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Publications of the Slavonic Library
alphabetic list of publications published in the series since 1995

Avantgarda : vztah české a ruské avantgardy : K 80. narozeninám Jiřího Fraňka
Avant-garde : Russian and Czech Avant-garde relations : proceedings from workshop

1st ed. - Prague, 2002. - 146 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 32) - ISBN 80-7050-406-4

A collection of contributions from a workshop which was held at the National Library of the Czech Republic in October 2001. This workshop was prepared by the Slavonic Library, the Society for Science and Arts and the Russian Club. A relationship between Czech and Russian avant-garde focuses not only on literature and cinema, but also on theatre and arts.

Price: 90,- CZK

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Biblioteka A. L. Bema: Varshava – Praga, 1921–1945: opyt rekonstruktsii i opisaniia / Mariia Magidova, Olʼga N. Ilʼiina

The Library of Alfred L. Bem: Warsaw – Prague, 1921–1945: An Attempt at Its Reconstruction and Description / Marija Magidová – Olʼga N. Ilʼiina

1st ed. – Prague, 2021 – 496 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 86) – ISBN 978-80-7050-739-1

The book Biblioteka A. L. Bema: Varshava – Praga, 1921–1945: opyt rekonstruktsii i opisaniia [The Library of Alfred L. Bem: Warsaw – Prague, 1921–1945: An Attempt at Its Reconstruction and Description] presents the results of expert research into the personal library of Alfred Liudvigovich Bem (1886–1945?). It contains a catalogue of 533 titles and a detailed treatment of their specifics, descriptions of ownership records and dedications, authorial marginal glosses, synopses and the author’s extracts. A. L. Bem was a Russian philologist, literary historian and critic who lived in Czechoslovak exile from 1922 until May 1945, when he disappeared without a trace after his arrest by Soviet security authorities. His library is housed in the Slavonic Library in Prague.

The library of A. L. Bem is a prime example of a private philological collection. Its contents clearly show Bem’s research priorities, namely the literature of the 19th century and the methodology of literary science. It also reflects the gradual changes in Bem’s research interests (the period devoted to the works of Pushkin, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky) and the dependence of the structure of the library on the conditions of scholarly work in exile (1919–1945; Belgrade, Warsaw, Prague).

The book is an outcome of a joint research project of the Slavonic Library and the ‘Russian Emigration’ Information and Cultural Centre in Saint Petersburg. It is intended for philologists, historians, librarians and bibliophiles, as well as for anyone interested in the history of Russian émigrés and book culture.

Price: 376,- CZK

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Česká Alexandrovka: vzpomínky na život české vystěhovalecké komunity na Rusi / Bohuslav Andrš
Ceska Alexandrovka: Reminiscences about Life in the Czech Emigrant Community in Russia
/ Bohuslav Andrš

1st ed. – Prague, 2009 – 264 p., 20 p. appendix – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 62) – ISBN 978-80-7050-564-9

2nd corr. ed. – Prague, 2015 – 269 p., 20 p. appendix – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 76) – ISBN 978-80-7050-644-8

The memoirs deal with an interesting, yet quite neglected part of history of the Czech emigrants in Ukraine and Russia. The author (born 1926), a native of the village Ceska Alexandrovka in the Odessa region, depicts the history of Czech evangelical emigrants after the White Mountain Battle. However, his main concern is history of his native village founded in the end of the 19th century. He records bitter lives of its inhabitants during the first half of the 20th century by recalling repressions of the 1920s and 1930s and during the WWII. He also writes about the repatriation of some Czechs from Alexandrovka after 1945 and describes their fates – including his own – in the new homeland (Czechoslovakia). The appendix containing picture materials adds rich documentary value.

Price: 200,- CZK

Distribution of the book is provided, besides the Slavonic Library, by the online bookshop


Česká slavistika. Osoby a instituce / zpracovaly Zdeňka Rachůnková a Michaela Řeháková.
Czech Slavistics : individuals and institutions / edited by Zdeňka Rachůnková and Michaela Řeháková

1st ed. - Prague, 1999. - 374 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 25) - ISBN 80-7050-332-7

Bio-bibliographic synopsis of data on Slavistic institutions and departments in the Czech Republic and of individual scholars working in Slavistics.

Price: 90,- CZK


Československé legie v Rusku: sborník příspěvků z kolokvia 9. 5. 2001 v Praze / uspořádal Václav Veber
• Czechoslovak Legions in Russia : Proceedings from the colloquium in Prague, May 9, 2001
/ compiled by Václav Veber

1st ed. - Prague, 2003. - 151 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 38) - ISBN 80-7050-412-9

The colloquium was organised by the Slavonic Library and the Society for Central and East European Studies and held in the National Library of the CR in May 2004. The contributions deal with life and cultural activities of legionaries in Russia, in the period of 1914–1920.

Price: 70,- CZK

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480 let běloruského knihtisku = 480 hadaǔ belaruskaha knihadruku : materiály z konference v pražském Klementinu 5 .9. 1997 / sestavila Františka Sokolová
480 years of Belorussian Typography: matters from a conference held in the Klementinum, Prague, on September 5th, 1997 /
edited by Františka Sokolová

1st ed. - Prague, 1997. - 38 p. : il. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 22)

Out of print

Dmytro Antonovyč a ukrajinská uměnověda (Vychází ke 130. výročí narození D. Antonovyče) / Sestavila Dagmar Petišková
• Dmytro Antonovych and Ukrainian Art Theory (On the Occasion of 130th Anniversary of D. Antonovych’s birth) / Edited by Dagmar Petišková

1st ed. – Prague 2009 – 233 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 61) – ISBN 978-80-7050-557-1

This proceeding is based on the international conference held in Prague on September 12–14, 2007, on the occasion of 130th anniversary of Dmytro Antonovych’s birth.

Dmytro Antonovych (1877–1945), an art historian, politician and diplomat, was an outstanding personality of Ukrainian political and cultural life. After his emigration from Ukraine, he was one of the founders and later a president of the Ukrainian Free University that moved from Vienna to Prague in 1921. In Prague, he helped to establish other institutions of Ukrainian emigration, such as the Ukrainian Studio of Fine Arts, the Ukrainian Historical-Philological Society and the Museum of the Struggle for Liberation of Ukraine. He wrote many works on Ukrainian art and tried to present it in a broad European context.

Contributors to the proceedings are from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, the USA and Canada. There are texts of Antonovych’s contemporaries as well. The papers are in Czech or Ukrainian language and contain abstracts in Czech, English or Ukrainian.

Price: 90,- CZK

Further information – (PDF)
E-version of the title is available through the online distribution platform DiBiDo


Dmytro Čyževskyj: osobnost a dílo : sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní konference k 25. výročí úmrtí / redakce Zdeňka Rachůnková, Františka Sokolová, Růžena Šišková
• Dmytro Cyzevs'kyj : personality and work : Collection of contributions from the conference held by the Slavonic Library in June 13–15, 2002 in Prague
/ edited by Zdeňka Rachůnková, Františka Sokolová, Růžena Šišková

1st ed. - Prague, 2004 - 485 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 41) - ISBN 80-7050-384-X

A workshop proceedings presents almost 40 papers read at a Prague conference, which was organized on the occassion of 25th anniversary of D. Cyzevs'kyj death. Contributions related to many aspects of this Ukrainian Slavist´s research actvities. Some of his articles are included. This publication is a valuable source for researchers interested in Ukranian literature studies, Slavic spiritual life and J. A. Komensky studies etc.

Price: 200,- CZK

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Further information – in Ukrainian (PDF)


Dni Mariny Cvetajevoj - Všenory 2000 : novyje rezultaty issledovanij : Meždunarodnaja konferencija, 12-14 ijunja 2000, Všenory i Praga
• Days of Marina Cvetaeva : Všenory 2000 : new research results : International Conference, 12.-14. June, 2000, Všenory and Prague

1st ed. - Prague, 2002. - 349 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 33) - ISBN 80-7050-382-3

The collection of papers read at the International Conference dedicated to Marina Cvetaeva and her stay in the region. This conference (12.-14. June, 2000) was held by the Slavonic Library, Philosophical Faculty of the Charles University and Municipal administration at Vshenory.

Price: 150,- CZK

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Dostojevskij dnes: Sborník příspěvků z konference s mezinárodní účastí (Praha, 27. listopadu 2006, Národní knihovna České republiky) / sestavily Miluša Bubeníková, Marta Hrabáková a Radka Hříbková
Dostoyevsky Today: Proceedings of an International Conference (Prague, 27 November 2006, National Library of the Czech Republic)
/ Miluša Bubeníková, Marta Hrabáková and Radka Hříbková (eds.)

