ceska Alexandrovka in the Odessa region, depicts the history of Czech evangelical emigrants after the White Mountain Battle. However, his main concern is history of his native village founded in the end of the 19th century. He records bitter lives of its inhabitants during the first half of the 20th century by recalling repressions of the 1920s and 1930s and during the WWII. He also writes about the repatriation of some Czechs from Alexandrovka after 1945 and describes their fates – including his own – in the new homeland (Czechoslovakia). The appendix containing picture materials adds rich documentary value.

The book of a really unique focus, is published in the second, up-dated and extended edition. It sure will find its readers again both among researchers and the wide public.

National Library of the CR -  Slavonic Library. Prague 2015, second adapted and complemented edition, 269 pp., ill. supplement 20 pages, (Publication of the Slavonic Library; 76), Price 200 Kč.

ISBN 978-80-7050-644-8



Průvodce po Souborném hudebním katalogu Národní knihovny ČR

[Guide to the Union Music Catalogue of the National Library of the CR]

Arranged by Marc Niubo

The publication was issued on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of continuous work of the Union Music Catalogue, executed by the Music Department, National Library of the CR.  This inventory fullfils the function of the central register of musical heritage, preserved in collections and holdings of libraries, museums, archives, and ecclesiastical institutions on the territory of the Czech Republic. It is a rich musical documentary database that provides detailed information on direct manuscript and printed musical sources. In the period when musical sources not yet catalogued are passed in the RISM electronic database, it provides information about the history of this inventory, unique in the world, and represents a well-arranged guide to a classical card catalogue. The publication containes an annotated list of all the music collections, catalogued within its framework up to 2013. It is intended for the professional public, especially libraries, museums, archives and other institutions, having historical music collections in its holdings.

National Library of the CR. First edition. Prague 2014. Edition of 250 copies. 64 p., price 150 Kč.

ISBN 978-80-7050-642-4


Hana Opleštilová – Lukáš Babka. Foreword by Edward Kasinec
Zmizelý svět Podkarpatské Rusi ve fotografiích Rudolfa Hůlky (1887–1961)

[The Lost World of Subcarpathian Rus’ in the Photographs of Rudolf Hůlka (1887–1961)]

The Czech and English publication presents a selection of photographs, very precious from the documentary point of view. The photographs are part of a large collection including almost 4 400 picture items, which was created by the Czech Ministry official, translator of Ukrainian literature and amateur photographer Rudolf Hůlka in the first third of the 20th century. In his photographic work we have preserved a very diverse mix of visual materials that provide unique evidence of life in Czechoslovakia and some other parts of Europe and North Africa between World War I and World War II.  Especially in relation to history, culture and ethnography of the historical territory of Subcarpathian Rus´, one of the four autonomous lands of Czechoslovakia between 1919 and 1939, the Hůlka´s collection administered  by the Prague Slavonic Library, significantly extends the sources of visual documents known for the present. The photographs represent an ethnographic material, unique for researchers, which records the beauty of nature, the changes of landscape due to human activity, diversity of human activities and traditions, period clothing and folk products, scenic beauty but also hardness of everyday struggle for bare livelihood in Carpathian villages, at secluded houses, and in towns. A small but notable part of the collection consists of images of urban and rural Jewish population.

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, Prague 2014, 1st edition, 291 pp., price 420 Kč. (Publications of the Slavonic Library, No. 74)

ISBN 978-80-7050-630-1

Služby knihoven knihovnám. Krajské programy regionálních funkcí na podporu knihoven

[Services from Libraries to Libraries. Regional Programmes of Regional Functions to Support Libraries]

Regional and other libraries authorized by them provide the libraries in particular region with many services  summarized as regional functions of libraries. Their main task is to make the cultural values accessible to every resident of the Czech Republic, to support the development of education and  improve the quality of cultural and social life in even the smallest villages. These services are free of charge for the library, expenses for their provision from the part of regional and other authorized libraries are funded from the budget of the particular region.

In 2012, the National Library of the CR issued the publication The Standard for a Good Library intended for the library founders.  The document includes an overview of services that should be offered by every library aiming to provide quality services to its users. The handbook presented now introduces support services for local libraries, which help achieve the recommended standard.

National Library of the CR – Librarianship Institute, Prague 2014, 1st edition, 14 pages, not for sale

ISBN 978-80-7050-635-6 (printed version)

ISBN 978-80-7050-638-7 (electronic version)


Edited by Františka Sokolová
Catalogue of Russian Early Printed Books from the Slavonic Library Collections Printed in the Cyrillic. 3rd Volume: 1788–1795

The third volume of the catalogue of Russian early printed books in the collections of the Slavonic Library printed in Cyrillic comprises titles published in the period of radical historical, political and cultural changes – during the French Revolution. Like the first two volumes of the series, also this one draws mainly on the library of Alexander F. Smirdin, a bookseller and publisher from St Petersburg, which is part of the collections of the Slavonic Library. The bibliography contains records of 491 titles issued in 1788–1795. The volume includes 13 visual supplements, an index, references and a list of abbreviations.

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2014, 1st edition, 404 pp., (Bibliography of the Slavonic Library No. 81), price: CZK 150

ISBN 978-80-7050-632-5


Translated by Jiří Turek
Verses on Bohemia / Marina Tsvetaeva
A parallel Russian-Czech edition of the verses of Marina Tsvetaeva (1892–1941), a poet with a moving life story. The verses written in Paris in 1938–1939 draw from the author’s life and memories of Czechoslovakia, where she lived in 1922–1925. The introduction was written by Prof. Vladimír Svatoň. The small book is intended for the broad public. The bilingual edition makes it possible to compare the form of the original verse with the quality of the Czech translation. It is the very first complete edition of this poetic cycle in Czech.

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2014, 1st edition, 95 pp., (Publication of the Slavonic Library No. 73), price: CZK 130

ISBN 978-80-7050-631-8


Standard pro dobrou knihovnu. Metodický pokyn Ministerstva kultury k vymezení standardu veřejných knihovnických a informačních služeb poskytovaných knihovnami zřizovanými a/nebo provozovanými obcemi a kraji na území České republiky

[The Standard for a Good Library. The Methodological Guidelines of the Ministry of Culture for the Definition of the Standard of Public Library and Information Services Provided by Libraries Founded and/or Run by the Municipalities and Regions in the Czech Republic]

These methodological guidelines, which determine the basic quantitative and qualitative conditions for the provision of library services for libraries entered in the register of libraries kept by the Ministry of Culture of the CR, proceed from the general principles of the IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto and the related IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines from 2010.

National Library of the CR – Librarianship Institute, Prague 2013, 2nd edition, 11 pages, not for sale.

ISBN 978-80-7050-628-8


Arranged by Eliška Bastlová





A music collection in the Kinsky Library, managed by the Library of the National Museum (CZ-Pn), was first studied in detail in 2010. It contains more than one thousand items of musical documents from the end of the 18th century and the first half of the 19th century, either grouped into voluminous bound convolutes or lying loosely in folders or separate sheets. The collection apparently originated by gathering several private music collections of members of the princely family of Kinsky. Thanks to numerous ownership signatures and several original lists of music, it was possible to partly reconstruct the original form of the individual collection wholes and to estimate their development and the quantity of the extant material in comparison with the original state. The thematic catalogue of the music collection from the Kinsky Library, as presented here, includes music manuscripts and printed music with pictorial supplements, it is complemented with a total of eight indices and provided with a foreword in Czech and English. Publishing of the title was financially supported by Nadace Českého hudebního fondu (the Foundation of the Czech Music Fund).

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2013, 1st edition, 384 pp., price 290 Kč

ISBN 978-80-7050-626-4

Michaela Freemanová


Pars prima: BOHEMIA et MORAVIA I; Pars secunda: MORAVIA II



A two-part catalogue builds up on the previous work Collectio fratrum misericordiae Kukussiensis written by the same author and summarizes the research on all other music collections of the Brothers Hospitalers of St. John of God preserved in the Czech lands.

The sources are unique: Apart from the Wroclaw collection and two minor ones coming from the convents of the Brothers Hospitallers at Graz and Vienna, these sources seem to be the only ones preserved on the territory of former Austria-Hungary. However, most Czech and Moravian music collections of this order, coming from the convents in Bohemia (Prague, Nové Město nad Metují, Kuks), Moravia (Valtice, Prostějov, Brno, Letovice, Vizovice) and Silesia (Těšín) are incomplete, except for the collection of Kuks. To build their catalogue and assess their historical value was one of the most difficult and most interesting tasks for a music historian. The book was published thanks to the support of the Grant Agency of the CR and Geoffrey Piper (MusicEnterprise, Luxembourg).

National Library of the CR, Prague 2013, 1st edition, 2 volumes, 828 pp., price 360 Kč

ISBN 978-80-7050-613-4


Edited by Kamil Boldan and Jindřich Marek

Libri catenati Egrenses [Chained Books of Cheb]

The Books and Library of the Franciscans of Cheb (Eger) in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Era

Without attempts to be exhaustive and complete, the authors of eleven essays contained in the book deal with different aspects of the library of the Franciscan Monastery at Cheb, where a considerable part of a late medieval originally chained library of bookpress type has been preserved.  Its furniture has not survived, only the books called „libri catenati“, chained books have been preserved. The book collection was bought by the National Library of the CR in 2008. Most volumes from the 15th and 16th centuries bear marks of being chained, some of them even have full chaines uniquely preserved. The collection includes eleven thousand volumes from the period between the 1430s and the 1940s.  The essays highlight only particular manuscript texts or their sets, illuminations and early graphic works significant in terms of art history, they describe the activities of monasterial bookbinding workshop or the library collections development, storage and cataloguing in the Modern Era. Other studies deal with the reconstruction of late medieval private libraries that were integrated into the Cheb library collections and the Cheb chained books.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2013, 1st edition, 360 pp., price 360 Kč

ISBN 978-80-7050-618-9


Edited by Christie Koontz and Barbara Gubbin

IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines

New guidelines for work of public libraries in the beginning of the 21st century, which resulted from the work of the Standing Committee for Public Libraries. They are framed to provide assistance to library and information professionals in most situations. They assist to better develop effective services, relevant collections, and accessible formats within the context and requirements of the local community. In this exciting and complex information world it is important for professionals in search of knowledge, information and creative experience to succeed, and for every public library to be a dynamic and primary publicly accessible place able to react actively on ever changing information needs. For greater usability in our environment the Czech version, permitted for publishing by IFLA, is complemented by texts of library laws of the Czech and Slovak Republics and by national versions of public library standards.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2012, 1st edition, 204 pages, CZK 50.

ISBN 978-80-7050-612-7


Completed for publishing by Zuzana Adamaitis and Tereza Paličková

Manu propria…

A collection of articles to honor the life anniversary of  PhDr. Alena Richterová, CSc.

Altogether nineteen authors contributed to the collection published in honor of PhDr. Alena Richterová, CSc., fromv the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department of the National Library of the CR. It was published to express gratitude for her contribution to scientific research, education in library science and training of newly-qualified librarians and bibliographers. The articles are on different topics, from mapping the importance of manuscripts in historical library collections through remarkable documnets found in libraries, to literary history, interesting themes from historiography or problems of library science. There are also personal memories of the years of study and beginnings of scientific work of the honoree.

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2012, 288 pages, Price CZK 150.

ISBN 978-80-7050-614-1

Mikuláš, Jiří
Vinzenz Maschek: String Quartets

The total of five string quartets by Vinzenz Maschek (1755–1831), published in the edition  Fontes musicae, are based on period transcripts from the collection of the Strachota family, kept in the Music Department of the National Library of the CR. The title can be used for the interpretation purposes by musicians, for study by researchers, and to usefully complement the collections of music libraries in the Czech Republic. The introductory essay and other texts are in Czech and English.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2012, 1st edition, price CZK 210.

ISBN 978-80-7050-601-1
ISMN 979-0-9004025-0-9

Milada Svobodová

Manuscripts from the Collections of Tomáš Antonín Putzlacher, Michael Schuster and Other Lowborn Bibliophiles in the Holdings of the Prague Lobkowicz Library in the National Library of the Czech Republic

The Prague library of the Hořín and Mělník branch of the Lobkowicz family of Roudnice belongs among the most significant Central European aristocratic libraries of the collector type. Since its establishment at the end of the 18th century, it had been purposefully enriched by purchase from the legacies of outstanding bibliophiles. The Prague Lobkowicz Library came to the National Library in 1928, when the State bought it. Its most precious part, a collection of manuscripts originated from the 9th to the 19th centuries, has not been yet adequately accessible to the professional public. The presented catalogue of manuscripts includes only one fifth of the whole holdings, i.e. the manuscripts coming from the libraries of lowborn bibliophiles.  Originators of two greatest collections, Tomáš Antonín Putzlacher (1796), a lawyer and university syndic, and Michael Schuster (1834), a professor and Dean of the Faculty of Law, were professionally connected with Prague University. Lesser are the collections gathered e.g. by Emanuel Ferdinandi (1815?), an official of the Gubernatorial Accounts Department, whose famous collection was completely dispersed, or by Leopold Jan Šeršník (1814), a former adjunct of the University Library who, after departure from Prague, build another library in Těšín, Silesia, and by many others.
The publication in two volumes includes brief bibliographies of the owners of manuscripts, the history and characteristics of their collections and detailed descriptions of mediaeval and early modern manuscripts. It is completed with comprehensive indexes and illustrated supplements.

The National Library of the CR, Prague 2012. First edition, 2 vols., 682 pp. Price CZK 330.

ISBN 978-80-7050-597-7

Completed by Lukáš Babka and Igor Zolotarev

The Russian Action in Czechoslovakia: History, Significance, Heritage (to mark the 90th anniversary of the launch)

Proceedings presented at the international conference The Russian Action in Czechoslovakia: History, Significance, Heritage (the 90th anniversary of the launch) that was held at the Klementinum on October 4-5, 2011. The papers, published in Russian and accompanied by summaries in Czech, analyse the course, significance and heritage of the Czechoslovak governmental project called The Russian Action. They are also focused on the personalities who, thanks to the financial support by the Czechoslovak government, achieved worldwide renown.

