News 2020
Changes in Rural Architecture in Bohemia
The exhibition records the development up to now and the present state of rural architecture in today´s regions that are largely located on the territory of Bohemia.
Letter by W. A. Mozart´s Son Purchased
The National Library managed to complete the Mozart Memorial by purchasing a letter written by Mozart´s younger son Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart.
Lenka Jasanská to Children
The work of Lenka Jasanská is as diverse as the books she has illustrated. Merry stories by Miloš Kratochvíl, Swedish and Croation folk tales, or serious stories from the history of our country.
East View has extended access
East View provides access to the Russian Central Newspapers database accessible via UDB-COM platform. Now, East View has extended access also to other Slavic e-book ...
The Destruction of Monasterial Libraries
A unique virtual exhibition of the National Library of the CR commemorates the 70th anniversary of Action K and Action Ř – the communist attacks against monasteries and nunneries in Bohemia.
Books to University Students Online
Students and pedagogues of both public and private universities can use the temporary online access to the collections of the National Library of the CR and of public universities since March 17, 2020.
Textus Sententiarum
The work by Peter of Lombardy, the Bishop of Paris, published in Basel in 1507, belongs among Libri catenati – the chained books that were the books in monastic libraries chained to reading desks in order to ...
Astronomicum Caesareum
The book by Peter Apian, published 480 years ago, is considered by many the most beautiful astronomical publication ever. From February 5 it will be on display in the vestibule of the General Reading Room.
Sir David Cannadine in the Klementinum
Professor Sir David Cannadine, the British Academy President, a historian specialised in modern British history from 1800 to 2000, arrived in Prague at the end of autumn 2019.