1st ed. – Prague 2007 – 183 p. (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 58) – ISBN 978-80-7050-538-0

Proceedings of an International Conference ”Dostoyevsky Today” organised by Společnost Dostojevského (Dostoyevsky’s Society), Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze (Department of Russian Studies and Linguodidactics of the Faculty of Education of the Charles University in Prague), Česká asociace rusistů (Czech Association of Russists) and Slavonic Library. The conference commemorating 500th anniversary of the founding of Dostoyevsky family took place on 27 November 2006 on the premises of the National Library. The goal of the organisers was to present the state of the art of the Czech research about the life and work of Dostoyevsky as well as the reception of his work among the broader reading and viewing public.

Price: 80,- CZK

Further information in Czech (PDF)
E-version of the title is available through the online distribution platform DiBiDo

Edvard Kocbek (1904–1981) / Sestavily Jasna Honzak Jahič a Alenka Jensterle-Doležalová
Edvard Kocbek (1904–1981) / Jasna Honzak Jahič, Alenka Jensterle-Doležalová (eds.)

1st ed. – Prague, 2007. – 141 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 53) – ISBN 978-80-7050-517-5

This volume contains papers presented at the international colloquium held in Prague on March 10th, 2005 to commemorate Edvard Kocbek´s work and inheritance. The papers of Czech and foreign researchers survey a wide range of this Slovenian poet, author of short stories, essayist and philosopher’s life and activities.

Price: 50,- CZK

Further information in Czech (PDF)
E-version of the title is available through the online distribution platform DiBiDo


Europeica – Slavica – Baltica: Jiřímu Marvanovi k 70. narozeninám / Sestavily Helena Petáková a Hana Opleštilová
• Europeica – Slavica – Baltica: For Jiří Marvan’s 70th birthdays /
Helena Petáková and Hana Opleštilová (eds.)

1st ed. – Prague, 2007. – 328 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 56) – ISBN 978-80-7050-521-2

An edited volume published on the occasion of a jubilee of Prof. Jiří Marvan, the prominent Czech Slavist. Though it focuses mostly on Slavonic philology, the volume covers the entire scale of Marvan’s research interests and mediates the results of his long term research. The core of the book consists of a selection of contributions at the symposium ”Balto-Slavica on the turn of the century” organised in April 2006 by the Slavonic Library and Institute of Slavonic and East European Studies of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University.

The book also contains complete Marvan’s bibliography.

Price: 100,- CZK

Further information in Czech (PDF)
E-version of the title is available through the online distribution platform DiBiDo


Hlasy dvou básníků: výbor z básní Jurije Darahana a Oleksy Stefanovyče / Jurij Darahan – Oleksa Stefanovyč

Voices of Two Poets: Selected Poems of Iurii Darahan and Oleksa Stefanovych / Iurii Darahan – Oleksa Stefanovych

1st edition – Prague, 2018 – 107 p. (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 84) – ISBN: 978-80-7050-704-9

The book Hlasy dvou básníků [Voices of Two Poets] is a selection from the works of Iurii Darahan and Oleksa Stefanovych – two Ukrainian poets who came to Czechoslovakia in the 1920s after failed attempts to create an independent Ukrainian state. They found a new home in Prague and established themselves there as writers. Both are included in the ‘Prague School’ of Ukrainian poets in exile. The publication builds on previous editions dedicated to poets of the ‘Prague School’.

Iurii Darahan (1894–1926) is represented by less than half of the poems from the collection Sahaidak [Quiver], mostly natural lyrics, with historical poetry being slightly less frequent. Translations have been made from the first edition of the book: Sahaidak (Prague, 1925). Oleksa Stefanovych (1899–1970) is presented through a selection of the most distinctive areas of his poetry: mostly historical, complemented by natural and love lyrics. The translations have been made based on the edition Poety Prazkoii shkoly: Sbirni surmy. Antolohiia (Kiev, 2009).

The anthology has been compiled by Tereza Chlaňová and Alena Morávková; the poetry has been translated by Tereza Chlaňová, Matěj Lipavský, Alena Morávková and Václav Daněk. The publication has been issued by the National Library of the Czech Republic – Slavonic Library and the Czech Association of Ukrainists with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

Price: 80,- CZK

More detailed information (PDF)
Hlasy vyhnaných: periodický tisk emigrace ze sovětského Ruska (1918–1945) / Jiří Vacek a Lukáš Babka
Voices of the Banished: Periodical Press of the Emigration from Soviet Russia (1918–1945)
/ Jiří Vacek and Lukáš Babka
Golosa izgannikov: periodicheskaia pechať emigratsii iz sovetskoi Rossii (1918–1945) / Jirzhi Vatsek i Lukash Babka

1st ed. – Prague, 2009 – 126 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 63) – ISBN 978-7050-558-8 (English version: 978-80-7050-559-5; Russian version: 978-80-7050-560-1)

The book presents a unique Slavonic Library’s collection of periodicals published between 1918 and 1945 by Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigrants from all over the world. The collection, originally created by employees of the Russian Historical Archives Abroad, was added to the UNESCO’s ”Memory of the World Programme”. The book has been published on the occasion of the exhibit ”Bohemia – Crossroads of Europe: Two Collections of the NL of the CR Inscribed in the Memory of the World Register of UNESCO” taking place in April and May 2009 in the Klementinum Gallery.

The book deals with history and the content of the collection and presents the main geographical and qualitative characteristics of emigrants’ publishing activities. It contains many reprints in colour as well. The book is published in a Czech, English and Russian version.

Price: 170,- CZK

Further information – (PDF)
Further information – Russian (PDF)


Inventing Slavia : proceedings of the workshop held and organized by Slavonic Library (Prague, November 12th 2004) = Izobretenije Slavii : sborník materialov zasedanija organizovannogo Slavjanskoj bibliotekoj (Praga, 12 nojabrja 2004 g.) / Tomáš Glanc, Holt Meyer, Jekaterina Vel'mezova (eds.)

1st ed. - Prague, 2005. - 142 s. - (Slavonic Library series; 52) - ISBN 80-7050-478-1

Conference proceedings of the international workshop organised by the Slavonic Library on 12 November 2004. The studies explore the ways the concepts of Slavdom and the so called ”slavinita” (Slavonic attributes, characters, symptoms) have been formed since the early 19th century; it also studies the formation of the concept of the Slavic identity and the so-called Slavic solidarity. In addition to that, the volume deals with the new approaches to the understanding of such terms as Slavs, Slavdom, ”Slavia”. It contributes to the research of the question of the Slavdom from the current perspective of humanities focusing on the unbiased analyses of ideas by which the effort to understand the Slavdom as national and supra-national identity was legitimised.

Price: 80,- CZK

Further information (PDF)
E-version of the title is available through the online distribution platform DiBiDo

Jak čteme ruské klasiky : Příspěvky z konference věnované 100. výročí úmrtí A. P. Čechova = Kak my čitajem russkich klassikov : vystuplenija na konferencii, posvjaščennoj stoletnej godovščine so dnja smerti A. P. Čechova / sestavily Marta Hrabáková a Radka Hříbková
• How we read the Russian classics: Conference Proceedings on the occasion of the centenary of the death of A. P. Chekhov
/ edited by Marta Hrabáková and Radka Hříbková

1st ed. - Prague, 2005. – 214 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 49) – ISBN 80-7050-464-1

A collection of contributions from a conference held by the Slavonic Library, Department for Linguistics and its Didactic – Faculty of Education, Charles University, Department of Slavic and East European studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Charles University, Czech Association of Rusists, and the Theatre Institute in Prague. The conference took place on November 26th-27th, 2004. The contributions devote attention to A. P. Chekhov´s life and work, its influence on modern society, and to contemporary stage interpretations.

Price: 100,- CZK

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Jan Václav Lego (1833-1906) : sborník příspěvků z kolokvia o česko-slovinských kulturních stycích, které se konalo k uctění 170. výročí narození významného propagátora česko-slovinské vzájemnosti 23. října 2003 v Praze / sestavily Jasna Honzak-Jahić a Milada K. Nedvědová
• Jan Václav Lego (1833–1906). Proceedings from the colloquium held in Prague, October 23, 2003, on Czech-Slovenian cultural relations, organised in honour of the 170th birthday anniversary of the prominent advocate of Czech-Slovenian solidarity / edited by Jasna Honzak Jahić and Milada K. Nedvědová

1st ed. - Prague, 2005. - 89 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 42) - ISBN 80-7050-452-8

The collection consists of contributions devoted to the personality of Jan Lego (1833-1906), who played an important part in the development of Czech-Slovenian cultural relations. As a national revivalist, he was instrumental in establishing Slovenian national cultural institutions, was the first to translate a Czech text into the Slovene language (Grandmother by Božena Němcová) and reported on Slovenia in Czech newspapers (Světozor, Zlatá Praha). He was the author of a Slovene grammar for Czechs, as well as the first guide to Slovenia. The colloquium was organised by the Slavonic Library, Institute of Slavonic and East European Studiea of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts (Charles University in Prague) and the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Prague. Students and professors of the Slovene language at the faculty also contributed to the catalogue.