The book was jointly published by the National Library of the CR – the Slavonic Library and the Russian Tradition civic association. It is intended to the general public specialised in the questions of the Russian emigration of the 20th century.

The National Library of the CR – The Slavonic Library and The Russian Tradition civic association, Prague 2012. First edition, 359 pp. (Publication of the Slavonic Library No. 71). Price CZK 380.

ISBN 978-80-7050-609-7 (The National Library of the CR. Prague)

ISBN 978-80-905145-1-5 (The Russian Tradition. Prague)

Completed by Blanka Szunyogová

The List of Sources for History of the Peoples of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus up to 1945 from the Archives of the Czech Republic (Volume VII: The Archives of the South Moravian Region)

The seventh part of the list of archival materials on the history of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus up to 1945 is dedicated to documents preserved in the archives of the former South Moravian Region (under the current territorial and administrative organization the South Moravian Region, the Zlín Region and the Region of Vysočina), i.e. archival documents kept in the Moravian Land Archive in Brno and state district archives that are at present the internal organizational units of state regional archives, in the Archives of the City of Brno and in enterprise archives.

Documents for the publication are completed by the Department of archival administration and records management of the Ministry of Interior of the CR in cooperation with the National Library of the CR – the Slavonic Library. The publication is helpful in the sudy of Czech and Russian, Czech and Ukrainian and Czech and Belorusian relations.

The National Library of the CR – The Slavonic Library, Prague 2012. First edition, 341 pp. (Bibliography of the Slavonic Library No. 78). Price CZK 135.

ISBN 978-80-7050-608-0


Bibliography of Zdenka Bergrová 2005–2011

A supplement to the bibliography of Zdenka Bergerová, one of the most outstanding figures of the Czech translation community in the field of Russian literary science and a poet. The bibliography was published in 2005 under the title Úlety a troufalá falza Zdenky Bergrové. Bibliografie 1945–2005 /Crazy Works  and Bold Forgeries of Zdenka Bergrová. Bibliography 1945-2005/.  Chronologically it complets the issued collected works of the author and provides a survey of her activities up to 2008, subsequently it presents printed works and inheritance editions.  Included in the supplement to the bibliography are also articles about the work of Zdenka Bergrová and references to her in encyclopaedias.

Arranged by Hana Opleštilová, who completed the edition with an editorial note.

The National Library of the CR – the Slavonic Library, Prague 2012. First edition, 35 pp. (Bibliography of the Slavonic Library, vol. 79).

ISBN 978-80-7050-607-3

Petra Oulíková
The Klementinum. A Guide

A reimpression of the title published in 2006 which maps the key stages of the construction of the Klementinum and can also serve as a knowledgeable quidebook to the entire conglomerate of the largest Baroque complex in Central Europe. Apart from the famous places like the Baroque Library Hall, the Mirror Chapel, or the Astronomical Tower, it also introduces other unique places, inaccessible to the public until recently. The publication is complemented with extensive illustrated and photographic documentation and indexes.

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2011, reimpression of the first edition from 2006, 76 pp. Price CZK 80

ISBN 978-80-7050-492-5

Naše nebo cizí. Písemná kultura na Balkáně a střední Evropa ve středověku / Ours or Alien. Written Culture in the Balkans and Central Europe in the Middle Ages

A Czech and English publication was issued within the EMBARK International Project (Enhance Manuscriptorium through Balkan Recovered Knowledge) and on the occasion of an exhibition of the same name. The exhibition is held in the National Library of the Czech Republic from April 18 to May 31, 2012. It includes essays of the partners of the project from Bulgaria, Czechia and Serbia, focused on manuscripts, early printed books and other historical written materials from the Balkan-Slavic area. Their main theme is the relation among cultures in Central Europe and in the Balkans in the Middle Agens. It is a color publication printed on coated paper. It includes a CD with texts and pictures.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2012. First edition, 98 pp. + CD, free (while stock lasts)

ISBN 978-80-7050-606-6

completed by Anastázia Lukáčová
Ukrajins‘ka Povstans‘ka Armìja ìnakše (v lìteraturì, mystectvì, kul’turì) / Ukrajinská povstalecká armáda jinak (v literatuře, umění a kultuře)

[Ukrainian Insurgent Army Differently (in literature, arts and culture)]

Proceedings from the international conference of the same name, organised by the Slavonic Library and the Ruta Civic Association in the Klementinum in October 21 – 22, 2010. The included essays do not deal with a military-political significance of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army but they analyze manifestations of this historical phenomenon in the area of culture, visual arts, written word, architecture, music etc. The book contains seventeen contributions in Ukrainian language.

National Library of the CR– Slavonic Library, Prague 2011, First edition, 212 pp., (a publication of the Slavonic Library , vol. 69). Price 120 Kc.

ISBN 978-80-7050-602-8

completed by Alenka Jensterle-Doležalová
Vzájemným pohledem. Česko-slovinské a slovinsko-české styky ve 20. století / V očeh drugega. Češko-slovenski in slovensko-češki stiki v 20. stoletju

[In Mutual Perspective. Czech – Slovenian and Slovenian-Czech Relations in the 20th Century ]

Procedings from the international conference of the same name held in the Klementinum in November 4 – 5, 2010. Specialized texts of twenty-three authors, written in Czech or Slovenian, describe mutual relations between Czechs and Slovenes, mainly in the area of history, culture, literary science, linguistics, mutual translations, and receiving individual authors. The book was published thanks to the financial support of the Public Agency for Book of the Republic of Slovenia (JAK).

National Library of the CR– Slavonic Library, Prague 2011, First edition, 315 pp., (a publication of the Slavonic Library, vol. 68). Price 160 Kc.

ISBN 978-80-7050-604-2

Jiří Trávníček
Čtenáři a internauti. Obyvatelé České republiky a jejich vztah ke čtení (2010)
[Readers and Internauts. Residents of the Czech Republic and Their Relation to Reading (2010)]

The book presents results of the second representative research of readers and reading in the Czech Republic. It is not only a summary of statistical data including how much and what we read, how many books we buy, how often we go to libraries, where we most frequently get information about books, what has the greatest influence on our relationship to books, what magazines we read etc. The data also show the composition of Czech readers, i.e. who reads most and who least, where to find barriers and where the strenghts of Czech reading culture. Reading is also viewed in the context of other activities, such as media, business and leisure activities. Reading fiction and reading in digital environment are specific themes of the second research. The book also includes chapters about when, where and why the fiction was born and how reading changes or not under pressure of new technologies. Presented is also a comparison with reading culture in other countries.

In association with the National Libary of the CR published by vydavatelství Host

[the Host Publishing], Brno 2011. First edition, 190 pp. Price 249 Kc.

ISBN 978-80-7294-515-3 (Host. Brno)
ISBN 978-80-7050-599-1 (Národní knihovna ČR. Praha)

Výzkum a vývoj nových postupů v ochraně a konzervaci písemných památek (2005–2011)
Sborník příspěvků závěrečného semináře k výzkumnému záměru MK00002322103
[Research and Development of New Processes in Preservation and Conservation of Written Documents/ Heritage (2005-2011)]

The proceedings treat in detail partial results of the research project, presented on a one-day workshop held on 1 December 2011 in the National Library of the CR. The individual contributions included are divided into thematic areas concerning preventive preservation of library collections, conservation research and documentation of the physical condition of rare documents, conservation methods carried out in situ, conservation agents for collagen historical materials, and deacidification of paper using vacuum wrappers.

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2011, First edition, 222 pp., not for sale (Interested professionals can contact Mgr. Jan Novotný, Restoration Department, National Library of the CR,

ISBN 978-80-7050-603-5

Sost. Jitka Kržesalkova; sost. ukazatelej Michaela Ržegakova
Ivan Aleksejevič Bunin: pervych izdanij v gazetach, žurnalach, literaturno-chudožestvennych aľmanachach i sbornikach (1887–1987)

Ivan Alekseyevich Bunin: a List of Publications First Appearing in Newspapers, Journals, Belles-lettres Almanacs and Various Collections (1887–1987) / Jitka Křesálková (ed.), index compiled by Michaela Řeháková

The Russian language bibliography records publications of I. A. Bunin, a prominent Russian writer, as they first appeared in the years 1887–1987 in newspapers, journals, belles-lettres almanacs and other numerous collections. It contains 1861 bibliographic entries with index of Bunin’s prose and poetry and a list of used sources.

1st ed. – Prague, 2011. – 335 p. – (Bibliografie Slovanské knihovny; 76). Price: 120,- CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-592-2


Sost. Lukáš Babka, Anastasija Kopršivova, Lidija Petruševa
Russkij zagraničnyj istoričeskij archiv v Prage – dokumentacija. Katalog sobranij dokumentov, chranjaščichsja v pražskoj Slavjanskoj biblioteke i v Gosudarstvennom archive Rossijskoj Federacii
Ruský zahraniční historický archiv v Praze – provozní dokumenty (registratura). Katalog sbírek uložených v pražské Slovanské knihovně a ve Státním archivu Ruské federace
/ Sest. Lukáš Babka, Anastasia Kopřivová, Lidija Petruševa

Russian Historical Archive Abroad in Prague – operational documents (registry). Catalogue of collections housed in the Prague Slavonic Library and in the State Archive of the Russian Federation / Lukáš Babka, Anastasia Kopřivová, Lidija Petruševa (eds.)

1st ed. – Prague, 2011 – 564 s. – (Bibliografie Slovanské knihovny; 77). Price: 250,- CZK

The publication in Czech and Russian contains an inventory list of the collection of operational documents (registry) of the Russian Historical Archive Abroad (Russkii zagranichnii istoricheskii arkhiv – RZIA) now housed in the Prague Slavonic Library and in the State Archive of the Russian Federation in Moscow. The Archive existed between the years 1923 and 1945 in Prague, which was then one of the main centers of Russian emigration. Due to its composition, the RZIA has become world-wide unique resource. Its collections contained archival documents, books and periodicals on Russian emigration, Russian revolutionary movement and the development of the Soviet Union. This publication facilitates for the first time systematic mapping of the Russian Historical Archive Abroad workings and its fate between the two World Wars.

ISBN 978-80-7050-600-4

The publication initiated and the selection arranged by Zdeňka Fraňková, Jiří Honzík and Věra Dvořáková
Slavic Reminiscences. A Selection from Texts by Jiří Franěk

A selection from the lifetime work of the outstanding Czech Russianist Jiří Franěk (1922-2007), Professor at the Philosophical Faculty, Charles University, includes thirteen essays dealing mainly with Russian literature – The Word about Igor´s Regiment – and the literary work of both earlier and modern Russian classic authors, such as N. V. Gogol, I. Babel, K. G. Paustovsky, M. Sholokhov, or A. Solzhenitsyn. The publication comprises texts dedicated to the problems of translating, e.g. the work of Bohuslav Mathesius or Emanuel Frynta, one of the most talented translators of the period after World War II. Included are also interesting works from Czech Jewish studies, the branch of great importace for J. Franěk during his whole life.
Apart from the quality and thematic diversity of the texts themselves, some of them being published in book form for the first time, the readers (and not only those interested in Russian studies) will probably appreciate a surprisingly extensive bibliography of Franěk´s works at the end, which contains 537 items.

National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, Praha 2011, First edition, 217 pp., (a publication of the Slavonic Library, vol. 70). Price 160 Kc

ISBN 978-80-7050-598-4

Jiří Berkovec
Musicalia v pražském periodickém tisku 1800–1825 /Musicalia in Prague Periodical Press 1800-1825

The publication by Jiří Berkovec, a Czech musicologist and composer, continues an older title by the same author – Musicalia v pražském periodickém tisku 18. století /Musicalia in Prague Periodical Press of the 18th century/ – published in 1989. The publication includes thematically arranged texts concerning music and music life selected from ninety six years of twenty three titles of newspapers, magazines and journals, issued in Prague in the first quarter of the 19th century.

Published in Varia de musica edition under the number 9.
National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2011. First edition, 206 pp, price 180 CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-594-6

Jindřich Marek
Jakoubek ze Stříbra a počátky utrakvistického kazatelství v českých zemích. Studie o Jakoubkově postile z let 1413–1414 /Jacobellus of Mies and Beginnings of Utraquiost Preaching in the Czech lands. An Essay on Jacobellus´ Postil from 1413-1414

Apart from John Huss himself (died 1415), the research in the history of Hussite movement has been recently focused on his friend and colleague Jacobellus of Mies (died 1429), Master of Arts and Bachelor theologian at Prague University. Unlike Huss, who was a strong and controversal personality willing to suffer for his beliefs to the ultimate consequences, Jacobellus is taken for a silent founder of Utraquism and first theologian of Hussite movement, who promoted and soon enforced rather through historical argumentation than theologically the Communion in both species (Utraquism) also for the Laity. In his preachings, as usual with Hussite Postils, he criticizes ills of contemporary society and outlines the vision of its radical reform, which similarly as Huss before, anticipates religious and social changes that the Hussite movement brought to Bohemia.
The publication is focused on the analysis of Jacobellus´ collection of sermons from the period 1413-1414, preserved in manuscripts in the National Library of the CR and the Library of the National Museum. The collection contains first references to the doctrine of Utraquism and demonstrates the use of texts by English reformer John Wyclif in the Postile. In addition to the biography of Jacobellus of Mies, the book presents synthetically treated folk preachings of Jacobellus and Huss.

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2011. First edition, 260 pp., price 195 CZK.

