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Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department


New Minimum and Regulations for the Visitors of our Study Room

Please note the new Minimum for the Visitors of the Study Room, as well as the new Regulations for the Visitors of the Study Room.

Virtual exhibitionsThe Lipnice Bible 1421–2021: Shield of Faith in the Turbulent Times and "...And the Word Became music"

We have for you two video closely connected to our historic collections: The virtual exhibition the Lipnice Bible 1421-2021: Shield of Faith in the Turbulent Times presents the Lipnice Bible (here). The virtual exhibition “…and the Word Became Music” invites you to the world of books made many centuries ago to record the musical ideas of the people of that era.


We regularly make videos for you !!! When choosing suitable topics, we try to go through our manuscript and print collections, we try to look for interesting formats and engaging topics. Videos can be viewed so far only in Czech language on the YouTube channel Národní knihovna ČR. The following topics are currently available: Pontifikál Renauda z Baru [Pontificale of Renaud de Bar], Pasionál abatyše Kunhuty [Passional of the Abbess Kunhuta], Oddělení rukopisů a starých tisků Národní knihovny ČR [Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books of the National Library CZ], Knihy na řetězech [Chained Books], Bohuslav Balbín a jeho odkaz [Bohuslav Balbín and his Heritage], Cesare Ripe a jeho ikonologie ve fondech Národní knihovny [Cesare Ripe and his Iconology in Collections of the National Library], Neplachova kronika [Chronicle by Neplach], Doba Karla IV. v kronice Přibíka Pulkavy z Radenína [Charles IV´s Period in the Chronicle by Přibík Pulkava from Radenín], Velikonoce ve středověkých rukopisech [Easter in Medieval Manuscripts], Marignolova kronika [Marignola´s Chronicle] and a shorter Zlomek evangelia svatého Lukáše [Fragment of the St. Lucas´ Gospel]. The new video presents the oldest versions of Apian´s map of Bavaria from the Prague Lobkowicz collection (Weinerovo vydání Apianovy mapy Bavorska).

Professional internship for undergraduate and graduate students

We offer unpaid intership opportunities to graduate and undergraduate students interested in exploring a career in library and information science. It has been based on personal needs and on the specific education, training, skills and interest of the student. Stipends are generally not offered by the Department, but we offer an individual approach, a possibility to meet special collections of manuscripts, incunabulas and printed books and a nice working environment. If you are interested, you can contact the Head of Department, Mgr. Jan Vojtíšek, or the contact person PhDr. Renáta Modráková.

Newly digitized manuscripts

We have digitized for you another twenty-two medieval manuscripts from the shelf-marks V E, F, G (V E 8, V E 13, V E 15, V E 18, V E 20, V E 21, V E 23-V E 25, V F 1, V F 3, V F 8, V F 11, V F 18, V F 19, V F 23, V F 26-V F 28, V G 2, V G 18, V G 24). Among the digitized manuscripts was the recently discovered musical fragment found in codex V E 15. Once again, the educational character of these originals prevailed. But there was also one dictionary and one astronomical and one medical manuscript among them. The decoration of the manuscripts is generally simple.All digitized manuscripts are accessible in the Manuscriptorium Digital Library.


Order books to our Reading Room electronically: from the General Catalogue I, separate (the separate mode is for ordering 1. Manuscripts, Incunabula; 2. Early Printed Books via STT).


Apr 04, 2024
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