Price: 80,- CZK

Further information (PDF)
Further information – in Slovene (PDF)
E-version of the title is available through the online distribution platform DiBiDo


Krásná literatura národů bývalé Jugoslávie v českých překladech: 1560-1991 / Stanislava Sýkorová
• The poetry and fiction of the ex-Yugoslav nations in Czech translations : 1560-1964 : a slavistic bibliographic anthology / Stanislava Sýkorová

1st ed. - Prague, 1997. - 450 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 23) - A CD-ROM with MS Word 7 file

A bibliographic anthology of book translations of Serbian, Croatian, Herzeg-Bosnian, Montenegrian, Slovenian and Macedonian literatures.

Price: 150,- CZK

Letopis’ bytiia i byta: Marina Tsvetaeva v Chekhii (1922–1925) / Galina Vanechkova
The Chronicle of being and of daily life: Marina Tsvetaeva in Bohemia (1922-1925) / Galina Vaněčková

1st ed. – Prague-Moscow, 2006. – 320 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 43) – ISBN 80-7050-501-X

The Chronicle of being and of daily life: Marina Tsvetaeva in Bohemia. Written by Galina Vaněčková, head of Prague Marina Tsvetaeva's Society. The Chronicle describes Marina Tsvetaeva's life and work during her stay in Czechoslovakia (1922-1925). The volume contains biographic portraits of persons who the Russian poetess met, a list of places where she lived, a list of her poems written in the period as well as bibliographies. A rich iconography and an index of names are included.

Published by Slavonic Library in Prague and Dom-muzei Mariny Tsvetaevoi in Moscow.

Price: 150,- CZK

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Literaturno-teatral'naja, koncertnaja dejatel'nost' bežencev-rossijan v Čechoslovakii (20-40-e gody 20-go veka) = Divadelní a koncertní činnost ruské emigrace v Československu ve 20.-40. letech 20. století / Igor' Inov; zpracování a rejstříky Milena Klímová

Theatre and concert activities of Russian Émigrés in Czechoslovakia in 1920´s – 1940´s / Igor´ Inov, edited by Milena Klímová

1st ed. - Prague, 2003. - Vol. 1: 425 p. : photogr.; vol. 2: 242 p. : photogr. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 39) - ISBN 80-7050-383-1

The publication charts unexplored field of Russian emigrant life, activities, and of their cultural impact on the Czechoslovak culture and policy of that time. On the basis of extensive research the author created the extensive paper dealing with the theatre working and actor activities of the Russian emigrants in Czechoslovakia. He mentions the theatre tours of Russian greatest performers in Czechoslovakia. This book is published in Russian and it is aimed at a wider professional community and researchers.

Price: 150,- CZK

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Matija Majar Ziljski v česko-slovinském kontextu : minulost, přítomnost a budoucnost vzájemných kulturních styků = Matija Majar Ziljski v češko-slovenskem kontekstu : preteklost, sodobnost in prihodnjost medsebojnih kulturnih stikov / sestavily Milada K. Nedvědová a Martina Piko-Rustia
• Matija Majar Ziljski in the Czech-Slovenian Context : The Past, Present, and Future of Mutual Cultural Relations
/ edited by Milada K. Nedvědová a Martina Piko-Rustia

1st ed. - Prague, 2004. - 159 p.

A workshop proceedings from the international conference of Slovenists and Slavists arranged by Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia, Institute of Slavic and East European Studies at Charles University and the Slavonic Library in Prague in October, 2002. Contributions are dedicated to the Slovenian revivalist M. Majar Ziljski. His work Slavonic Grammar was published in Prague, where he died in 1892.

Price: 60,- CZK

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Meždunarodnaja konferencija “Russkaja, ukrainskaja i belorusskaja emigracija v Čechoslovakii meždu dvumja mirovymi vojnami. Rezul’taty i perspektivy issledovanij. Fondy Slavjanskoj biblioteki i pražskich archivov” : Praga, 14-15 avgusta 1995 g. : sbornik dokladov / sostaviteli Marija Magidová, Mária Ňachajová, Ene Päts, Kateřina Rejdová, Eva Sokolová, Sergej Magid
International Conference “Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian Émigrés in the Between-the-Wars Czechoslovakia. Consequences and prospects of research. The Slavonic Library and Prague archives collections: Prague, August 14-15, 1995: proceedings
/ edited by Marija Magidová, Mária Ňachajová, Ene Päts, Kateřina Rejdová, Eva Sokolová and Sergej Magid

1st ed. vyd. - Prague, 1995. - 2 vols. - Vol. 1, 2: 989 s. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 20) - ISBN 80-7050-229-0

A collection of contributions from an extensive international conference on fundamental questions of Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian Émigrés activities in the between-the-wars Czechoslovakia.

Out of print

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Můj milý, jdeš-li v létě Ruskem: výbor z díla / Dmitrij Prigov

My Dear, If You Are Walking Through Russia in the Summer / Dmitrii Prigov

1st ed. – Prague, 2017 – 328 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 79) – ISBN 987-80-7050-685-1

The collection Můj milý, jdeš-li v létě Ruskem [My Dear, If You Are Walking Through Russia in the Summer] is the first book publication of Czech translations of the work of Dmitrii Alexandrovich Prigov (1940–2007), a Russian poet, artist and performer, one of the founders of Moscow Conceptualism, and a classic of the Russian cultural canon at the turn of the 21st century.

The publication of the book has three objectives: 1) to present Prigov’s work in its exceptional genre diversity, from poetry and examples of extensive prose to smaller forms; 2) to attempt to mediate, in the form of a traditional book, the multimedia character of his production – he wrote and recited his texts as a performance, he was a writer and artist in one person, he created objects and installations, he intervened through his works in the public space; 3) to show his work from multiple perspectives – the collection is a result of cooperation between eight translators. This solution, which is editorially demanding, has made it possible for each participant to select from Prigov’s extensive work whatever was the most interesting and topical for him or her.

The book is complemented by three scientific studies on Prigov’s work. Editor of the volume: Tomáš Glanc.

Price: 425,- CZK

Distribution of the book is provided, besides the Slavonic Library, by online bookshop

Muzeum osvobozeneckého boje Ukrajiny : K 80. výročí založení. Sborník příspěvků z konference (Praha, 12.-14. října 2005) / Sestavila Dagmar Petišková
The Museum of the Struggle for Liberation of Ukraine : In commemoration of 80th anniversary. Proceedings of a Conference (Prague, October 12th to 14th 2005) / Dagmar Petišková (ed.)

1st ed. – Prague, 2006. – 304 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 54) – ISBN 80-7050-502-8

This volume contains papers presented at the conference held in Prague on October 12-14, 2005 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Museum of the Struggle for Liberation of Ukraine. The essays describe the history of this Ukrainian émigré institution and the fate of its collections scattered and transferred from Prague after 1945. The papers give information on the preserved Museum's collections and the researches done in the countries where they are deposited now.

Price: 120,- CZK

Further information (PDF)
Further information – in Ukrainian (PDF)
E-version of the title is available through the online distribution platform DiBiDo


Na trnitých cestách života a tvorby. Sborník příspěvků ze sympozia pořádaného u příležitosti životního jubilea Františka Kautmana / Sestavily Miluša Bubeníková a Radka Hříbková

On the Thorny Paths of Life and Work. Proceedings of the Symposium Organised on the Occasion of a Life Anniversary of František Kautman / Edited by Miluša Bubeníková and Radka Hříbková

1st ed. – Prague, 2015 – 264 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 75) – 978-80-7050-645-5

Proceedings from the symposium devoted to a life anniversary of PhDr. František Kautman, a significant Czech literary scholar and writer, which was organised by the Dostoevsky Society in Prague in cooperation with the Slavonic Library in January 2012. Papers at the symposium were presented by people who shared professional interests with the honouree in various stages of his colourful and complex life, mainly literary scholars and his former colleagues from the Academy of Sciences. Papers were also given by Kautman’s companions in dissent and a guest from abroad dealing with the work of F. M. Dostoevsky. The proceedings contain, besides the texts presented at the symposium, also an article on Kautman’s work dealing with the legacy of Egon Hostovský, a treatise on the Club of Liberated Samizdat as well as Kautman’s two longer works devoted to authors who played crucial roles in his life – F. M. Dostojevsky and F. Kafka. At the end of the volume, the reader will find a name index and the first published list of Kautman’s works and bibliography of works on František Kautman.