ISBN 978-80-7050-593-9

Completed by a collective of authors lead by Alena Richterová
Miscellanea oddělení rukopisů a starých tisků (21) 2011. Intelektuálové zamilovaní do knih / Miscellanea of the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department (21) 2011. The Intellectuals in Love with Books/

A new issue of irregularly published title Miscellanea oddělení rukopisů a starých tisků Národní knihovny České republiky /Miscellanea of the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department of the National Library of the CR/ is dedicated to personalities, whose love to books went beyond common limits and deeply affected their lives.
Pavel of Jizbice (1581-1607), a humanist poet, was one of those who often donated books. Who, why and when obtained books from him, it is the theme of the first contribution. Other essay presents a collection of medieval manuscripts in the library of Václav Jan, Count Michna of Vacínov. Included is also a work that maps the fortunes of the library of Hispanist Rudolf Jan Slabý (1885-1957), the fortunes of books that he donated to the predecessor of today´s National Library of the CR or personally to outstanding personalities of Czech literature and culture and also books which he wrote or translated. The proceedings are provided with illustrated supplement.

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2011. First edition, 111 pp., price 195 CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-591-5

Ľubica Harbuľová
Sibírsky autonomizmus. Zdroje, prejavy, reflexie (1917–1939)
[Siberian Autonomism. Sources, Manifestations, Reflections (1917-1939)]

The publication describes sources of Siberian autonomism that go back to the end of the 19th century, its manifestations after 1917 and culmination in 1918, when the Provisional Siberian Government was announced. The fall of the government of admiral A. V. Kolchak led to the emigration of representatives of the Siberian autonomous movement and many of them found refuge in former Czechoslovakia. The ideas of Siberian autonomism in certain form survived even in the conditions of emigration. The work published in Slovak is based on research of primary materials in Russian and Czech archives. In Czech and Slovak historiography it is the first attempt to bring this issue to the public.

National Library of the Czech Republic – Slavonic Library in cooperation with Pavel Mervart Publishing, Červený Kostelec 2010, first edition, 183 pp., (Publication of the Slavonic Library , vol. 67),

price 200 CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-590-8 (Národní knihovna ČR. Praha)
ISBN 978-80-87378-39-7 (Pavel Mervart. Červený Kostelec)

Knihopis českých a slovenských tisků od doby nejstarší až do konce XVIII. století. Dodatky. Díl II. Tisky z let 1501–1800. Část VIII. a IX. Písmeno S–Ž. Čís. 15.191–17.631 [Bibliography of Czech and Slovak Printed Books from the Earliest Period up to the End of the 18th Century : Supplements. Vol. II. Prints from the period 1501-1800. Part VIII and IX. Letter S - Ž. Nr. 15.191–17.631]

A new volume of the Supplements to the Bibliography of Czech and Slovak Printed Books concludes the first series of the Supplements, the publishing of which started in 1994

.Publishing of corrections of and supplements to the basic series of the Bibliography from 1925-1967 including annotations to alphabetical supplements for the letters S – Ž (short titles of works and editions that were not included in the basic series of the Bibliography) concludes the first stage of the project, aimed to map the earlier book production in Czech and Slovak languages that is important part of national cultural heritage.
The publication is intended for librarians, staff of museums and archives, academic staff and students engaged in diachronic branches (literary history, language development, cultural history, history of spirituality, education, bookprinting and book culture etc.).

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2010, first edition, 120 pp., price 70 CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-589-2
ISBN 80-7050-181-2 (soubor)

Ladislav Cubr
Dlouhodobá ochrana digitálních dokumentů
[Long-term Preservation of Digital Documents ]

The publication deals with a new field of digital archiving and it analyzes all main risks connected with the permanent sustainability of digital heritage. It implements a special brach terminology into Czech milieu, it conceptualizes a digital document, a digital repository and other concepts, it also analyzes OAIS standard.

The most extensive part is dedicated to practical outputs of digital archiving, i.e. protective measures developed to ensure permanent sustainability of digital heritage, which include migration, emulation, infrastructure of permanent identification, metadata schemes, format strategie, authentification of documents etc. The use of these measures in the memory institutions is documented with examples of European and Anglo-Saxon practice.

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2010. First edition, 160 pp., price 55 CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-588-5


The international project REDISCOVER – Reunion of Dispersed Content: Virtual Evaluation and Reconstruction, which associates the National Libraries of four countries – Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland and Romania. Its aim is to reconstruct virtually the dispersed Central¨European cultural heritage and make it accessible for studying through the Manuscriptorium Digital Library. It intends to contribute in the future to the formulation of the concept of Central Europe. The National Library of the CR published two titles under the REDISCOVER Project:

Čtyři podoby jedné kultury. Spojení rozptýleného obsahu středoevropského písemnictví

[Four Versions of One Culture. A Synthesis of the Dispersed Content of Central European Literature]

An accompanying publication summarizing essays of the national partners, which presents ”four views of one culture”, reflections of authors from four countries of the given region on the concept of Central European culture, which are based on the content of presented documents The title may outline some concepts common for researchers from all countries and to the contrary, it may depict sections of history and the problems, seen differently from diferents points of view.

A colour publication on coated paper, in Czech and English version, CD included.
National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2010. First edition, 127 pp., price : free (until in stock)

ISBN 978-80-7050-584-7

REDISCOVER Final Conference Proceedings. Prague, 15 September 2010

On the occasion of the Conference of the REDISCOVER Project in Prague, focused on the unity of Central European culture in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, the National Library of the CR published the conference proceedings dealing with specific partial problems of the given theme. The proceedings include seven essays of all partners of the international project.

Published in English.
National Libtaty of the Czech Republic, Prague 2010. First edition, 128 pp., price: free (until in stock)

ISBN 978-80-7050-587-8



Translated by Edita Lichtenbergová
MARC 21. Formát pro autority. Dodatek 1
[MARC 21. Format for Authority Data. Supplement 1]

This supplement was translated from the manual MARC 21. Format for Authority Data. Updates 5–11 from 2004–2010 (February), published within the framework of the Cataloger´s Desktop, the set of standards published by The Library of Congress, and updates published on web MARC Standards.

Individual sheets in plastic film are intended for including into the basic manual MARC 21. Formát pro autority published by the National Library of the CR in 2004.

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2010, 1st Czech edition, 212 pp., price 180 Kč..

ISBN 978-80-7050-585-4


Edited by B. Szunyogová
Soupis pramenů k dějinám národů Ruska, Ukrajiny a Běloruska do roku 1945 z archivů České republiky (Díl VI, Archivy Severomoravského kraje)
[The List of sources for History of the Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian nations until 1945 from archives of the Czech Republic (Volume VI, Archives of Northern Moravia)]

National Library of the CR, Prague 20

10, 1st edition, 181 pp. – (Publication of the Slavonic Library; 75), Price: 75,- CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-583-0

Information about the series

Kamil Boldan
Záhada Kroniky trojánské. Počátek českého knihtisku
[The Mystery of the Trojan Chronicle. The Beginning of Czech Book Printing]

It is a publication issued on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name that took place in the Klementinum Gallery in spring 2010. Czechia is probably the last European country that has not solved yet the question of the beginning of local book printing. For more than two hundred years, the dispute in Czech bibliology has lasted whether the oldest Czech printed book is the Trojan Chronické from 1468 or the Latin Statutes of Arnestus of Pardubice from as late as 1476. Similarly as the exhibition, this publication tries to unravel all the mysterious circumstances about the first Czech printing press and above all it presents new evidence for defining the date, discovered recently thanks to the analysis of watermarks in paper used for the oldest Czech printed books. It unambiguously points to the fatct that the Trojan Chronicle, presumably the oldest Czech printed book, dates back to as late as the mid-1480s. The publication is supplemented with 36 illustrations.

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2010, 1st Czech edition, 66 pp., price 160 Kč.

ISBN 978-80-7050-580-9

MARC 21. Bibliografický formát. Dodatek 1
[MARC 21. Bibliographic Format. Supplement 1]

The supplement includes specifications of new fields and subfields, revised examples. errata, and Czech specification of the minimum entry.
Translated into Czech from the English originals MARC 21. Bibliographic Format. Updates 4–9, published in 2004–2008, by Edita Lichtenbergová and Tomáš Bayer. Individual sheets in plastic film are intended for including into the basic manual MARC 21. Bibliografický formát, published by the National Library of the CR in 2003.

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2010, 1st Czech edition, 288 pp., price 200 Kč.

ISBN 978-80-7050-581-6

Zdenka Bosáková
Stručný návod pro jmenné zpracování kalendářů 19. století ve formátu MARC 21
[A Brief Instruction for Descriptive Cataloguing of the 19th Century Calenders in the MARC 21 Format]

In 2007, the National Library of the CR started systematic cataloguing of book calenders of the 19th century. It was initiated by the digitisation needs. Unlike former practice when all the 19th century book production was catalogued only as monographies, in this case it was started with serial description of book calenders mainly for the reason of introducing standard cataloguing. The manual requires basic cataloguing knowledge. It does not substitute AACR2 rules, or their Czech interpretations or the MARC 21 format. Data in the materials mentioned above try to explain, complete and point to differencies and tricky questions in the description of book calenders. In addition to the selected MARC 21 fields, it includes a selection of model examples.

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2010, 1st edition, 51 pp., price 50 Kč.

ISBN 978-80-7050-582-3

Jindřiška Pospíšilová, Karolína Košťálová, Hana Nemeškalová
Katalogy nové generace – analýza vybraných systémů z pohledu uživatele
[Catalogues of the New Generation – An Analysis of Selected Systems from the User’s Point of View]

Libraries around the world are currently implementing the next generation of catalogues which works as normal commercial services – showing the relevant results regardless of the primary source with an offer of all of the available services while utilising the Web 2.0 concept. Considering the diversity of the offer, an analysis of the metasearch-type systems (AquaBrowser, Encore, Endeca, Enterprise, Primo, VuFind) was elaborated. The basic objective of this analysis is to determine what the potential of such systems is in terms of search and work with resources and relevant records, and also to determine the trends in contemporary library software. This analysis will become a foundation for the development

of the services of the Uniform Information Gateway portal and the essential auxiliary materials for the selection/setting of the NDL user interface.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2009, 1st edition, 66 pp.

ISBN 978-80-7050-579-3

Kamil Boldan, Emma Urbánková
Rekonstrukce knihovny Bohuslava Hasištejnského z Lobkovic. Katalog inkunábulí roudnické lobkovické knihovny
[A Reconstruction of the Library of Bohuslav Hasištejnský of Lobkowicz. Catalogue of the Incunabula of the Roudnice Lobkowicz Library]

The specialised publication devoted to the library of Bohuslav Hasištejnský of Lobkowicz, one of the most famous Humanist collections of Europe, was issued by the National Library on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Emma Urbánková, an important researcher of the NL CR and co-author of the publication. The introductory detailed study informs on the form and fates of the Hasištejnský library over the course of centuries. The actual catalogue part thoroughly describes all of the 757 preserved printed books, 18 Latin manuscripts, the same number of Greek codexes and a voluminous Hebrew Pentateuch from the thirteenth century. The publication also includes an extensive graphic supplement and an English summary.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2009, 1st edition, 903 pp.

ISBN 978-80-7050-573-1


Lukáš Babka and Petr Roubal (eds.)
Prague Perspectives (III): Jan Slavík (1885–1978): A Czech Historian of Revolutions

Prague Perspectives (III): Jan Slavík (1885–1978): A Czech Historian of Revolutions is a third volume of irregular series published by The Slavonic Library in Prague and Prague Perspectives, an association for advancement of east European studies in the Czech Republic. The volume is the English version of the title "Život plný střetů: dílo a odkaz historika Jana Slavíka" - published by the Pavel Mervart Publishing House and the Slavonic Library in 2009.

The book is the first collective attempt to grasp public and research activities of the important Czech historian Jana Slavík (1885–1978) in a comprehensive way. It contains eighteen texts mapping Slavík’s works in typical areas where he is famous as an expert (Russian revolution, controversy about the meaning of Czech history, polemics with Josef Pekař) as well as in other areas of his interest. Slavík was an active journalist whose commentaries about actual social and specific matters raised challenging but also sharp and personally motivated discussions on the right as well as left wing of the political spectrum. His methodology was significantly influenced by German sociology (and Max Weber in particular) and by its involvement with social sciences. In his research in history of the Soviet Union, he became the pioneer in the field of contemporary history and sovietology. In Czech history, he opened a number of new topics from the foundation of the Czech nation to Slavík’s present.

A part of the book is a new, expanded and revised publication of bibliography of books by and about Jan Slavík counting up to 2.500 bibliographical records. The book freely excerpts from the conference ”Life of Clashes” which was organized by the Slavonic Library in April 2008 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Slavík’s death.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2009, 1st edition, 456 pp. – (Publication of the Slavonic Library; 66), Price: 230,- CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-575-5

Prepared by Ludmila Benešová
Katalogizace elektronických zdrojů. Příručka pro katalogizátora s příklady ve formátu MARC 21
[Cataloguing Electronic Resources. A Handbook for Cataloguers with Examples in the MARC 21 Format]

The handbook builds upon the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2R); it focuses on the areas of descriptive data for electronic resources with direct as well as remote access and includes a description of electronic monographs, serials as well as integrated resources. In a separate chapter, the handbook specifies the description of electronic resources in the MARC 21 format and furthermore the problematic areas in cataloguing (methods of the description of ebooks and electronic serials, the description of DVDs, MP3s and other formats connected with the description of electronic resources). The generalised examples of bibliographic records in the final section of the handbook are complemented with an explanatory commentary.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2009, 1st edition, 120 pp.

ISBN 978-80-7050-566-3

Zuzana Kulová and Michaela Bäumlová
Item plures et alios libros. Knihy kláštera Teplá ve fondech Národní knihovny České republiky
[Item plures et alios libros. Books from the monastery in Teplá in the Holdings of the National Library of the Czech Republic]

The publication presents the most important incunabula, fragments of printed books, early printed books and manuscripts which in 2006–8 were bought from the library of the Premonstratensian monastýry in Teplá, whose historical core had been declared a cultural monument in 2005, and which were put in the administration of the National Library of the CR. It also outlines the history of the monastery in Teplá and the important figures connected with it; it further provides information on the history of the Premonstratensian Order here. The publication was issued on the occasion of a homonymous exhibition, which took place in the Klementinum Gallery.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2009, 1st edition, 138 pp.

ISBN 978-80-7050-578-6

Sold out.

