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Find manuscripts and incunabula

Manuscripts (all handwritten books kept in the NL) and incunables (books printed up to 1500) and other historical book collections from the beginning of literature up to 1800 are kept in the  Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department, more details about historical book collections

Online sources

We recommend to search the requested manuscripts and incunabula in the following online sources, in case you did not succeed in finding the searched  manuscripts and incunabula in any of the given sources  you can check  printed sources mentioned in column on the right side.

Online Manuscriptorium - open catalogue of historical collections searching 
Includes records of some manuscripts of NL, records of all incunabula of NL and digital copies of selected manuscripts and printed books.

Special Catalogues and Publications - on page with catalogues and bibliographies of manuscripsts and early printed books



Oct 09, 2012
Catalogues and bibliographies of historical collections
Special Catalogues and Publications
these lists serve for searching manuscripts, which are not included in Manuscriptorium
printed books published before 1800 must be ordered personally beforehand in the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department or via Scanned catalogues

Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department
phone: +420 221 663 280

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