Price: 195,- CZK

Further information (PDF)

Distribution of the book is provided, besides the Slavonic Library, by the online bookshop

Ozvěny Gulagu: povídky a vzpomínky / Ekho Gulaga: rasskazy i vospominaniia
• Echoes of the Gulag: Short Stories and Memories

Edited by Semen Vilenskii and Lukáš Babka; translated from the Russian originals by Radka Bzonková; translated from the Czech originals by Allena Ponomaryova

1st ed. – Prague – Moscow, 2013 – 277 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny: 72) – ISBN 978-5-7157-0274-6 (Moskevské historicko-literární sdružení Vozvraščenije); ISBN 978-80-7050-615-8 (Národní knihovna ČR); ISBN 978-80-87211-64-9 (Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů)

A bilingual Czech-Russian edition of short stories and commemorative texts by former Russian prisoners which shows the life in the Soviet concentration and labour camps known under the acronym GULAG. The collection is complemented by a selection from the memoirs of the Czech prisoner Jan Bačkovský, which prove that also people of other nationalities were imprisoned in these camps. This book, containing texts with an exceptional informative value, has been published jointly by the National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library, the Moscow society Vozvrashchenie and the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes.

Price: 160,- CZK

Distribution of the book is provided, besides the Slavonic Library, by the online bookshop

Pod znakom katalogov i materialov k… V. N. Tukalevskij i russkaja kniga za rubežom. 1918–1936 gg. / Marija Magidova

Focusing on Catalogues and Materials… V. N. Tukalevskii and the Russian Book in Emigration. 1918–1936 / Marija Magidová

1st ed. – Prague – Saint Petersburg, 2016 – 800 p. – ISBN 978-80-7050-668-4 (978-5-89091-484-2)

The book by the literary scholar and long-term employee of the Slavonic Library in Prague Marija Magidová Pod znakom katalogov i materialov k… [Focusing on Catalogues and Materials…] is not merely a biography of the Russian bibliographer, economist, journalist, expert in literary culture and historian Vladimir Nikolaevich Tukalevskii (1881–1936) – the author captures his life in all the key places, from Poltava and Kiev to Saint Petersburg and Terioki (now Zelenogorsk) all the way to Prague, where he spent the last part of his life. In addition, it is a kind of chronicle of the Russian book culture of the end of the 19th century and the first third of the 20th century, for which the author uses the composition of the unique personal library of V. N. Tukalevskii. Last but not least, the book maps the origin and the first years of the existence of the Slavonic Library in Prague, whose foundation Tukalevskii initiated in 1924 (the original name of the library was “Russian”) – his own extensive collection of books, periodicals and documents became the core of the library; until the end of his life, he administered the library’s Russian section.

The book by Marija Magidová is a result of long-term research into the fates of Russian books and their owners – intellectuals forced to leave Russia by the situation there in the first third of the 20th century. It has been published by the Symposium publishing house in Saint Petersburg thanks to the long-term programme-based scientific cooperation between the Slavonic Library and the Information and Cultural Centre “Russkaia Emigratsia” in Saint Petersburg. The title has been come out in Russian and is complemented by an extensive pictorial supplement.

Price: 360,- CZK

Further information (PDF)
Poustevna básníků – básníci poustevny (ruská poezie 20. a 30. let 20. století v pražském exilu) / Jana Kostincová
The Poets’ Retreat – Retreat’s Poets – Skit – (Poetry of the Russian Exile in Prague of the 1920s and 1930s)
/ Jana Kostincová

1st ed. – Prague, 2008. – 232 s. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 59) – ISBN 978-80-7050-540-3

The monograph deals with a group of poets ”Skit poetov” (The Poets’ Retreat), who worked in Prague in the period of 1922-1940. The group consisted mostly of young Russian immigrants. The book contextualises the young Russian poetry in the framework of poetry written in other centres of Russian exile, particularly in Paris, and defines its relation to the poetry published in the Soviet Union. It focuses in particular on the development of the group of poets Skit, the poetics of its main representatives and their relation to the Czech environment. Despite the fact that the literature of the Russian exile is already seen as an integral part of the Russian literature and both Russian and non-Russian researchers have paid a lot of attention to it in last years, there remain many undiscovered areas and unresolved questions. The topic therefore is worth of attention of literary scholars and historians and it still represents a large amount of literary heritage that has not been studied properly.

Price: 80,- CZK

Further information in Czech (PDF)


Prague Perspectives (I): The History of East Central Europe and Russia: on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the death of Jan Slavík / edited by Petr Roubal and Václav Veber

1st ed. - Prague, 2004. - 444 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 45) - ISBN 80-7050-443-9

Publication includes twenty original contributions, first of all written by young specialists in the field of the East European history. The aim is to present the western academic society with the contemporary situation, focus and potential of Eastern Slavic Studies in our country. Designed for abroad readers. All texts are in English. Continuation of the former title "Russian in the Czech Historiography", published at the National Library, in Prague 2002, which was warmly accepted.

Price: 150,- CZK

E-version of the title is available through the online distribution platform DiBiDo


Prague Perspectives (II): A New Generation of Czech East European Studies / Lukáš Babka and Petr Roubal (eds.)

1st ed. – Prague – 2007. – 329 9. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 57) – ISBN 978-80-7050-534-2

Prague Perspectives II: A New Generation of Czech East European Studies is a second volume of irregular series published by The Slavonic Library in Prague and Prague Perspectives, an association for advancement of east European studies in the Czech Republic. This volume is characterised by its programmatic focus on the research of the youngest scholars of the east European studies. The publishers aimed at representing to the world-wide audience the scope of research of this generation as well as mediate its most important results in English. The volume also demonstrates the increasing interest of the youngest Czech research generation in the Slavistic (in this case particularly historical) topics.

Price: 100,- CZK

E-version of the title is available through the online distribution platform DiBiDo


Prague Perspectives (III): Jan Slavík (1885–1978): A Czech Historian of Revolutions / Lukáš Babka and Petr Roubal (eds.)

1st ed. – Prague – 2009. – 456 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 66) – ISBN 978-80-7050-575-5

Prague Perspectives (III): Jan Slavík (1885–1978): A Czech Historian of Revolutions is a third volume of irregular series published by The Slavonic Library in Prague and Prague Perspectives, an association for advancement of east European studies in the Czech Republic. The volume is the English version of the title “Život plný střetů: dílo a odkaz historika Jana Slavíka” - published by the Pavel Mervart Publishing House and the Slavonic Library in 2009.

The book is the first collective attempt to grasp public and research activities of the important Czech historian Jana Slavík (1885–1978) in a comprehensive way. It contains eighteen texts mapping Slavík’s works in typical areas where he is famous as an expert (Russian revolution, controversy about the meaning of Czech history, polemics with Josef Pekař) as well as in other areas of his interest. Slavík was an active journalist whose commentaries about actual social and specific matters raised challenging but also sharp and personally motivated discussions on the right as well as left wing of the political spectrum. His methodology was significantly influenced by German sociology (and Max Weber in particular) and by its involvement with social sciences. In his research in history of the Soviet Union, he became the pioneer in the field of contemporary history and sovietology. In Czech history, he opened a number of new topics from the foundation of the Czech nation to Slavík’s present.

A part of the book is a new, expanded and revised publication of bibliography of books by and about Jan Slavík counting up to 2.500 bibliographical records. The book freely excerpts from the conference ”Life of Clashes” which was organized by the Slavonic Library in April 2008 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Slavík’s death.

Price: 230,- CZK


Přetržený náhrdelník: výbor z díla / Maxim Bahdanovič

A Broken Necklace: Selected Works / Maksim Bahdanovič

1st ed. – Prague, 2017 – 118 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 80) – ISBN 978-80-7050-692-9

The selected works by Maksim Bahdanovič have been published on the occasion of this Belarusian poet. It is the first comprehensive Czech translation of his poems, which significantly contribute to the understanding of the complicated historical fate of Belarusians in the last century.

Maksim Bahdanovič (1891, Minsk – 1917, Yalta) died prematurely, at the age of twenty-five. In his lifetime, he published only one collection of poems, Vianok (A Wreath, Vilnius 1913). In spite of that, he is considered to be one of the founders of modern Belarusian literature. When he was only five years old, he lost his mother; he had a complicated relationship with his father; at the age of seventeen, he became ill with tuberculosis; he was not lucky in love – this made the poetic (but also critical, journalistic, translation and other) work that he left behind all the more remarkable and significant. He influenced all later generations of Belarussian authors and remains the most widely read classic of the Belarusian national revival period.

The collection of Bahdanovič’s poetry has been organized, translated from Belarusian and provided with a commentary by Max Ščur. It has been recast in verse by Jan Frolík. The book has been published in cooperation with the International Civic Belarus Association.