Bohdan Ihor Antonych
Zelené evangelium (výbor z díla)
[The Green Gospel (Selection from Work)]

The selection from poetry of the outstanding Ukrainian poet and novelist of the Lemko descent, Bohdan Ihor Antonych (1909–1937), was published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth. The book is the first particular publication of Antonych’s work in Czech. The selected poems originate in all of his collections – Welcoming Life (1931), Three Rings (1934), The Book of the Lion (1936), The Green Gospel (1938) a Rotation (1938) –, published during the poet’s life as well after his death.
The poems were selected and the introduction was written by the former Ukrainian ambassador to the Czech Republic Roman Lubkivskyi. Most of them were translated by Tomáš Vašut. However, the collection contains also the new publication of thirteen poems from the collection Rotation which were translated by Jaroslav Kabíček. They were originally published in the Czech journal Světová literatura in 1990.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2009, 1st edition, 90 pp. – (Publication of the Slavonic Library; 64), Price: 80,- CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-577-9

Colin Rosenthal, Asger Blekinge-Rasmussen, Jan Hutař et al.
Průvodce plánem důvěryhodného digitálního repozitáře (PLATTER)
[Handbook to the Planning Tool for Trusted Electronic Repositories (PLATTER)]
Translated from the English original Repository Planning Checklist and Guidance by Jan Hutař, Ladislav Cubr, Marek Melichar

The Planning Tool for Trusted Electronic Repositories originated in the DigitalPreservationEurope (DPE) project. Its objective is to provide interested parties with an elementary orientation in the issue of the long-term preservation of data in a repository before they begin to build such a repository and endeavour for its trustworthiness. PLATTER is not a technical handbook for programmers; it is rather a tool for facilitating the creation of the project of an electronic repository intended for managers or employees responsible for electronic data. It is further intended for students of information studies or information technologies who are interested in the issue of data archiving, for all who deal with digitisation of whatever type of analogue material or laypeople who have a large amount of electronic objects at home in their private collections (photographs, multimedia or electronic texts). The publication outlines the extent of the issue and draws attention to the potential risks and problems.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2009, 1st Czech edition, 51 pp. Also available at:
ISBN 978-80-7050-569-4

Editor: Martin Horyna
Officium in Nativitate Domini. Graduale ecclesiae Sancti Michaelis Opatoviensis Neo-Pragae, Pars 18

The publication makes the repertoire of the musical source from the end of the sixteenth century accessible, namely for both scientific and interpretational purposes. The Gradual of St Michael’s literati brotherhood includes twenty-five holiday officia. The eighteenth group of this songbook contains compositions intended for Christmas Day, e.g. Missa super Quem vidistis pastores and motetto Znamenej, křesťan věrný by Jiří Rychnovský, the anonymous Proprium de Nativitate Domini or the responsorium Verbum caro factum est by Matěj Junek Poříčský. The foreword is published in Czech and English. The publication is intended not only for the Czech but also the foreign audience.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2009, 1st edition, 118 pp., (Fontes musicae edition, No. 2)

ISBN 978-80-7050-574-8

Edited by Dagmar Petišková
Dmytro Antonovyč a ukrajinská uměnověda (Vychází ke 130. výročí narození D. Antonovyče)

[Dmytro Antonovych and Ukrainian Art Theory (On the Occasion of 130th Anniversary of D. Antonovych’s birth)]

This proceeding is based on the international conference held in Prague on September 12–14, 2007, on the occasion of 130th anniversary of Dmytro Antonovych’s birth.

Dmytro Antonovych (1877–1945), an art historian, politician and diplomat, was an outstanding personality of Ukrainian political and cultural life. After his emigration from Ukraine, he was one of the founders and later a president of the Ukrainian Free University that moved from Vienna to Prague in 1921. In Prague, he helped to establish other institutions of Ukrainian emigration, such as the Ukrainian Studio of Fine Arts, the Ukrainian Historical-Philological Society and the Museum of the Struggle for Liberation of Ukraine. He wrote many works on Ukrainian art and tried to present it in a broad European context.

Contributors to the proceedings are from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, the USA and Canada. There are texts of Antonovych’s contemporaries as well. The papers are in Czech or Ukrainian language and contain abstracts in Czech, English or Ukrainian.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2009, 1st edition, 233 pp. – (Publication of the Slavonic Library; 61) – Price: 90,- CZK

ISBN 978-80-7050-557-1

Further information – (PDF)
E-version of the title is available through the online distribution platform DiBiDo

Compiled and edited by Eva Marvanová et al.; translated by Ota Brídl
Libraries and Librarianship in the Czech Republic

The second, updated edition of the publication, whose primary aim is to present Czech libraries abroad. The publication is devoted to the history and development of libraries in the Czech Republic, library-related legislation, to the role of the Ministry of Culture of the CR in the areas of literature, book culture and library science, to the financial support of the development and cooperation of libraries as well as to the system of libraries in the CR. It describes the collections and activities of the National Library of the CR and regional libraries, the functioning of public libraries; it names and characterises the main specialised libraries. It also describes the Union Catalogue of the CR and information portals. The publication informs on a librarian’s education in the CR, on some library buildings, library-science periodicals and library associations as well as on events intended to support reading and readership. It was published in English with support from the Ministry of Culture of the CR as a component of the activities of the Czech Republic’s Presidency of the Council of the EU.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2009, 2nd, updated edition, 79 pp.

ISBN 978-80-7050-572-4

Národní knihovna České republiky
Výroční zpráva 2008
[National Library of the Czech Republic. Annual Report 2008]

The annual report of the institution summarises the important events and areas of activity in 2008. It briefly informs about the latest events connected with the new building of the National Library in the last year and provides a perspective solution of the present situation - the revitalisation of the Klementinum and construction of a new depository building in Hostivař, Prague. It features important acquisitions of 2008, the project Česká digitální knihovna (Czech Digital Library) prepared by the National Library of the CR in association with the Moravian Land Library in Brno, and the project Adopt Your Manuscript oriented on producing artistic copies of manuscripts. It presents a unique exhibition of Medieval and Early Renaissance fashion based on manuscripts of the National Library of the CR, which took place in the Klementinum Gallery. The annual report also contains a summary of the activities of the Slavonic Library and the Librarianship Institute, it informs about the programmes and projects, in which the National Library participates or which it ensures, it includes a list of important events and an overview of National Library publishing activities. Neither are the statistical overviews and indices concerning the complementing, processing and preservation of the book collections and financial management lacking. The annual report will soon be published in English.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2009, Edition of 900 copies, 89 pp., Price: free

ISBN 978-80-7050-570-0, ISSN 1211-8699

Prepared by Hana Borková
Katalogizace hudebnin. Příručka pro katalogizátora s příklady ve formátech MARC 21 a UNIMARC

[Cataloguing of Music. A cataloguer´s manual with examples in the MARC 21 and UNIMARC formats]

The manual is divided into two parts. The theoretical part summarises important pieces of information from different sources intended for cataloguing music, which are complemented with partial examples and references to the part of examples. The second part, examples, presents samples of catalogued music from the National Library of the CR collections. There are included examples of authority records of unified titles of music works from the AUT database of the National Library of the CR.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2009, 1st edition, Edition of 300 copies, 165 pp., Price 120 Kč

ISBN 978-80-7050-565-6

Renáta Modráková and Zdeněk Uhlíř
Zákon a Písmo. Rukopisy české reformace 14.–16. století
[Law and Scripture. Manuscripts of the Czech Reformation of the 14th - 16th Centuries]

The publication was issued on the occasion of the exhibition Bohemia - Crossroads of Europe that took place in the Klementinum Gallery. The exhibition presented a collection of manuscripts of the Czech Reformation kept in the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department of the National Library of the CR, inscribed in UNESCO´s Memory of the World register of written cultural heritage.
In five chapters, the publication follows the Czech religious movement of the 14th and early 15th centuries and its pre-Reformation elements, the Hussitism of the first half of the 15th century as the first - Czech Reformation (in contrast to the other - world Reformation), the Utraquism of the 15th and of the 16th century as an a-theological Czech national Church, the contact of the world Reformation in the first half of the 16th century, and finally the specific case of the Unity of Brethren from the end of the 15th to beginning of the 17th centuries.

It was also published in English.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2009, 1st edition, edition of 800 copies, 81 pp., Price 170 Kč
ISBN 978-80-7050-567-0
ISBN 978-80-7050-568-7 (English edition)

Prepared by a collective of authors under the guidance of Alena Richterová
Miscellanea oddělení rukopisů a starých tisků (20) 2008. Vzácné knihy jako švédská válečná kořist z třicetileté války
[Miscellanea of the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department (20) 2008
Rare Books as Swedish spoils from the Thirty Years’ War]

The collection, which is a continuation of an earlier edition series, is entirely newly dedicated to a single topic, freely building on the important exhibition on the Codex Gigas, which took place at the National Library of the CR in 2007 and 2008 with a huge response from the public. They are book treasures taken from Bohemia and Moravia by the victorious Swedish armies at the very end of the Thirty Years’ War. The professional contributions of our foremost experts on this issue reflect the completely exceptional attractiveness of the theme which is often perceived somewhat contradictorily in Central Europe, while also presenting the very precise results of long-term research on the historical sources some of which are little known as yet in the awareness of the Czech public.

National Library of the CR, Prague 2008, 1st edition, 69 pp.

ISBN 978-80-7050-563-2

Hlasy vyhnaných: periodický tisk emigrace ze sovětského Ruska (1918–1945) / Jiří Vacek a Lukáš Babka
Voices of the Banished: Periodical Press of the Emigration from Soviet Russia (1918–1945)
/ Jiří Vacek and Lukáš Babka
Golosa izgannikov: periodicheskaia pechať emigratsii iz sovetskoi Rossii (1918–1945) / Jirzhi Vatsek i Lukash Babka

The book presents a unique Slavonic Library’s collection of periodicals published between 1918 and 1945 by Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigrants from all over the world. The collection, originally created by employees of the Russian Historical Archives Abroad, was added to the UNESCO’s ”Memory of the World Programme”. The book has been published on the occasion of the exhibit ”Bohemia – Crossroads of Europe: Two Collections of the NL of the CR Inscribed in the Memory of the World Register of UNESCO” taking place in April and May 2009 in the Klementinum Gallery.
The book deals with history and the content of the collection and presents the main geographical and qualitative characteristics of emigrants’ publishing activities. It contains many reprints in colour as well. The book is published in a Czech, English and Russian version.

1st ed. – Prague, 2009 – 126 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 63) – ISBN 978-7050-558-8 (English version: 978-80-7050-559-5; Russian version: 978-80-7050-560-1) Price: 170,- CZK

Česká Alexandrovka: vzpomínky na život české vystěhovalecké komunity na Rusi / Bohuslav Andrš
Ceska Alexandrovka: Reminiscences about Life in the Czech Emigrant Community in Russia
/ Bohuslav Andrš

The memoirs deal with an interesting, yet quite neglected part of history of the Czech emigrants in Ukraine and Russia. The author (born 1926), a native of the village Ceska Alexandrovka in the Odessa region, depicts the history of Czech evangelical emigrants after the White Mountain Battle. However, his main concern is history of his native village founded in the end of the 19th century. He records bitter lives of its inhabitants during the first half of the 20th century by recalling repressions of the 1920s and 1930s and during the WWII. He also writes about the repatriation of some Czechs from Alexandrovka after 1945 and describes their fates – including his own – in the new homeland (Czechoslovakia). The appendix containing picture materials adds rich documentary value.

1st ed. – Prague, 2009 – 264 p., 20 p. appendix – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 62) – ISBN 978-80-7050-564-9 Price: 150,- CZK

Edited by Jasna Honzak Jahič and Alenka Jensterle-Doležalová
Zofka Kvedrová (1878–1926): recepce její tvorby ve 21.století
[Zofka Kveder (1878–1926): Perception of Her Work in the 21st Century]

The proceedings of the international colloquium held in the National Library on June 6–7, 2007. Its aim was to present Kveder as an author with European impact, affecting the Slovenian, Czech and Croatian language and cultural milieus.
The variety of texts shows the range of Kveder’s themes: she was a prose writer, as well as a playwright and journalist. The main topic of her works was the role of women in contemporary society. She stood for women’s rights and gender equality both in her texts and life. In modern terms, she could be called a feminist, an emancipator. Authors of the proceedings particularly emphasized actual and contemporary sides of Kveder’s work and tried to present them to a recent reader.
The book contains scholarly papers, several papers on Kvedrova’s life and translations of her short articles published in Czech journals during her stay in Prague.

1st ed. – Prague, 2008 – 268 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 60)

Ludmila Celbová, Lukáš Gruber, Tomáš Síbek, Libor Coufal
Archivace webu

The publication was written by a collective of authors engaged in a project of the National Library of the CR called WebArchiv. It is the first Czech work mapping the subject in question in details, especially with regard to practice. It deals with legislation concerning web archives building, features selected important national webarchiving projects in the world and involvment of the National Library of the CR in international collaboration, compares different approaches to the problem at issue and describes technical aspects of web harvesting and accessibility of web archives.

Published by the National Library of the CR. Praha 2008. First edition. Edition of 250 copies. 45 p. Price 43 Kc.

ISBN 978-80-7050-562-5

Translated from English original and adapted by Antonín Jeřábek
Příručka uživatele systému ISMN
[ISMN Users´ Manual]

Text of the manual is an adapted translation of the fourth revised edition of ISMN Users´ Manual published by the International ISMN Agency in Berlin in August 2008. The manual is intended for participants of International Standard Music Number (ISMN) system and for other interested. It includes all information necessary for running ISMN system in the CR, the way of managing ISMN system on the international, national and publishers´ level, a converter of ISMN into EAN barcode etc. It is the first edition of the manual after the converion of 10-Digit ISMNs to 13-Digit ones.

Published by the National Library. Praha 2008. Second Czech edition. Edition of 300 copies. 51 p. Price 30 Kc, free for ISMN system participants.