Price: 90,- CZK

Distribution of the book is provided, besides the Slavonic Library, by online bookshop

Rossijskije emigranty vo Všenorach - Mokropsach - Černošicach (dvadcatyje gody 20-go veka) / Anastasija Kopršivova
• Russian émigrés in Všenory, Mokropsy and Černošice : 1920's–1930's
/ Anastázie Kopřivová

1st ed. - Prague, 1999. – 33 p., [9] photogr. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 28) - ISBN 80-7050-361-0

The publication focuses on the topic heretofore neglected, namely the temporary centres of Russian immigrants in the vicinity of Prague in the 1920's.

Out of print

Rudolf Hůlka: Fotografie Rómov z Podkarpatskej Rusi zo začiatku 20. storočia / Autoři textů: Hana Opleštilová, Lukáš Babka, Alexander Mušinka

Rudolf Hůlka: Photographs of the Roma from Subcarpathian Rus’ from the Beginning of the 20th Century / Authors of the texts: Hana Opleštilová, Lukáš Babka, Alexander Mušinka

1st ed. – Prague, National Library of the CR – Slavonic Library; Prešov, Regional Centre for Roma Issues, 2015 – 23 p. – ISBN 978-80-7050-648-6

The publication presents a collection of twelve previously unknown photographs of the Roma from the estate of the Czech official, translator and amateur photographer Rudolf Hůlka, which is in the holdings of the Slavonic Library in Prague. Its content partly draws on the book The Lost World of Subcarpathian Rus’ in the Photographs of Rudolf Hůlka (1887–1961), which was published by the National Library in 2014. Hůlka’s pictures of the Roma are exceptional not only for their high artistic and documentary value, but also for their thematic focus. Unlike other authors, who primarily documented the life of the settled Roma or a Roma colony, Hůlka focused on the nomadic Roma. The published photographs make it possible, for instance, to observe the differences in clothing between the settled and nomadic Roma, to study their way of living, the jewellery of young girls, and to learn something about the composition and size of Roma groups.

not for sale (on request)

Ruská, ukrajinská a běloruská emigrace v Praze : adresář / sestavila a úvodní slovo napsala Anastasia Kopřivová ; spolupráce na ukrajinské části Bohdan Zilynskyj
• Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian emigration in Prague : a directory
/ Anastázie Kopřivová

1st ed. - Prague, 1995. - 31 p.; 9 maps - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 21)

A directory of institutions and outstanding figures of the first wave of the Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian emigration in the interwar Prague.

Out of print

Ruská, ukrajinská a běloruská emigrace v Praze: adresář / sestavila a úvodní slovo napsala Anastasia Kopřivová ; spolupráce na ukrajinské části Bohdan Zilynskyj
• Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian emigration in Prague : a directory
/ Anastázie Kopřivová

2nd ed. - Prague, 1999. - 29 p., 9 maps - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 26) - ISBN 80-7050-314-9

A directory of institutions and outstanding figures of the first wave of the Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian emigration in the interwar Prague.
A reprint of a title published in 1995.

Price: 50,- CZK


Rusko v české historiografii: sborník Pražské skupiny historiků ruských dějin - u příležitosti jubileí Zdeňka Sládka (75 let), Vladislava Moulise (70 let) a Václava Vebera (70 let) = Russia in Czech Historiography: Studies published by the Prague Group of Russian history specialists – on the occasion of the birthdays of group members Zdeněk Sládek (75), Vladislav Moulis (70) and Václav Veber (70) / uspořádala Miluša Bubeníková ; rejstřík sestavili Eva a Václav Veberovi
• Russia in Czech historiography : collection of works of the Prague Group of Russian history specialists : on the occasion of birthdays of Zdeněk Sládek (75), Vladislav Moulis (70) and Václav Veber (70)
/ edited by Miluša Bubeníková, index was compiled by Eva and Václav Veber

1st ed. - Prague, 2002. - 526 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 34) - ISBN 80-7050-379-3

This title is published on the occasion of the birthdays of three renowed historical researchers: Zdeněk Sládek, Vladislav Moulis and Václav Veber, the members of the Prague Group of Russian History Specialists. The content of the historical articles concerns topics on Russian history and thinking. It covers a wide period starting from the time of Kiev Russia to the Gorbachev era. Articles are presented in English, German and Russian. Biographies and bibliographies of historical researchers mentioned above are included. Resume of individual studies are in Czech.

Price: 150,- CZK

Russkaja akcija pomošči v Čechoslovakii: istorija, značenije, nasledije / sostaviteli Lukaš Babka i Igor‘ Zolotarev
The ”Russian Action” in Czechoslovakia: History, Meaning and Heritage / edited by Lukáš Babka and Igor‘ Zolotarev

1st ed. – Prague, 2012 – 359 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny: 71) – ISBN 978-80-7050-609-7 (Národní knihovna ČR); ISBN 978-80-905145-1-5 (Ruská tradice)

This collection of studies is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of inception of unique organizational a financial support of Czechoslovak government. Beginning 1921, the government supported many thousands strong wave of refugees fleeing from bloody Civil war torn Russia and from severe famine.
The compilers used resources presented at the conference held in 2011 in Prague Klementinum, subject of which was this unprecedented action. Amongst main interest of 39 contributions are: 1) origins of the program of the Russian support action, stance of Czechoslovak political scene to the action itself and to the problem of Russian (Ukrainian, Byelorussian) emigration in general; 2) position of Slovakia on the problems of emigration, focusing on several chosen themes connected with Ukrainian and Byelorussian emigration; 3) impact of the Russian support action that caused in essence situation that inter-the-wars Czechoslovakia became a centre of sciences, learning and lively civic and cultural life of emigrants; 4) publishing activities and librarianship; 5) heritage of the Russian support action; 6) fate of prominent individuals whom the exit from Russia enabled their professional advancement thanks to support ensuing from the Russian support action.
The book was jointly published by the Slavonic Library and civic association The Russian Tradition. It contains texts in Russian with Czech and Russian abstracts. It is supplemented by many interesting photographs and the name index.

Price: 380,- CZK

Further information (PDF)


Russkaia emigraciia v Prage (1918–1945): putevoditel‘ = Ruská emigrace v Praze (1918–1945): průvodce / Anastasija Kopršivova, Lukaš Babka

Russian Émigrés in Prague (1918–1945). A Guide / Anastasija Kopršivova, Lukaš Babka

1st ed. – Prague, 2022 – 207 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 87) – ISBN 978-80-7050-741-4

Following the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917 and the subsequent Bolshevik takeover of Russia, thousands of the Russians that had been forced to flee their homes and escape abroad found temporary refuge and often a permanent home in the new state of Czechoslovakia. The publication Russian Émigrés in Prague (1918–1945). A Guide presents in the form of an address directory the colourful public life of the Russian émigré community in Prague in 1918–1945.

Although the Russians were scattered throughout the republic, the book focuses only on Greater Prague, where their concentration was the greatest and where organisations with regional branches mostly had their centres. Other nationalities comprising this refugee wave (Ukrainians, Belarusians) are also omitted, with the exception of the few groups of Caucasian and Siberian peoples, often cooperating with the Russians.

The 168 entries of the directory are divided by their nature (e.g. associations, educational, religious, scientific, sporting and cultural institutions, shops, restaurants, as well as memorial plaques), accompanied by brief descriptions and rich pictorial documentation comprising historical as well contemporary photographs of the places listed, reproductions of stamps, letterheads, logos and other materials of the time. The book also includes a name index, a list of the addresses of the houses photographed, a list of the owners of the visual materials used, and a list of the sources and literature used.

Price: 350,- CZK

Further information (PDF)

Russkije v Prage : 1918-1928 g.g. / red.-izd. S. P. Postnikov
• Russians in Prague : 1918-1928 / ed. by S. P. Postnikov

Prague, 1995. - 343 p. - A reprint of the 1928 edition

The anthology provides an extensive account and assessment of the activities of the Russian emigration in Czechoslovakia in education, science, and culture. The 20's which are accounted for in the book represent the most important period of the emigration's existence. The anthology is an essential source for historians and for years it has been the most requested book from the collections of the Slavonic Library.

Sold out


Ruští emigranti ve Všenorech, Mokropsech a Černošicích: 20. a 30. léta XX. století / Anastázie Kopřivová
• Russian émigrés in Všenory, Mokropsy and Černošice : 1920's–1930's
/ Anastázie Kopřivová

1st ed. - Prague, 2003. - 49 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 40) - ISBN 80-7050-425-0

The publication focuses on the topic heretofore neglected, namely the temporary centres of Russian immigrants in the vicinity of Prague in the 1920's.

Price: 50,- CZK


Samostatný stát mezi většími sousedy - podnět pro slovinskou politiku a kulturu : sborník příspěvků z mezinárodního vědeckého zasedání: Praha, Klementinum, 16. 10. 1997 / uspořádal Jaroslav Pánek
• The independent state between the bigger neighbours - the impulse for the Slovenish politics and culture : collection of proceedings presented at the international scientific session : Prague, Klementinum, 16. 10. 1997
/ compiled by Jaroslav Pánek

1st ed. - Prague, 1999. - 100 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 27) - ISBN 80-7050-335-1

The collection of reports from the international conference held in October 1997 in Prague

Price: 80,- CZK

Further information (PDF)


Sborník k 80. narozeninám Světly Mathauserové: příspěvky ze sympozia věnované staré ruské literatuře, ruské literatuře 19. století a teorii překladu / sestavila Marta Hrabáková
• A collection of papers from a symposium held on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Světla Mathauserová
/ edited by Marta Hrabáková

1st ed. - Prague, 2004. - 145 p. - Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 46) - ISBN 80-7050-449-8

The collection contains contributions touching upon the career and work of an outstanding scholar in the field of Russian literature, Professor S. Mathauserová as well as contributions from the area of Russian studies. The colloquium was organised in April 2004 by the Slavonic Library at the National Library of the CR.

Price: 50,- CZK

Further information (PDF)

Sibírsky autonomizmus: zdroje, prejavy, reflexie (1917–1939) / Ľubica Harbuľová
Siberian Autonomism: Sources, Expressions, Reflections (1917–1939)
/ Ľubica Harbuľová

1st ed. - Červený Kostelec (Pavel Mervart)–Prague, 2010 - 183 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny, 67; Russia Altera, 14) – ISBN 978-80-7050-590-8 (978-80-87378-39-7)

The book deals with sources of Siberian autonomism which reaches to the end of the 19th century and is linked to the Siberian ”oblastnik” movement. The autonomist movement became particularly strong after 1917 and reached its peak with announcement of the Temporary Siberian Government in 1918. The fall of Admiral Kolchak’s government led representatives of the movement to emigrate. Many of them found refuge in Czechoslovakia. The ideas of Siberian autonomism therefore lived on in emigration.

The book by Slovak historician and professor at the Faculty of Arts of Presov University is based on sources from Russian and Czech archives. It is the first attempt in Czecho-Slovak historiography to study this particular topic. It aims on experts, history and political science students and those interested in the Russian civil war and interwar emigration. It is written in Slovak.

Price: 200,- Kč

Distribution of the book is provided, besides the Slavonic Library, by the publishing house Pavel Mervart

and the online bookshop
Slavistické reminiscence: výbor z textů Jiřího Fraňka / Jiří F. Franěk; vydání iniciovali a výbor uspořádali Zdeňka Fraňková, Jiří Honzík a Věra Dvořáková
Slavonic Reminiscences: Selected Texts by Jiří Franěk /
Jiří F. Franěk; compiled and edited by Zdeňka Fraňková, Jiří Honzík a Věra Dvořáková

1st ed. – Prague, 2011 – 217 s. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 70) – ISBN 978-80-7050-598-4

The anthology presents essays of a renowned Russian studies scholar Jiří Franěk (1922–2007), Professor at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. A scholarly foreword is written by Danuše Kšicová and is enhanced by her personal recollections. The volume contains thirteen essays mostly on Russian literature – from the Igor's Tale, Franěk’ favorite subject, to works on older and newer Russian classics (such as Gogol, Babel, Paustovsky, Sholokhov and Solzhenitsyn). The compilers also included his texts dedicated to the theory of translation and to works of his teacher Bohumil Mathesius and of Emanual Frynta. The latter was one of the most talented translators after the WW II. They did not omit his interesting treatises on Czech Judaica, a subject that was for Franěk throughout his life very important.

The collection contains his personal bibliography of 537 references.

Price: 160,- CZK

Distribution of the book is provided, besides the Slavonic Library, by the online bookshop

Further information (PDF)


Slovanská knihovna 1924–2024: (Průvodce po dějinách, fondech a službách) = The Slavonic Library, Prague 1924–2024: (A Guide to its History, Funds and Services) / Lukáš Babka

1st ed. – Prague, 2023 – 333 p. (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 88) – ISBN 978-80-7050-792-6

The Slavonic Library in Prague was founded in 1924 by the Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This library was tasked with two main goals: (a) creating the informational foundations for the newly established Institute of Slavonic Studies, and (b) collecting and making accessible documents for the diaspora from the Russian Empire. Many of these refugees, with different nationalities, found refuge in Czechoslovakia after 1918. The Slavonic Library since 1958 has been part of, what is today, the National Library of the Czech Republic. Thanks to the size and composition of its collections, the Slavonic Library is an internationally recognized centre of Slavic studies.

This book provides a detailed description of the history of the Slavonic Library over the last century. It introduces the reader to the libraryʼs collections, how they were created, and gives insights into the most valuable documents in the library. In addition to providing the usual information about those departments dealing with books, journals, and newspapers this monograph also highlights the Slavonic Libraryʼs unique historical, manuscript, and cartographic collections. Information about emigration from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, after 1917 is presented in a separate chapter. This is because on this migration topic the Slavonic Libraryʼs collection is of global importance. In addition, this volume also presents the libraryʼs special collections that include unique archives of documentary, visual, artistic, photographic, and numismatic materials.

Finally, this book provides an overview of the range of services provided by the Slavonic Library with practical information about the libraryʼs operations that will be welcomed by anyone interested in studying and using the Slavonic Libraryʼs services.

This book was published to mark the centenary of the libraryʼs foundation.

Price: 350,- CZK
Distribution of the book is provided, besides the Slavonic Library, by online bookshop

Further information (PDF)

Slovanská knihovna – můj osud (mozaika vzpomínek) / Jiří Vacek

The Slavonic Library – My Fate (A Mosaic of Memories) / Jiří Vacek

1st ed. – Prague, 2016 – 174 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 77) – ISBN 978-80-7050-671-4

The memoirs of PhDr. Jiří Vacek, a librarian, Slavic scholar, literary historian, and an internationally recognised expert on the issues of Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian émigrés in 1918‒1945. Since 1964, Jiří Vacek has been working in the Slavonic Library in Prague (a part of the National Library of the Czech Republic now), one of the most important libraries focused on Slavic Studies all over the world; he was its director in 1978‒1992.

In his memoirs, he focuses in particular on the more than half a century of work in the Slavonic Library, mentioning remarkable events in the history of the library, acquainting the reader with a wide myriad of figures (the staff of the library as well as Slavic Studies researchers from all over the world) that have come into contact with the library since its establishment in 1924. The book The Slavonic Library – My Fate is different from traditional memoirs – it rather maps the history of the Slavonic Library and the lives of the people connected with it. In the colourful patchwork of diverse stories (of people as well as books), the author himself remains more in the background.

Price: 220,- CZK

Distribution of the book is provided, besides the Slavonic Library, by online bookshop

Slovanská knihovna: průvodce / zpracoval kolektiv pracovníků Slovanské knihovny pod vedením Zdeňky Rachůnkové
• Slavonic Library : a guide
/ edited by Zdeňka Rachůnková and collective

1st vol. - Prague, 2002. - 59 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 35, 36, 37) - ISBN 80-7050-393-9

Czech, Russian and English versions of the revised guide book. It presents not only historical events but also deals with the collections deposited in the Slavonic Library. The publication also brings an account of the activities of the Slavonic Departments and explains the services provided to users. The separate chapters are dedicated to bibliographical processing of works by Russian and Ukrainian emigration living in Czechoslovakia between the World Wars period. Another chapter deals with microfilm preservation of the most valuable parts of the RZIA newspaper described cataloguing of rare prints and Russian and Ukrainian archival materials. Attached is the calendarium of important events and other activities.

Price: 50,- CZK


Sto padesát let Slovanského sjezdu (1848): Historie a současnost / uspořádal Václav Veber
• One hundred and fifty years of the Slavonic Congress (1848)
/ edited by Václav Veber

1st ed. - Prague, 2000. - 232 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 29) - ISBN 80-7050-353-X

Proceedings of papers from the colloquy held on June 11th, 1998, in Klementinum. The memory of the Slavonic Congress from the year 1848 inspired the colloquy members to follow and observe the development and changes in the interpretation of the Slavonic question in political and public life of Slavonic nations in the 19th and 20th century.

Price: 100,- CZK

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Střediska ruského emigrantského života v Praze: (1921-1952) / Anastazie Kopřivová
• Centres of Russian emigrant life in Prague (1924–1952)
/ Anastázie Kopřivová

1st ed. - Prague, 2001. - 113 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 31) - ISBN 80-7050-378-5

An account of the history of Russian co-operative houses in the Prague district of Dejvice (Profesorský dům, Patriotika, U tří podvodníků - Professor's House, Patriotika, and The House of the Three Crooks) and in the district of Strašnice (Koráb - The Ship). The book focuses mainly on eminent individuals from among the emigrant community and their social situation.