ISBN 978-80-7050-556-4

A collective of authors led by Bohdana Stoklasová
Oborové brány
[Subject Gateways]

A publication summarizes results of the research project Coordinated Creation of Subject Information Gateways for the Research Fields: Coordination, Music, Librarianship and Information Science, solved by the National Library of the CR in association with the Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship, Charles University, in the period of 2004-2008 that was funded through the Program 1N: Information Infrastructure of Research. The monograph treats the problem of subject gateways in general, methodology of their creation, it also deals with the subject gateways from the point of view of their subject accessibility and presents the individual subject gateways that were created during the five-year project: LIS - Librarianship and Information Science, MUS - Musica, ART - Art and Architecture, TECH - Technology and Natural and Applied Sciences. The publication can also serve as a guide for those interested in creating subject gateways in subjects not yet covered.

Published by the National Library of the CR. Praha 2008. First edition. Edition of 1000 copies. 108 p. Price free.

ISBN 978-80-7050-555-7

Jan Luffer
Metodika tvorby a kontroly jmenných autorit ve formátu MARC 21 – osobní jména
[Methodology of Creation and Check of Name Authorities in MARC21 Format - Personal Names]

Edition Standardising Nr. 30

Second, updated edition of methodical manual for work with name authorities - personal names intended to unify cataloguing practice in this field. The manual is structered according to individual fields and subfields of MARC21 format, it includes many examples of applying the rules and format in both usual and less usual situations. Its special part is a supplement with examples of names re-written in different non-Latin scripts based on tables for re-writing non-Latin scripts into Latin from 2004. The handbook also includes a list of corresponding fields and subfields of MARC21 and UNIMARC formats.

Published by the National Library of the CR. Praha 2008. Second updated edition. Edition of 400 copies. 40 p. Price 45 Kc.

ISBN 978-80-7050-553-3
ISSN 1211-7366

Svojmila Světlíková
Metodika tvorby a kontroly jmenných autorit ve formátu MARC 21 – korporace
[Methodology of Creation and Check of Name Authorities in MARC21 Format - Corporations ]

Edition Standardising Nr. 31

Second, updated edition of a guide through individual parts of name authority record for corporations and events aimed to unify as much as possible the cataloguing practice in this field. The publication is intended mainly for cataloguers already working with this type of authorities but also for those who need quickly to get acquainted with the structure of an authority record for corporations and want to get basic knowledge about the problems in question. The manual is divided according to individual fields and subfields of MARC21 format that are subsequently explained in more details and accompanied with examples from National name authority file in AUT base. Part of the handbook is a supplement called Comparing Authority MARC21 and UNIMARC formats for Corporations Authorities.

Published by the National Library of the CR. Praha 2008. Second updated edition. Edition of 400 copies. 30 p. Price 45 Kc .

ISBN 978-80-7050-552-6
ISSN 1211-7366

Jiří Trávníček
Čteme? Obyvatelé České republiky a jejich vztah ke knize (2007)
[Do We Read? People in the Czech Republic and Their Relation to a Book]

The publication is based on the first Czech survey ever focused on readers and reading that was organised in 2007 under the auspices of the Institute for Czech Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the CR and the National Library of the CR. First, the author dealt with the phenomenon of reading books and next, he arranged the data from the survey into several fields: a book (reading, shopping, lending, home libraries), time (free and working time reading and other media) and finally, the values we connect the books with (prefernces, influences, attitudes, habits, reasons). At the end, the survey results are confronted with traditional prejudice about reading books so popular especially at present

Published by Host publishers in association with the National Library of the CR. Brno 2008. First edition. Edition of 1000 copies. 207 pp. Price 249 CZK.

ISBN 978-80-7294-270-1 (Host. Brno)
ISBN 978-80-7050-554-0 (Národní knihovna ČR. Praha)


Renáta Modráková
Time Has Laid Its Attire Aside. Fashion in Manuscripts from 11th-16th Centuries

The publication makes readers familiar with the attractive world of fashion and clothing in medieval and early modern society in the Czech lands. Thanks to the unique connection of period commentaries with accompanying text, a reader has an opportunity to get acquainted with the development of clothing in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Era. Based directly on the preserved period illuminations, the book features various types of clothes of different social classes. The heart of the work is in richness of manuscripts in the Historical and Music Collections of the National Library of the CR. The book is published on the occasiion of the exhibition of the same name that takes place in The Klementinum Gallery. It is printed in Czech and English versions.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2008. First edition. Edition of 1500 copies. 92 pp. Price 160 CZK.

ISBN 978-80-7050-550-2

Knihopis českých a slovenských tisků od doby nejstarší až do konce XVIII. století. Dodatky. Díl II., Tisky z let 1501–1800. Část VII., písmeno Písně–Ř, čís. 12.821–15.190 [Bibliography of Czech and Slovak Printed Books from the Earliest Period up to the End of the 18th Century. Supplements. Volume II, Prints from the period 1501-1800. Part VII., Letter Písně - Ř, Nrs. 12.821–15.190]

The Supplements, Part VII, to the Bibliography, i.e. retrospective bibliography of Czech language and Slovak language early printed books, includes numerical supplements (i.e. supplements and corrections to the titles recorded in the basic series of the Bibliography) to nrs. 12.821 - 15.190 and annotation of alphabetical supplements (i.e. short titles of new works and editions) for letters Písně - Ř. It is a part of a long-term project of the Bibliography of Czech and Slovak Printed Books ..., that has been realised gradually since es early as 1925. Its goal is to map and record the earlier Czech (more exactly Czech language and Slovak language) book production that is an important part of National cultural heritage. At present, it is the National Library of the CR that is charged with realising the project (it is given in the NL Statutes). The publication is intented for staff of libraries, museums and archives, and the Academy institutes as well as students dealing with literary history, development of language, cultural history, history of spirituality, education, bookprinting, book culture etc.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2008. First edition. Edition of 500 copies. 87 pp. Price 60 CZK.

ISBN 978-80-7050-549-6
ISBN 80-7050-181-2 (collection)

Soupis pramenů k dějinám národů Ruska, Ukrajiny a Běloruska do roku 1945 z archivů České republiky. Díl V, Archivy Severočeského a Východočeského kraje
[The List of Sources to History of the Nations of Russia, Ukraine, and Belorussia up to 1945 from the Archives of the Czech Republic. Volume V, The Archives of the Regions of North Bohemia and East Bohemia]

The 5th volume of the list of archival materials to the history of Russia, Ukraine and Belorusia uo to 1945. Source materials for the publication were prepared by the Archives Administration of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic. This work is useful for studying Czech-Russian, Czech-Ukrainian, and Czech-Belorussian relations.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic - Slavonic Library. Praha 2008. First edition. Edition of 300 copies. 213 pp. Price 80 CZK.

ISBN 978-80-7050-548-9

Ludmila Hercová, Jaroslava Svobodová
Katalogizace ve formátu MARC 21 : pokračující zdroje : stručná instrukce a příklady [Cataloguing in MARC 21 Format : Continuing Sources : Brief Instructions and Examples]

This manual helps catalogue continuing sources in MARC 21 format. It facilitates the decision on what sources belong to the category of contuing sources and gives instruction for their correct cataloguing. The manual does not substitute the cataloguing rules but it supplements them. It expects a good knowledge of ISBD instructions, AACR2R rules and bibliographic description including selection data.

Published by the National Library of the CR. Praha 2008. Reprint first edition. Edition of 300 copies. 149 pp. Price 80 CZK.

ISBN 80-7050-496-X

Edited and introduced by Martin Beisswenger
Petr Nikolajevich Savitskii (1895–1968): bibliografiia opublikovannykh rabot
/ Petr Nikolaevich Savitskii (1895–1968): A bibliography of his published works
(Bibliography of the Slavonic Library; 72)

A bibliography of works of an economist, geographer and historian, the leading representative of the interwar Eurasian Movement, Petr Nikolaevich Savitskii (1895–1968), contains all his texts published between 1913–2005. It consists of 312 records of books, articles, reviews, lectures and shorter news and commentaries as well. A separate chapter contains entries written by Savitskii for various encyclopedias. The book also includes a comprehensive chronological summary of Savitskii’s life and work, a list of journals he contributed to and an index of titles. The front cover keeps the tradition of the graphical style of Eurasian Movement publications.
Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic - Slavonic Library. Praha 2008.
First edition. 111 p.
Price: 40,- CZK
ISBN 978-80-7050-543-4

Edited by Michaela Řeháková
XIII. mezinárodní sjezd slavistů : Lublaň 15.–21. 8. 2003 : bibliografie
(XIII International Congress of Slavists : Ljubljana 2003)
(Bibliography of the Slavonic Library; 73)

This bibliography of the XIIIth International Congress of Slavists (Ljubljana, 2003) is a part of series of bibliographies, which the Slavonic Library compiles in response to the International Committee of Slavists for each of the Congress of Slavists. The first part is structured according to the themes of the congress and contains the papers presented during the congress or those which were announced and included into the program. The second part represents a list of publications, in which the individual papers appeared, as well as those publications that were dedicated to the congress (i.e. published on the occasion of the congress). The bibliography contains 949 entries.
The publication is dedicated to the XIVth International Congress of Slavists, which will take place in 2008 in Ohrid in Macedonia.
Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic - Slavonic Library. Praha 2008.

First edition. 203 p.
Price: 80 CZK
ISBN 978-80-7050-546-5

Completed by Miluša Bubeníková – Marta Hrabáková – Radka Hříbková
Dostojevskij dnes : sborník příspěvků z konference s mezinárodní účastí : (Praha, 27. listopadu 2006, Národní knihovna České republiky) Dostoyevsky Today: Proceedings of the International Conference: (Praha, 27 November 2006, National Library of the CR)

(Publication of the Slavonic Library; 58)

The collection includes papers delivered at the seminary of the same name, organised by the Slavonic Library in association with the Department of Russian Studies and Language Didactics,at the Pedagogical Faculty, Charles University, the Society of Dostoyevsky, and The Czech Association of Russianists on 27 November 2006. The included texts are dedicated to the Dostoyevsky family, the life and work of F. M. Dostoyevsky, and literary-critical anylysis of some components of Dostoyevsky´s work. The event was attended by outstanding Czech literary-critical Russianists, heads of archival collections of the Dostoyevsky Museum, Sankt Petersburg, and a researcher from Hungary. Texts are in Czech or Russian, each proceeding is provided with a summary in the other language and in English. The book is useful for Czech-speaking specialist and student community as well as for Russian-speaking literary-critical Russianists.
Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic - Slavonic Library. Praha 2007.
First edition. Edition of 250 copies. 183 p.
Price 80 CZK.
ISBN 978-80-7050-538-0

František Hoffmann
Soupis rukopisů Knihovny kláštera premonstrátů Teplá (Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Bibliothecae monasterii Teplensis ordinis praemonstratensis) (The Catalogue of Manuscripts of the Library of the Premonstratensian Monastery Teplá)

The work is one of the essays on manuscripts published thanks to the Commission for Cataloguing and Studying Manuscripts, Archive of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Its author, PhDr: František Hoffmann, CSc., has worked on it from 1971. The publication was completed in accordance with the new Principles of Description of Manuscripts, published in 1983. It meets the highest scientific criteria required from this type of reaserch aids. The catalogue is published in two parts, first of which contains a foreword in Czech, German, and Latin, and a catalogue of 810 catalogue numbers of manuscripts. The second part includes a catalogue of 329 fragments, the indexes, and illustrated supplement. Apart form the authors´ and subject index, there are also four concordances of shelf marks, a chronological index, a language index, indexs of prints, archival documents, f letters and scribes, illumination, notation, and bindings. It also includes a list of located manuscripts and their owners, a list of manuscripts with information about prices and purchase conditions, and a list of editions and bibliography, abbreviations and Latin and German incipits.

Published by the Archive of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the Premonstratensian Monastery Teplá and the Royal Canonry of Premonstratensions at Strahov. Praha 1999.
First edition. Edition of 200 copies. In two parts, 1024 p. in total.
Price 259 CZK.


Marie Balíková-Hana Kubalová-Jaroslava Svobodová
The Cataloguing of Books in MARC 21 format in Examples

A brief instruction and examples for books and some types of continuing sources. A manual for cataloguing practice with examples. A brief manual for descriptive cataloguing. It explains the use of basic AACR2R rules and their application in MARC 21 format. It includes examples. This updated edition of the manual includes errata, already displayed at the www of the National Library of the CR, references to new standards, partial supplements and more detailed texts, and especially corrected and supplemented examples, which resulted from Czech interpretation of AACR2R and cataloguing practice in the period from the first edition of the manual in 2004 up to January 2008.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2008.
Second updated edition. Edition of 700 copies. 163 p.
Price 120 CZK.
ISBN 978-80-7050-539-7


Edited by Františka Sokolová
Katalog starých ruských tisků z fondů Slovanské knihovny tištěných azbukou. Díl II: 1776–1787
Catalogue of Old Russian Prints from the Slavonic Library Collections Printed in Cyrillic Alphabet. 2nd Volume: 1776–1787
(Bibliography of the Slavonic Library; 71)

The second volume of the catalogue of old Russian prints in Cyrillic from the Slavonic Library collections contains the records published between 1776-1787. Similar to the first volume, most of its contents are selected from the library of Alexander F. Smirdin, who was a bookseller and publisher from St. Petersburg. The bibliography includes 480 titles. In the appendix are found a reprint of V. O. Klyuchevsky’s „Vospominaniye o N. N. Novikove i ego vremeni“ („Memories of N. N. Novikov and His Era“) and plenty of images.
Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic - Slavonic Library. Praha 2008.
First edition. 441 p.
Price: 100 CZK
ISBN 978-80-7050-542-7

Národní knihovna České republiky
Výroční zpráva 2007(
National Library of the Czech Republic Annual Report 2007)