Price: 90,- CZK


Stříbrný věk ruské literatury: sborník k 80. narozeninám Jiřího Honzíka / sestavila Marta Hrabáková
• Silver Age of Russian Literature : collection of contributions from symposium dedicated to the 80th birthday Jiří Honzík
/ edited by Marta Hrabáková

1st ed. - Prague, 2004. - 147 p. - Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 47) - ISBN 80-7050-433-1

Proceedings of the symposium held at the Slavonic Library, in Prague, autumn 2003. Dedicated to the 80th birthday of the noted Russian literature historian Jiří Honzík. This collection comprises contributions on life and work of J. Honzík from point of view of Russian and Czech literary criticism. Designes especially for students of Czech and Russian Studies.

Price: 80,- CZK

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Toulky ruskou literaturou: výbor z textů Jiřího Honzíka / Jiří Honzík

Wandering through the Russian Literature: A Selection of Texts by Jiří Honzík / Jiří Honzík

1st ed. – Prague, 2018 – 139 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 83) – ISBN 978-80-7050-702-5

The book Toulky ruskou literaturou [Wandering through the Russian Literature] brings a selection of texts on the Russian literature from the pen of a significant Czech Russian Studies expert, literary scholar, translator and poet, doc. Jiří Honzík (1924–2018). It is a cross-section of the author’s professional work, focused on texts that are little known or not easily accessible as well as on those that have not been published yet. Most of previously published texts have been reworked and revised by their author. The larger part of the volume is thematically associated with the issues of the Silver Age of Russian literature, the theme of Honzík’s life, but the author has also selected texts dealing with an earlier period (the work of A. S. Pushkin) as well as more recent (the production of A. I. Solzhenitsyn).

Price: 140,- CZK

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The distribution of the book is provided, besides the Slavonic Library, by the online bookshop

Ukrajina poza Ukrajinoju: encyklopedyčnyj slovnyk mystecʼkoho, kulʼturnoho i hromadsʼkoho žyttja ukrajinsʼkoji emihraciji v mižvojennij Čechoslovaččyni (1919–1939) / Oksana Pelensʼka

Ukraine Outside Ukraine. An Encyclopaedic Dictionary of the Artistic, Cultural and Social Life of Ukrainian Diaspora in Interwar Czechoslovakia in 1919–1939 / Oksana Pelensʼka

1st edition – Prague, 2019 – 331 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 82) – ISBN: 978-80-7050-713-1

The encyclopaedic dictionary Ukraine Outside Ukraine deals with one of the most interesting aspects of Ukrainian history and Czech-Ukrainian relations – the artistic and cultural activities of Ukrainian émigrés in Czechoslovakia in the interwar period. The core of the book, which includes a total of 342 entries, is formed by texts devoted to the creative work and life of artists, writers, poets, journalists, composers and actors and by texts mapping the activities of Ukrainian emigré artistic, social, publishing and scientific institutions and organisations. Separate entries deal with Ukrainian-Czech and Ukrainian-Slovak cooperation. The book further contains detailed information on which Czech and Slovak institutions contain artistic, literary and archival collections related to Ukrainian diaspora and how these collections were created. The dictionary provides new information for scientists as well as the wider public interested in the research into the phenomenon of Ukrainian émigrés in Czechoslovakia, especially in terms of their artistic and public activities.

Price: 220,- CZK

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Ukrajina v současné české historiografii: k 70. narozeninám Vladimíra Hostičky / uspořádal Václav Veber
• The Ukraine in the present Czech historiography : to 70th birthday of Vladimír Hostička
/ compiled by Václav Veber

1st ed. - Prague, 2000. - 167 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 30) - ISBN 80-7050371-8

Workshop proceedings including special writings about the ukrainian studies in the Czech Republic. The jubilee text about our leading ukrainist V. Hostička and completed bibliography of his works are attached. Text in Czech and Ukrainian.

Price: 80,- CZK

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Ukrajins‘ka Povstans‘ka Armìja ìnakše (v lìteraturì, mystectvì, kul’turì) / Ukrajinská povstalecká armáda jinak (v literatuře, umění a kultuře) / sestavila Anastázia Lukáčová
• Ukrainian Insurgent Army from a different perspective (Literature, Art, and Culture) / edited by Anastázia Lukáčová

1st ed. – Prague, 2011 – 212 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 69) – ISBN 978-80-7050-602-8

A collection of contributions presented at the international conference organized by the Slavonic Library and Civic Association Ruta, held in Klementinum October 21–22, 2010. The essays do not discuss military or political importance of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army but rather analyse manifestations of members of this historical phenomenon in culture, visual arts, writings, architecture, music… The book contains seventeen contributions in Ukrainian.

Price: 120,- CZK

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Ukrajinská svobodná univerzita: 1921-1996 : vědecký sborník z konference, věnované 75. výročí založení univerzity: Praha, 29.-30. listopadu 1996 / zpracovala Mária Ňachajová
• The Ukrainian Free University : 1921–1996 : scientific collection from the conference related to the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the university : Prague, 29.–30.11.1996
/ compiled by Mária Ňachajová

1st ed. - Prague, 1998. - 161 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 24) - ISBN 80-7050-313-0

The proceedings contain papers devoted to the Ukrainian Free University activities in Czechoslovakia, as well as to personages acted at the University. Published in cooperation with the Ukrainian Free University in Munich.

Price: 90,- CZK

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Further information – in Ukrainian (PDF)


Ukrajinské výtvarné umění v meziválečném Československu : k 80. výročí založení Ukrajinského studia výtvarných umění v Praze (sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní konference, pořádané Slovanskou knihovnou, Českou asociací ukrajinistů, Ukrajinskou iniciativou v České republice a Velvyslanectvím Ukrajiny v České republice 12.-14. listopadu 2003 v Praze) / Sestavila Dagmar Petišková
• Ukrainian fine arts in interwar Czechoslovakia : in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the Ukrainian Studio of Fine Arts in Prague : proceedings of an international conference held and organized by the Slavonic Library, the Czech Association of Ukrainists, by the Ukrainian Initiative in the Czech Republic and the Ukrainian Embassy in the Czech Republic, Prague, November 12th to 14th 2003
/ Dagmar Petišková (ed.)

1st ed. - Prague, 2005. - 336 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 50) - ISBN 80-7050-450-1

The Ukrainian Studio of Fine Arts was an important institution for the Ukrainian émigré community in Czechoslovakia of the inter-war period that played an important role in the Czech art world as well. The contributions sum up studio’s significance for the development of Ukrainian fine arts in exile, its relationship to the Czech milieu, and the benefit to Ukraine.

Price: 80,- CZK

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Further information – in Ukrainian (PDF)


Ukrajins'kyj portret na tli Prahy : ukrajins'ke mystec'ke seredovyšče v mižvojennij Čecho-Slovaččyni / Oksana Pelens'ka
Ukrainian Portrait on the Background of Prague : Ukrainian Fine Arts in Inter-War Czechoslovakia) / Oksana Pelens'ka

1st ed. - Prague-New York, 2005. - 224 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 51) - ISBN 80-7050-469-2

The publication deals withUkrainian fine arts in Czechoslovakia of the inter-war period, thus filling a gap in the research of the history of Ukrainian art in the first half of the 20th century. Attention is paid mainly to the process of establishing and developing the Prague School of Arts in context of activities associated with Ukrainian art, education or culture within social institutions, particularly the Ukrainian Studio of Fine Arts. Also presented is the story behind Museum of the Liberation Struggle in Prague and its build-up of a fine arts collection, which now forms part of the Slavonic Library’s holdings. The book was published thanks to a financial support from Shevchenko's Scientific Society in America.

Price: 90,- CZK

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Verše Čechám = Stikhi k Tchekhii / Marina Cvetajevová
Verses on
Bohemia / Marina Tsvetaeva

Translated by Jiří Turek

1st ed. – Praha 2014 – 95 pp. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny: 73) – ISBN 978-80-7050-631-8

A parallel Russian-Czech edition of the verses of Marina Tsvetaeva (1892–1941), a poet with a moving life story. The verses written in Paris in 1938–1939 draw from the author’s life and memories of Czechoslovakia, where she lived in 1922–1925. The introduction was written by Prof. Vladimír Svatoň. The small book is intended for the broad public. The bilingual edition makes it possible to compare the form of the original verse with the quality of the Czech translation.

It is the very first complete edition of this poetic cycle in Czech.

Price: CZK 130

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Distribution of the book is provided, besides the Slavonic Library, by the online bookshop

Vzájemným pohledem. Česko-slovinské a slovinsko-české styky ve 20. století / V očeh drugega. Češko-slovenski in slovensko-češki stiki v 20. stoletju / sestavila Alenka Jensterle-Doležalová
• In Mutual Views (Czech-Slovenian and Slovenian-Czech Contacts in the 20th Century) / edited by Alenka Jensterle-Doležalová

1st ed. – Prague, 2011 – 315 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 68) – ISBN 978-80-7050-604-2

A collection of contributions presented at the international conference held in Klementinum, November 4–5, 2010. Texts of twenty three authors, either in Czech or Slovenian, expounding mutual relations of Czechs and Slovenians in the fields of history, culture, literary scholarship, linguistics and translations, as well as the acceptance of individual authors. The book was published with the financial support of the Slovenian Book Agency (JAK).