The NL Annual Report informs about principal events, milestones and fields of activities in 2007. It sums up the history of the events connected with the National Library new building in the last year, presents plans for the revitalisation of the Klementinum, informs about important acquisitions of 2007, and about the unique exhibition Codex Gigas - The Devil´s Bible that met with a good response. The report also includes a summary of activities of the Slavonic Library and the Librarianship Institute, provides information on programmes and projects, which the NL covers or is involved in. There is a timeline of important events in the book as well as a survery of the NL publishing activities. We cannot omit statistical surveys, and facts and figures concerning acquisition, bibliography, library collections preservation, and financial management. The Annual Report is published in Czech and English.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2008.
First edition. Edition of 1000 copies. 114 p. Paperback. Free publication.
ISBN 978-80-7050-544-1, ISSN 1211-8699

Jana Kostincová
Poustevna básníků – básníci poustevny (ruská poezie 20. a 30. let 20. století v pražském exilu)
The Poets’ Retreat – Retreat’s Poets – Skit – (Poetry of the Russian Exile in Prague of the 1920s and 1930s)
(Publication of the Slavonic Library; 59)

The monograph deals with a group of poets ”Skit poetov” (The Poets’ Retreat), who worked in Prague in the period of 1922-1940. The group consisted mostly of young Russian immigrants. The book contextualises the young Russian poetry in the framework of poetry written in other centres of Russian exile, particularly in Paris, and defines its relation to the poetry published in the Soviet Union. It focuses in particular on the development of the group of poets Skit, the poetics of its main representatives and their relation to the Czech environment. Despite the fact that the literature of the Russian exile is already seen as an integral part of the Russian literature and both Russian and non-Russian researchers have paid a lot of attention to it in last years, there remain many undiscovered areas and unresolved questions. The topic therefore is worth of attention of literary scholars and historians and it still represents a large amount of literary heritage that has not been studied properly.
Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic - Slavonic Library. Praha 2008.
First edition. 232 p.
Price: 80 CZK
ISBN 978-80-7050-540-3

Completed by Jitka Křesálková
Ivan Aleksejevič Bunin: Bibliografija originalnych knižnych izdanij( 1891–1990)

A bibliography of works by the outstanding Russian writer I. A. Bunin. It is a unique and exhaustive chronological set of bibliographical records of all Bunin´s works including their contents. The publication is complemented with comprehensive indexes of poetic and prosaic works by I. A. Bunin, an index of journalistic works, memoires and published correspondence, an index of published books, and an index of translations. This publication is an important information source for literary scientists and historians studying the last period of Czar regime in Russia and above all the activity of post-Revolutionary literary émigré community. The book is in Russian.
Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic - Slavonic Library. Praha 2007. First edition. Edition of 500 copies. 503 p.
Price 130 CZK.
ISBN 978-80-7050-522-9

Marie Balíková, Petr Strossa, Dana Vřešťálová
Dotazování v přirozeném jazyce: zkušenosti s aplikací prototypu systému M-CAST v českém prostředí (Questioning in Natural Languages : Experience With Application of M-CAST Prototype System in Czech Environment)

The possibility of questioning in natural languages brings a new dimension in using digital libraries. One of the systems offering a non-traditional way of searching the databases of primary (as well as secondary) information sources is M-CAST prototype system. To receive the correct answer you must go through a complicated system of analysing the query and comparing it with accessible digital resources. Many languages, such as French, Portuguese, or English, allow even now to reach very good results. Due to its character, Czech is very complicated for laying questions in a natural language and research in this field is at the beginning. The book includes three contributions dealing with problems of questioning and answering in a natural language in M-CAST system from the point of view of an expert and a user.
Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2007. First edition. Edition of 400 copies. 78 p. Free of charge.
ISBN 978-80-7050-537-3


Alena Richterová
Děčínské rukopisy ze sbírky Františka Martina Pelcla (1734–1801), nyní ve fondech Národní knihovny České republiky (The Děčín Manuscripts from the Collection of František Martin Pelcl (1734-1801) kept at present in the collections of the National Library of the Czech Republic).
The list includes manuscripts from a private collection of the outstanding Czech scientist F. M. Pelcl that are at present in the collections of the National Library of the CR. An introductory essay describes the history of the collection, the fortunes of the written heritage of F. M. Pelcl after his death and it also provides information about often complicated travels of the manuscripts in question. The description of the manuscripts, which got from Pelcl´s inheritance to the Thun-Hohensteins´ library in Děčín and were acquired to the National Library by purchase in the 1930s or were acquired later from other resources, is completed by selected bibliography, indexes and photographs of the most precious volumes. The publication is intended for libraries administering historical book collections, institutions engaged in the history of science and libraries, and for the research of Czech historiography and beginnings of editorial processing of resources to Czech history.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Prague 2007. First edition. Edition of 300 copies. 319 p. Price CZK 150.
ISBN 978-80-7050-531-1

Beáta Sedláčková – Eva Marvanová
Dokumentová komunikace : studijní texty (Document Communication : Study Texts)

A specialist monograph that provides systematical information about the state of knowledge in the field of documentology. It explains the nature of the origin of a document as an information tin for the preservation of information in the time and space. It includes a complex typology of traditional documents and their information function. In this publication, considerable attention has been paid to new types of documents in the digital environment.The book is intended for professionals in libraries and information institutions and for students of library and information science.

Published by the National Library of the CR. Praha 2007. First edition. Edition of 600 copies. 151 p. Price CZK 70.
ISBN 978-80-7050-535-9

DVD The Devil´s Bible / Codex Gigas

Through both the written word and images, the DVD guides you through the history of Codex Gigas from its very beginning. It is a basic document telling the story about the origin, journey through centuries and preservation of this important and historically precious manuscript that was created in the beginning of the 13th century. The remarkable literary work was righteously named as the Devil´s Bible or Liber pergrandis or Gigas librorum by the past generations. The book was created in the environment of a small Benedictine Monastery in Podlažice near Chrudim most probably around 1229. Its fortunes were dramatical. The DVD Codex Gigas is a true copy of a film that was on Czech TV during the exhibition of the same name organised in The Klementinum Gallery, National Library of the Czech Republic.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic.Praha 2007. Time 55 min. First edition. Edition of 500 copies. Price 100 Kc.

Kamil Boldan, Michal Dragoun, Dušan Foltýn, Jindřich Marek, Zdeněk Uhlíř
Codex Gigas – The Devil´s Bible / The Secrets of the World´s Largest Book

A richly illustrated book was published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name, organised in The Klementinum Gallery. It provides information about the unique book in question (the so-called library in the book) that is on temporary loan from Sweden. The book makes it possible to follow a complicated way of the Codex in the course of centuries (from Bohemia where it originated in Podlažice near Chrudim, then through Kutná Hora, Břevnov Monastery and Broumov to the Prague Castle to get finally as a war boorty to Sweden). It is also focused on the unique contents of the Codex, which includes e.g. The Kosmas Chronicle or Penitential - i.e. the list of sins with appropriate penitence, and other rare manuscripts. The publication also includes a part about how the manuscripts originated in the Middle Ages in general.

The book is available both in Czech and in English.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2007. First edition. 121 p. Price CZK 200.
ISBN 978-80-7050-532-8 (Czech edition)
ISBN 978-80-7050-533-5 (English edition)

Prague Perspectives (II): A New Generation of Czech East European Studies
Edited by Lukáš Babka and Petr Roubal

The second volume of a freely related series, publlished by the Slavonic Library in cooperation with the civil society Prague Perspectives, is focused on the youngest generation of scholars, who only entered the field of East European studies. The publisher mainly intended to present the widest possible range of themes that the Czech professional public deals with to the foreign scholars, who do not speak Czech. The book also helps to introduce the Czech authors to the professional public abroad. Although it includes only a selection of different subjects and themes, thanks to its diversity it gives the evidence of an increased interest in Slavistic (in this case mainly historical) research from the part of the youngest Czech generation of scholars.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic for the Slavonic Library. Praha 2007. First edition. 329 p. Price CZK 100.
ISBN 978-80-7050-534-2


Soupis účastníků systému Mezinárodního standardního číslování knih –ISBN– v České republice s dodatkem ; Soupis účastníků systému Mezinárodního standardního číslování hudebnin –ISMN– v České republice : stav k 31. 12. 2006. (The List of Members of the International Standard Book Number - ISBN - System in the Czech Republic with the Supplement / Appendix/ ; The List of Members of the International Standord Music Number - ISMN - in the Czech Republic : satate on the day of December 31st 2006.)

A directory of Czech publishers - members of the ISBN and ISMN systems. Its basic part is arranged according to the ISBN / ISMN identifiers Each record also contains an official title and subtitle, address, phone / fax number / e-mail address / www pages and professional orientation of the publisher. The index is arranged alphabetically by names of publishers and refers to the ISBN/ISMN identifiers. The directory is intended for the publishers, editors, libraries, booksellers, distributors of books and other people interested in the book market.

Published by the National Library of the CR. Praha 2007. First edition. Edition of 3 100 copies. 482 p. Price CZK 100 (free of charge for ISBN members).
ISBN 978-80-7050-519-9

Completed by Helena Petáková – Hana Opleštilová
Europeica – Slavica – Baltica : Jiřímu Marvanovi k 70. narozeninám
(Europeica - Slavica - Baltica: To Jiří Marvan for the 70th Birthday)

A collection of papers published on the occasion of the birthday anniversary of the outstanding Czech Slavist scholar, professor Jiří Marvan. Although the most part of his essays deals with Slavonic linguistics, the book as a whole covers the whole range of Marvan´s professional activities and it makes available the results of his year-long study. The core of the book consists of the selected proceedings from the Symposium ”Balto-slavica na prahu století” (Balto-slavica at the Beginning of the Century), organised in April 2006 by the Slavonic Library and the Institute of Slavistic and East-European Studies, Philosophical Faculty, Charles University.

The book is a complete biliography of Marvan´s works.

Published by the National Library of the CR for the Slavonic Library. Praha 2007. First edition. Edition of 300 copies. 327 p. Price CZK 100.
ISBN 978-80-7050-521-2

Tour of the Klementinum / DVD

The Klementinum is one of Prague´s distinctive historical architectural monuments that the tourist visiting the capital city cannot miss. The baroque area, spread on two hectares, was built with participation of many outstanding designers, architects and artists between the years 1560 and 1730. The DVD Tour of the Klementinum is a detailed guide round the second largest historical building complex of Prague. It describes its history from its origin, when it functioned as a Jesuit college, up to the present. Nowadays, the Klementinum is a seat of the National Library of the Czech Republic.

Published also in Czech.

Made by ATRI Hradec Králové Agency for the National Library of the CR. Praha 2006. Time 59 min. First edition. Price CZK 205.

Jak se zrodilo Oko nad Prahou / DVD
23. října 2006 – 2. března 2007

(How The Eye Above Prague Was Born / DVD
23rd October 2006 - 2nd March 2007)

A multimedia electronic document about the National Library of the CR, its history and present, and mainly the course of The International Architectural Competition for a New Building of the National Library of the CR. The film presents the final projects including the winning project by Jan Kaplický and it briefly introduces the individual members of the Jury, who talk about their experience acquired during the competition.

Made by ATRI Hradec Králové Agency for the National Library of the CR. Praha 2007. Time 67 min. First edition. Edition of 200 copies. Price CZK 100.

Jan Kaplický / Profil / DVD
(Jan Kaplický / Profile/ DVD)

A multimedia documentary portrait of the Czech architect and founder of Future Systems Studio, London, Jan Kaplický. The film is made as a a dialogue between the film director and the architect about the perception of the present in the context of modern architecture, about the dreams that did not come true, freedom, beauty, sensuality, sexuality, and creativity. The document is completed with sequences that were not included in the film, TV trailers, and a complete photographic documentation of individual projects by Jan Kaplický and Future Systems.

It also includes his lectures in Prague from 1998 and 2003 and dialogues with a number of personalities of the Czech architectural scene.

Published by Simply Cinema s.r.o.. Praha 2004. Time 52 min. First edition. Edition of 100 copies provided to the National Library of the CR. Price CZK 299.


Mezinárodní architektonická soutěž Nová budova Národní knihovny České republiky v Praze : katalog soutěžních návrhů = International Architectural Competition The New Building of the National Library of the Czech Republic / CD-ROM

A Czech-English text.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2007. First edition. Edition of 1000 copies, out of which 500 copies for sale.

Price CZK 100.
ISBN 978-80-7050-530-4

The Eye above Prague : the Library for the Third Millenium

The English version of the Czech illustrated publication issued on the occasion of the exhibition The Eye above Prague : the Library for the Third Millenium.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2007. First edition. Edition of Náklad 1000 copies. Price 120 CZK.
ISBN 978-80-7050-524-3

Jasna Honzak Jahič – Alenka Jensterle-Doležalová

Edvard Kocbek (1904–1981) : sborník příspěvků z mezinárodního kolokvia věnovaného dílu a odkazu slovinského básníka, prozaika, esejisty a filozofa Edvarda Kocbeka : (Praha, 10. března 2005, Národní knihovna České republiky) = Edvard Kocbek (1904–1981) : procedings of the international conference dedicated to the work and legacy of the Slovene poet, prose writer, essayist, and philosopher Edvard Kocbek : (Prague, March 10th 2005, National Library of the Czech Republic)

Third of the series of the sought after publications focused on Slovenian issues, published recently by the Slavonic Library. A Czech-Slovene text.

Published by the National Library - Slavonic Library. Praha 2007. First edition. Edition of 250 copies. 141 p. Price CZK 50.
ISBN 978-80-7050-517-5


Jan Luffer
Metodika tvorby a kontroly jmenných autorit ve formátu MARC 21 : osobní jména = Methodology of Creation and Revision of Name Authorities in the MARC 21 Format : Personal Names

Edition: Standardization nr. 28

A methodical handbook intended for practice of cataloguers involved in the Cooperative Creation and Use of the National Authority Files of the National Library of the CR.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 300 copies. 38 p. Price CZK 45.
ISBN 80-7050507-9


Svojmila Světlíková
Metodika tvorby a kontroly jmenných autorit ve formátu MARC 21 : korporace = Methodology of Creation and Revision of Name Authorities in the MARC 21 Format : Corporations

Edition: Standardization nr. 29

A guide to individual parts of the Name Authority Records for corporations and events focused to unify the cataloguing practice in this field.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 300 copies. 28 p. Price CZK 45.
ISBN 80-7050-508-7


Iveta Cermanová – Jindřich Marek
Na rozhraní křesťanského a židovského světa : příběh hebrejského cenzora a klementinského knihovníka Karla Fischera (1757-1844) = At the Boundary of the Christian and Jewish World : a story of the Hebrew Censor and Klementinum librarian Karel Fischer (1757-1844)

The book is a detailed biography of the clerk and scholar Karel Fischer (1757-1844), not very famous until now, who more than fifty years worked at the Imperial and Royal University Library and held the post of Hebrew censor for whole Bohemia. It presents Fischer´s fortunes of life and career as well as his every-day life, the circle of his friends and the intellectual world of the time. Fischer´s story of life could be described in details thanks to a great number of documents written by him that have been preserved.

Systematical research in archive materials, done at the National Archive, Prague, the Archive and the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Dept. of the National Library of the CR, provided an unexpected amount of important and mostly yet unknown sources including his personal correspondnce. These documents put a different complexion on the fortunes of K. Fischer and provide new information about the history of Prague University Library, Hebrew censorship and the Czech Jews as well.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2007. First edition. Edition of 400 copies. 192 p. Price CZK 110.
ISBN 978-80-7050-520-5

Ludvík Hess
Divoké víno 1964-2007 : antologie 1964/2007 = The Wild Wine 1964-2007 : anthology 1964/2007

Between 1964 and 1972 the students of Gymnázium Na Zámečku (Secondary Grammar School), Libeň, Prague, published the literary journal Divoké víno (The Wild Wine). Within seven years, 360 authors published in it mostly their poetry and prose, translations, photographs, cartoons, and graphic art. In 2002 the journal started to be issued again as The anthology of The Wild Wine covers the journal from its beginning up to 2007. Twenty-seven chapters include the editor and editor-in-chief Ludvík Hess´s memories of stories of the 1960s mixed with the youthful work of outstanding Czech poets and artists confronted with their contemporary work. Four hundred authors published their works on the pages of twenty-seven numbers of, out of them 212 authors are presented in The Wild Wine anthology, e.g. Miloň Čepelka, Vladimíra Čerepková, Jana Černá alias Honza Krejcarová, Václav Hrabě, Ladislav Landa, Pavel Hudec Ahasver, Pavel Jasanský, Jan Vyčítal, Stanislav Holý, Vladimír Jiránek, Vladimír Merta, Zdeněk Rytíř, Jiří Žáček, Karel Sýs, Jaroslav Holoubek, Petr Cincibuch, Pavel Verner etc.

Published by Slovart and the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2007. First edition. Number of copies in the edition is not mentioned. 495 p. Price CZK 399.
ISBN 978-80-7209-897-2 (Slovart).
ISBN 978-80-7050-000-2 (Národní knihovna ČR)

Doporučení pro přepis nelatinkových písem do latinky = The Recommendations for Transcription of Non-Roman Alphabets into Roman Characters

Edition: Standardization nr. 26

The publication includes recommendations for transcription of some of non-Roman alphabets into Roman characters. The recommendations concern the transcription of different types of Cyrillic alphabet, then Arabic/ Rersian, Armenian, Chinese, Georgian, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, and Greek. The publication is intended for the cataloguers´ needs.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. Second up-dated edition. Edition of 300 copies. 47 p. Price CZK 45.
ISBN 80-7050-509-5


Zdeněk Uhlíř
Velislavova bible / Biblia picta Velislai /The Velislaus Bible

An illustrated manuscript - the most voluminous in medieval Central Europe - originated around the mid-14th century at the instigation of Velislaus, who is depicted kneeling in front of the statue of St. Catherine, the patron saint of theologians and philosophers, on the fol. 188r. In all probability, we can indentify him with the Prague Canon Velislaus, a notary of King John of Luxembourg and later notary and protonotary as well as diplomat of Emperor Charles IV. The book was produced in a secular, lay workshop showing signs of standard and stable work. It includes the following Books of the Bible: Genesis (1r-52v), Exodus (53r-88v), Daniel (89r-108r), Judges (108v-115r), Judith (115v-130r), a cycle about Antichrist (130v-135v), the Christological cycle (136r-149r), Apocalypse (153r-168v), The Acts of the Apostles (169r-179v), and in addition to that a cycle about the Czech patron saints St. Wenceslas and St. Ludmila (180r-188r). It is the very person of the customer Velislaus and his world of thoughts that are important. Although Velislaus could not be indentified with the inventor, i.e. the person who was the author of the designs for the particular execution of illuminations of the cycle, the customer certainly determined its key idea.
The Czech history is involved in both the historical process of salvation and the context of translatio regni, i.e. translation of the Kingdom from Moravia in Bohemia. The principal Velislaus intention was to make a great European, i.e. universal work. The ideas hidden in The Bible of Velislaus are a fruitful counterpart of ideas contained in the Paris fragment of the Latin translation of the Chronicle of Dalimil.
This illustrated publication provides basic information about the Velislaus Bible. The accompanying CD-ROM presents the whole manuscript in the digital form.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2007. First edition. Edition of 1000 copies. 38 p. Price CZK / EUR.
ISBN 80-7050-516-8




Oko nad Prahou – knihovna pro třetí tisíciletí (The Eye Above Prague - The Library for the Third Millenium)

The book was published on the occasion of the exhibition THE EYE ABOVE PRAGUE, organised in The Klementinum Gallery. The exhibition showed the results of the International Architectural Competition for the New Building of the National Library of the Czech Republic. The full-colour illustrated publication with forewords written by outstanding personalities of the contemporary cultural and political life, describes a complicated historical way to a new building of the National Library and the history of Letná Plain with regard to its new dominant. It presents the winning project of Jan Kaplický and his Future Systems team and the other seven awarded projects. It also makes a reader acquainted with members of the International Jury and their comments on the eight projects selected for Stage II. The book also includes selected press reports concerning the new building of the National Library of the CR.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2007. First edition. Edition of 3000 copies. 77 p. Price CZK 120.
ISBN 978-80-7050-523-6

Miroslava Hejnová
Historical Collections of the National Library of the Czech Republic / A Guide

The Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department of the National Library published the first edition of the Guide to the Historical Collections of the department in question. The exquisitely designed and richly illustrated publication includes updated information about historical book collections of the department that went through many changes from the beginning of the 1990s. Based on the law of restitution, significant sets of books were returned to their original owners. The whole National Library´s collections were reorganised and new information and communication technologies were implemented in bibliography and user´s services, mainly in making the collections accessible to users.The structure /profile/ of the historical collections has been considerably changed, too. The guide is intended for both the specialists and the large public. It provides information about the structure of the historical manuscripts and rare printed book collections and the accessibility of their individual parts through the catalogues and special inventories.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2007. 1st edition. Edition of 800 copies. 81 p.
ISBN 80-7050-483-3

Jindřich Marek – Renáta Modráková
Fragments of Manuscripts in the National Library of the Czech Republic

This specialised essay is based on systematic bibliographic work with the collection of manuscript fragments. Above all, the work was aimed at creating brief and clearly arranged inventory records of the included fragments, their cataloguing and, of course, at making them accessible to the professional public. Manuscript fragments are an interesting but, for the time being, less used source of information. The importance of many fragments has already brought them to the large professional public awareness and this publication is to serve like a bridge over the barrier to a more intensive use of the rich collection of fragments kept in the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department of the National Library. The value of the manuscript fragments consists in mediating information about the manuscript production of the past, especially of the earliest period of the Middle Ages.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 400 copies. 167 p.
ISBN 80-7050-499-4

Podpora informační gramotnosti ve veřejných knihovnách – cesta k budoucnosti (Support to Information Literacy in Public Libraries - the Way to the Future)

Edited by Miroslav Ressler in cooperation with Zlata Houšková.
It was published by the Information Centre for Librarianship, National Library of the Czech Republic. Its aim is to turn the attention to a number of events in the field of information literacy that are organised by the public libraries and to point out to the deliberate attitude to this problem in university libraries. Those interested in this field, are provided with the data from the surveys concerning education and information literacy. The publication draws attention to interesting projects abroad. This specialist essay also releases information of conceptual and strategic character in this field. Selected bibliography is included.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 300 copies. 112 p. Price CZK
ISBN 80-7050-500-1.

Miscellanea, the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department (19) 2005 – 2006

Completed by a collective of authors.
Specialised essays on various subjects connected with historical book collections and the history of book culture. This collection includes eight papers dealing with handwritten and printed materials preserved in the National Library of the Czech Republic and in other institutions.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 300 copies. 208 p. Price CZK
ISBN 80-7050-515-X.

Knihopis českých a slovenských tisků od doby nejstarší až do konce 18. století : dodatky.
Díl II, Tisky z let 1501–1800. Část VI, Písmeno P – Píseň. Čís. 6688-12.820
(Bibliography of Czech and Slovak Printed Books from the Earliest Period up to the End of the 18th Century : Supplements.
Vol. II. Prints from the period 1501-1800. Part IV. Letter P - Píseň. Nr. 6688-12.820)

Established by Zdeněk V. Tobolka, continued by František Horák and Bedřiška Wižďálková. Addenda to the retrospective national bibliography of Czech early printed books published up to the end of the 18th century.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 500 copies. 244 p.Price CZK
ISBN 80-7050-506-0.


Petra Oulíková
Clementinum : Kunstführer

Redaktion: Petronila Cemus. Übersetzung: Klára Tschek
This book by Petra Oulíková, available now also in German, maps key periods of the construction of the Klementinum. We recommend it to the visitors who can use it as a guide to the whole Klementinum area. Apart from the well-known sights, like e.g. the Baroque Library, the Mirror Chapel and the Astronomical Tower, there are also other unique rooms described in the guide, which had been closed to the public until recently. It is rich in illustrations.

This guide is also available in Czech and German.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. In German. First edition. Edition of 1000 copies. 80 p. Price CZK 80.
ISBN 80-7050-493-5.

Muzeum osvobozeneckého boje Ukrajiny. K 80. výročí založení.
Sborník příspěvků z konference (Praha, 12.-14. října 2005).
(The Museum of the Struggle for Ukrainian Liberation. On the occasion of the 80th Anniversary of its Establishment.
Proceedings of the Conference. Prague, 12th - 14th October 2005)

Edited by Dagmar Petišková

Proceedings include papers delivered on the Prague conference dedicated to the 80th anniversay of establishing The Museum of the Struggle for Liberation of Ukraine, on October 12th to 14th 2005. The essays provide information about the history of building this Ukrainian emigré institution and about the fortunes of its collections that have been preserved but after 1945 were scattered and moved away from Prague. They provide information about the present state of research in the countries, in which archives the parts of the original Museum collections are kept.

Texts in Czech, English, and Ukrainian.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic for the Slavonic Library. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 250 copies. 304 p. Price CZK
ISBN 80-7050-502-8.


Jiří Záloha – Jitřenka Pešková
Ohlasy Velké francouzské revoluce v hudbě. Katalog pramenů ze schwarzenberské hudební sbírky v Českém Krumlově / Reflections of the Great French Revolution in Music. Catalogue of sources from the Schwarzenberg Music Collection in Český Krumlov
Edice Varia de Musica, 8

A catalogue of music sources from the collections of the State Archive, Třeboň - branch office Český Krumlov, of the Czech Museum of Music, and the National Library of the Czech Republic is focused on the period works that reflect the Great French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. A Czech-English text.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 300 copies. 128 p. Price CZK 149.
ISBN 80-7050-497-8.

Galina Vaněčkova
Летопись бытия и быта.
Марина Цветаева в Чехии 1922–1925

A detailed chronicle of Marina Tsvetayeva´s stay in Bohemia between 1922 and 1925 draws the attention to the circumstances of the creating of the greatest works of this poetess and describes her attitudes of life and complicated relations in the Russian émigré community in Bohemia. A Russian text.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic for the Slavonic Library and the Dom-Muzej Mariny Cvetajevoj. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 500 copies. 320 p. Price CZK 225.
ISBN 80-7050-501-X.

Ludmila Hercová, Jaroslava Svobodová
Katalogizace ve formátu MARC 21. Pokračující zdroje (Cataloguing in the MARC 21 Format. Continuing Resources).

The manual is intended for cataloguing continuing resources in MARC 21 format. It facilitates the decision whether the resources are of the category of continuing resources or not, and serves aa a guideline for proper cataloguing. The manual does not replace but complement the cataloguing rules. It requires good knowledge of the ISBD Instructions, AACR2R Rules, and bibliographic description including the creation of selection data elements.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 300 copies. 149 p. Price CZK 120.
ISBN 80-7050-496-X.

Marc Niubo
The People of Prague Pay Homage to Me

The strange juxtaposition of circumstances, the specific conditions of the musical life in Prague, Mozart’s personal and artistic links and also the rivalry with Vienna, national patriotism and other now imponderable aspects all contributed to the creation of the unique relationship between the Prague music-loving circles and Mozart and to the establishment of the Prague Mozart cult.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 500 copies. 109 p. Price CZK 80.
ISBN 80-7050-503-6


Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart (nazývaný Wolfgang Amadeus)
Allegretto per il Cembalo

The Memory of the Klementinum Series
A facsimile of Allegretto per il Cembalo, a miniature and not too complicated piano composition, written in 1841 by F. X. Mozart, the youngest child of W. A. Mozart. The composition was written for teaching purpose, as demonstrates the fingering, written out in full. The autograph of the composition is part of the Mozart´s Memorial collection.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 1000 copies. Price CZK29.
ISBN 80-7050-513-3.

Caterino Mazzolà – Pietro Metastasio
La clemenza di Tito

The Memory of the Klementinum Series

A facsimile of the libretto of the opera La clemenza di Tito. The opera (KV 621) was composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1791 for festivities accompanying the coronation of Leopold II Czech King. The opera was commissioned by the Czech Estates from the impresario Domenico Guardasoni. The gala first-night performance was held in the Nostic National Theatre (today´s Theatre of the Estates) on September 6 1791, on the day of the coronation. The text of the opera is based on a drama by Pietro Metastasio from 1734 that was often set to music. In case of the Mozart´s opera, it was Caterino Mazzolà who adapted it, probably in cooperation with the composer himself.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 1000 copies. 59 p.Price CZK 45.
ISBN 80-7050-514-1.


Ryhor Baradulin
Žít! Výbor z veršů / Žyc’! Vybranyja veršy

Completed and translated by Františka Sokolová

The first Czech anthology of the work of one of the greatest living Belorussian poets. The foreword was written by Václav Havel, the introductory essay about the author was written by Michas Skobla. The book also includes an interview, in which the poet himself talks not only about his life and work but also about the necessity of life of each nation to preserve its own language.

Published in Czech and Belorussian.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic for the Slavonic Library. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 600 copies. 135 p. Price CZK
ISBN 80-7050-505-2.

Ed. Vlasta Faltysová
Rukověť tištěných knihovních fondů Národní knihovny České republiky od prvotisků do konce 19. století (The Compendium of Printed Book Collections Housed in the National Library of the Czech Republic; from Incunabula up to the Late 19th Century)

This specialist publication describes the history and contents of the National Library collections and simultaneously, it presents really interesting results of the statistical analysis of the library holdings from the beginning of bookprinting up to end of the 19th century. The books are sorted by subject, language, and year of publishing. This systematical description is based on the original historical classification by subjects, introduced by the librarian K. R. Ungar on the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. It includes the works of both domestic and foreign provenance.

The description of the National Library historical collections has not yet been made to such depth and extent. From this point of view, this work is really unique. It was prepared by specialists from both the National Library and other institutions, mainly from the faculties of Charles University, Prague, and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The publication also includes the biography, index and factographic and illustrated supplements.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 500 copies. 347 p.Price CZK
ISBN 80-7050-456-0.

Ivan Král
Klementinum Praha - Prague - Prag
A Photography Booklet of the Klementinum

A set of fourteen colour photographs of the most beautiful Baroque interiors and exteriors in the Prague Klementinum area, with legends in Czech, English and German. The photography sheets on coated paper can serve as a gift collection showing beautiful Baroque paintings, sculptures and architectural monumets preserved in one of the largest Baroque building complexes in Europe.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 2000 copies. Fourteen sheets on coated paper. Price CZK 150.
ISBN 80-7050-489-7.

Oksana Pelens’ka
Ukrajins’kyj portret na tli Prahy : ukrajins’ke mystec’ke seredovysce v mizvojennij Cecho-Slovaccyni

The publication is dedicated to Ukrainian fine arts in Czechoslovakia between WWI and WWII. It fullfils the gap in research into history of Ukrainian art of the first half of the 20th century. The emphasis is mainly on the process of establishing and development of the Prague artistic school in the context of activities of Ukrainian artistic, educational, and cultural and social institutions, especially the Ukrainian Sudio of Fine Arts. It also includes the history of establishing the Museum of Liberation Movement in Prague, and the structure of its collections of fine arts that are nowadays part of the Slavonic Library collections. The book was published thanks to the financial support of Shevchenko Scientific Society, USA.

The text is in Ukrainian.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic for the Slavonic Library and Naukove tovaristvo im. Ševčenka v Americi. Praha 2005. First edition. Edition f XX copies. 220 p. Price CZK 90.
ISBN 80-7050-469-2.

Ukrajinské výtvarné umění v meziválečném Československu = Ukrajins’ke mystec’ke seredovysce v mizvoennij Cechoslovaccyni = Ukrainian fine arts in the between-the-wars Czechoslovakia :
k 80. výročí založení Ukrajinského studia výtvarných umění v Praze : sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní konference 12.–14. listopadu 2003
v Praze

A collection of proceedings of the International Scientific Coonference organised by the Slavonic Library, the Czech Association of Ukrainists and Ukrainian Initiative, Prague, in the days of 12 - 14 November 2003. The Ukrainian Studio of Fine Arts was a leading Ukrainian émigré institution in Czechoslovakia between WWI and WWII that was important also for the Czech artistic environment. The proceedings evaluate its significance for the development of Ukrainian fine arts in emigration, their relation to the Czech environment and contribution for Ukraine.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic for the Slavonic Library. Praha 2005. First edition. 331 p. Price CZK 80.
ISBN 80-7050-450-1.


A collective of authors led by Alena Richterová and Ivana Čornejová
THE Jezuits and the Clementinum

A well-designed book with colour and black-and-white illustrations was published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name organised in the Klementinum from 24th April to 15th June 2006. The exhibition commemorated the 450th anniversary of the arrival of the Jesuits in the Lands of the Czech Crown. The publication describes the history of the Jesuit Order and the most significant aspects of its activity in the Czech lands. The book also includes information about nearly three hundred precious manuscripts, early printed books and unique exhibits from the collections of the National Library of the Czech Republic and other institutions, libraries and archives both in our country and abroad. This publication is also available in Czech.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Prague 2006. Edition of 2000 copies. 200 p. Price CZK 150.
ISBN 80-7050-485-4


Oulíková Petra
The Clementinum - a guide

The Klementinum, a seat of the National Library of the Czech Republic, is one of the most precious architectural treasures in the Czech Republic and the largest Baroque building complex in Central Europe. This book by Petra Oulíková is rich in illustrations. It maps key periods of the construction of the Klementinum. We recommend it to the visitors who can use it as a guide to the whole Klementinum area. Apart from the well-known sights, like e.g. the Baroque Library, the Mirror Chapel and the Astronomical Tower, there are also other unique rooms described in the guide, which had been closed to the public until recently. This guide is also available in Czech and German.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2006. First edition. Edition of 2000 copies. 77 p. Price CZK 80.
ISBN 80-7050-491-9.


Jakub Jan Ryba
Transcription and translation from German by Věra Smolová
Můj život a hudba / My Life and Music

Jakub Jan Ryba (1765–1815), in all probability at the instigation of Bohumír Jan Dlabač, wrote an outline of his music life in German. A facsimile of the manuscript, dated of 1801, was published on the occassion of two J. J. Ryba´s anniversaries thanks to the Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov, where the manuscript is kept in the library. The individual reproduced pages are accompanied by the transcription of German text and its Czech translation.

Published by the Society of Jakub Jan Ryba in Rožmitál pod Třemšínem in association with the National Library of the Czech Republic and the Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov. Rožmitál pod Třemšínem 2005. First edition. Edition of XX copies. 51 + viii p. Price CZK 160.
ISBN 80-7050-476-5.




The Czech Republic, represented by the National Library of the Czech Republic, acquired the manuscript of the Paris fragment in the auction of the Piasa Auction Room. The importance of the newly acquired manuscript rests in the fact that until its appearance in the auction list nobody knew about the existence of the Latin translation of the Chronicle of Dalimil.

The fragment contains six complete and five incomplete chapters of the reconstructed original text. In all probability, the Chronicle was translated into Latin completely.

Full colour illustrated publication on coated paper.

Published by the Gloriet Publishers s.r.o. in cooperation with the National Library of the Czech Republic. Digitised by Aip Beroun. Praha 2005. First edition. 27 p. Price CZK 80 (50% discount for libraries).
ISBN 80-7050-463-3, ISBN 80-86644-64-2.


Completed by Františka Sokolová
Katalog starých ruských tisků z fondů Slovanské knihovny tištěných azbukou. Díl I 1710-1775

The catalogue of Russian early printed books in Grazhdanka (Russian writing, based on ancient Cyrillic script simplified to get close to Latin, was introduced by Czar Peter I in 1708 for non-religious texts, now it is called Cyrillic alphabet) continues the Catalogue of Russian Early Printed Books in Ecclesiastical Cyrillic Alphabet published in 1997. The whole catalogue will have two parts - Part I covers the period from 1710 to 1775, Part II covers the period from 1775 to 1800. The first part includes description of printed books from the collections of the Slavonic Library, especially the collection of St. Petersburg´s bookseller A. F. Smirdin.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic for the Slavonic Library. Praha 2005.Edition of XX copies. 311 p. Price CZK 100.
ISBN 80-7050-411-0.


Works coordinated by Miroslav Ressler
Public Libraries Mobilising Advanced Networks.

Recommendations for activities of public libraries, archives, and museums in the conditions of information society. The methodical material intended for realisation of social, political, and strategic measures in the sphere of public libraries, archives, and museums, for managing information services in these institutions and stimulation of new forms of activity in the conditions of information society within the European Union.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2004. Edition of 300 copies. 381 p. Price CZK 129.
ISBN 80-7050-447-1.


Arranged by Vincenc Streit in cooperation with Miroslav Ressler and Zlata Houšková

The publication offers to both the public and librarians necessary information about library services to disabled persons and makes them acquainted with European conception of these activities and with trends of further development in this field including legislation that is being prepared. It includes a set of original papers and translations of foreign materials as well as information about selected libraries providing services to the users in question.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2004. First Czech edition. Edition of 300 copies. 152 p.
Price CZK 95.
ISBN 80-7050-455-2.


MARC 21. Formát pro autority (MARC 21. Format for Authorities)

The translation of MARC 21 authority format includes definitions of all fields and subfields of this format and necessary coders. Basic rules for creating authority files in MARC21 format.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2004. First Czech edition. 400 p. Loose sheets in a ring binder. Edition of 400 copies. Price CZK 460.
ISBN 80-7050-441-2.

Anglo-americká katalogizační pravidla. Druhé vydání. Revize 1998. Dodatky 2002. (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules. Second Edition. 1998 Revision. Amendments 2002.) The AACR2R changes and supplements approved in 2002 including the revised Chapters 3 and 12.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2004. Edition of 1000 copies. 150 p. Loose sheets in a ring binder. Price CZK 200.
ISBN 80-7050-187-1.

Edited by Petr Roubal and Václav Veber

The History of East Central Europe and Russia

Its original name in the 2004 Editorial Plan: VÝCHODNÍ EVROPA V ČESKÉ HISTORIOGRAFII. Sborník prací k 25. výročí úmrtí Jana Slavíka. – Eastern Europe in Czech Historiography. In memory of Jan Slavík

The publication includes twenty original papers mainly of young specialists in history of Eastern Europe. The uniting principle of the book is in the effort to show to the western academic society the present state, orientation and potential of East European studies in our country. The book is focused on foreign readers, whom it presents texts (here in English) that are originally in Czech and thus otherwise inaccessible. For the Slavonic Library it means an important mediation of contacts with western academic society. The publication continues the successful publication "Russian in Czech Historiography" published by the National Library of the Czech Republic in 2002.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic for the Slavonic Library. Praha 2004. First edition. Edition ofXXX copies. 444 p. Price CZK 150.
ISBN 80-7050-443-9.

Igor Inov
Litěraturno-těatralnaja, koncertnaja dějatělnosť běžencev-Rossijan v Čechoslovakii
(20-40-e gody 20-go veka). Díl I, díl II. (Part I, Part II)

The publication records the activities of Russian émigré community in Czechoslovakia between the World War I and World War II that had not yet been described. Based on the extensive studies of period documents, the author wrote a voluminous essay dedicated to theatre activities of Russian emigrants in the Czechoslovak Republic, it describes also tours of outstanding Russian artists in Czechoslovakia.

In Russian.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic for the Slavonic Library in association with the Theatre Institute, Prague, and the Karolinum Publishers. Praha 2004. Edition of 350 copies. Part I, 425 p. Black and white illustrated supplement. Part II, 242 p. Black and white illustrated supplement. Price CZK 150.
ISBN 80-7050-383-1.


Marta Hrabáková
Stříbrný věk ruské literatury -
Sborník příspěvků ze sympozia
(The Silver Age of Russian Literature - Proceedings of Symposium)

Proceedings of the symposium organised in autumn 2003 by the Slavonic Library in the National Library of the Czech Republic in honour of the 70th birthday of doc. dr. Jiří Honzík, an outstanding historian in Russian literature. It includes proceedings about life and work of J. Honzík concerning literary science of Russian and Bohemical studies focused on the given period. It is intended mainly for Slavists, and students of Bohemical and Russian studies.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic for the Slavonic Library. Praha 2004. Edition of 250 copies. 147 p. Illustrated supplement. Price CZK 80.
ISBN 80-7050-416-1.

Matija Majar Zilski v česko-slovinskékm kontextu (Matija Majar Zilski in the Czech and Slovene Context)

A collection of proceedings of the international conference of specialists in Slovene and Slavonic studies organised by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia, the Institute of Slavonic and East European Studies at the Philosophical Faculty, Charles University, and the Slavonic Library in October 2002. The proceedings are dedicated to the Slovene awakener Majar Zilski, an author of the Slavonic grammar that he published in Prague, where he also died.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic for the Slavonic Library. Praha 2004. Edition of 300 copies. 160 p. Price CZK 50.
ISBN 80-7050-434-X.

Ervín Farský

Původní název v edičním plánu 2002: Ochranné mikrofilmování. Příručka pro mikrografická pracoviště.

The original title in the 2002 Editorial Plan was: Preservation Microfilming.

It is a manual for photoduplication centres. The first clearly arranged outline of preservation microfilming technology that emphasizes practice and reformatting of library collections. Intended mainly for photoduplication centres of libraries and archives.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2004. Edition of 300 copies. 78 p. Price CZK 60.
ISBN 80-7050-432-3


Literární myšlenskové proudy latinsko-českého středověku (The Streams of Thoughts of Latin and Czech Mediaval Literature
Rhetoric, Ethic and Symbolism.
Series: Miscellanea-Monographia. Nr. 11
Its original title in the 2003 Editorial Plan: From History of Latin and Czech Literary Genres.

The work is based on manuscript materials preserved in historical collections of the National Library of the Czech Republic and other institutions. It provides new information about the development of literary genres in early Latin and Czech literature.

Published by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Praha 2004. Edition of 600 copies. 168 p. Illustrated Supplement. Price CZK 80.
ISBN 80-7050-442-0

Sep 05, 2024
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