Price: 160,- CZK

Further information (PDF)
Foreword – Czech (PDF)
Foreword – Slovanian (PDF)


Z Lublaně přes Vídeň do Prahy: (Ivan Cankar a jeho současníci) = Iz Ljubljane preko Dunaja v Prago: (Ivan Cankar in njegovi sodobniki) / editorka Alenka Jensterle-Doležal

From Ljubljana via Vienna to Prague (Ivan Cankar and His Contemporaries) / ed. Alenka Jensterle-Doležal

1st edition – Prague, 2020 – 270 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 85) – ISBN 978-80-7050-722-3

The publication Z Lublaně přes Vídeň do Prahy: (Ivan Cankar a jeho současníci) [From Ljubljana via Vienna to Prague: (Ivan Cankar and His Contemporaries)] is a collective monograph on Ivan Cankar (1876–1918), a canonical author of Slovene literature and culture, also known in the Czech lands and the whole Central European area. It contains seventeen studies whose authors from the Czech, Slovene and Austrian university backgrounds emphasise not only problems of literary science, literary theory and linguistics but also an interdisciplinary view of Cankar’s work. They further indicate new philosophical approaches and reveal cultural issues related to the Central European importance of his work.

The writer and playwright of Slovene origin Ivan Cankar spent many years in Vienna, but he was also closely tied to Prague, where the first translations of his works were published and his plays were staged. The reception of his work in Czech culture was particularly rich in the early 20th century.

The year 2018 was called the Year of Cankar in Slovenian culture; in both the public and scientific spheres, he was paid special attention. One of the outcomes of this initiative is the presented book. This is further proof of the fact that there are few relations between two nations in the Central European space that would be as rich as between the Slovenes and Czechs.

Price: 150,- CZK

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Zakon soprotivleniia raspadu: osobennosti prozy i poezii Varlama Shalamova i ikh vospriiatii v nachale XXI veka. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov

The Law of Decay Resistance: Special Features of Varlam Schalamovs Prose and Poetry and Their Perception at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Conference Proceedings

1st ed. – Prague – Moscow, 2017 – 470 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 81) – ISBN 978-80-7050-680-6

The book publishes the scientific papers presented by the participants in the international conference ‘The Law of Decay Resistance: Special Features of Varlam Shalamov’s Prose and Poetry and Their Perception at the Beginning of the 21st Century’, which was held in Prague on 17–19 September 2013.

In their texts, the authors have revealed new aspects of the life and work of the Russian writer and poet Varlam Tikhonovich Shalamov (1907–1982), dealing with both his prosaic works and the analysis of his poetry. A separate panel was devoted to the issues of the translation of Shalamov’s texts into different world languages and the methodology of their translation. In comparison with other conferences on V. T. Shalamov, these texts emphasised the ethical issues in his work, with attention logically being drawn to Shalamov’s specific poetry.

The book is complemented by twenty previously unpublished poems by Varlam Shalamov newly discovered in the author’s literary estate deposited in the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art in Moscow.

Price: 160,- CZK

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Zelené evangelium (výbor z díla) / Bohdan Ihor Antonyč
The Green Gospel (Selection from Work) / Bohdan Ihor Antonych

1st ed. – Prague, 2009 – 90 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 64) – ISBN 978-80-7050-577-9

The selection from poetry of the outstanding Ukrainian poet and novelist of the Lemko descent, Bohdan Ihor Antonych (1909–1937), was published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth. The book is the first particular publication of Antonych’s work in Czech. The selected poems originate in all of his collections – Welcoming Life (1931), Three Rings (1934), The Book of the Lion (1936), The Green Gospel (1938) a Rotation (1938) –, published during the poet’s life as well after his death.
The poems were selected and the introduction was written by the former Ukrainian ambassador to the Czech Republic Roman Lubkivskyi. Most of them were translated by Tomáš Vašut. However, the collection contains also the new publication of thirteen poems from the collection Rotation which were translated by Jaroslav Kabíček. They were originally published in the Czech journal Světová literatura in 1990.

Price: 80,- CZK


Zmizelý svět Podkarpatské Rusi ve fotografiích Rudolfa Hůlky (1887–1961) = The Lost World of Subcarpathian Rus’ in the Photographs of Rudolf Hůlka (1887–1961) / Hana Opleštilová – Lukáš Babka

1st ed. – Prague, 2014 – 291 s. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 74) – ISBN 978-80-7050-630-1

2nd ed. – Prague, 2016 – 300 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 78) – ISBN 978-80-7050-667-7
Reprint of the 2nd ed. – Prague, 2019 – 300 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 78) – ISBN 978-80-7050-667-7

The book published in Czech-English edition presents a selection of photographs from the large collection of visual materials created in the first third of the 20th century by the Czech ministerial official, translator of Ukrainian literature and amateur photographer Rudolf Hůlka (1887–1961). The entire collection, which has been preserved in the depository of the Slavonic Library in Prague, includes more than 4,400 visual materials depicting Subcarpathian Rus’, Slovakia, Moravia, Bohemia and to a lesser extent other parts of Europe and North Africa.

The books consist of three parts: an introductory essay outlining Rudolf Hůlka’s biography, an album containing reproductions of nearly 200 selected photographs mainly from Subcarpathian Rus’ made in the first half of the 1920s and also from other selected geographical areas visited by Hůlka, and a complete catalogue of Hůlka’s visual materials related to Subcarpathian Rus’ containing 1,451 items. The Foreword was written by American librarian, Slavist and art historian Edward Kasinec.

The representative selection of photographs captures all themes and geographic regions captured by Rudolf Hůlka’s camera in Subcarpathian Rus’; they also provide examples of all the materials used during Hůlka’s photographic activities: hand-colored, color and black-and-white glass slides, as well as black-and-white glass and celluloid negatives.

Price: 420,- CZK

Distribution of the book is provided, besides the Slavonic Library, by the online bookshop
Zofka Kvedrová (1878–1926): recepce její tvorby ve 21.století / sestavily Jasna Honzak Jahič a Alenka Jensterle-Doležalová
• Zofka Kveder (1878–1926): Perception of Her Work in the 21st Century /
edited by Jasna Honzak Jahič and Alenka Jensterle-Doležalová

1st ed. – Prague, 2008 – 268 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 60) – ISBN 978-80-7050-561-8

The proceedings of the international colloquium held in the National Library on June 6–7, 2007. Its aim was to present Kveder as an author with European impact, affecting the Slovenian, Czech and Croatian language and cultural milieus.
The variety of texts shows the range of Kveder’s themes: she was a prose writer, as well as a playwright and journalist. The main topic of her works was the role of women in contemporary society. She stood for women’s rights and gender equality both in her texts and life. In modern terms, she could be called a feminist, an emancipator. Authors of the proceedings particularly emphasized actual and contemporary sides of Kveder’s work and tried to present them to a recent reader.
The book contains scholarly papers, several papers on Kvedrova’s life and translations of her short articles published in Czech journals during her stay in Prague.

Price: 90,- CZK

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Žít! : výbor z veršů = Žyc‘! : vybrannyja veršy / Ryhor Baradulin
[verše přeložila, výbor uspořádala a profil autora napsala Františka Sokolová]
Be alive! Selected poems / Ryhor Baradulin
[Františka Sokolová translated, edited and wrote the introductory profile of the author]

1st ed. - Prague, 2006. - 135 p. - (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 55) - ISBN 80-7050-505-2

Bilingual, Czech-Belarusian edition of poems of the well known Belarusian poet Ryhor Baradulin is the first Czech translation of his poetry. The book is introduced by Václav Havel’s foreword, an introduction by Belarusian poet Michas Skobla and an extensive interview with Ryhor Baradulin.

Price: 100,- CZK

Further information (PDF)
Further information – in Belarusian (PDF)

Život plný střetů: Dílo a odkaz historika Jana Slavíka (1885–1978) / sestavili Lukáš Babka a Petr Roubal
Life of Clashes: Work and Legacy of Historian Jan Slavík (1885–1978)
/ Edited by Lukáš Babka and Petr Roubal

1st edition – Červený Kostelec (Pavel Mervart)–Prague, 2009 – 454 p. – (Publikace Slovanské knihovny; 65) – ISBN 978-80-7050-576-2 (978-80-86818-94-8)

The book is the first collective attempt to grasp public and research activities of the important Czech historian Jana Slavík (1885–1978) in a comprehensive way. It contains eighteen texts mapping Slavík’s works in typical areas where he is famous as an expert (Russian revolution, controversy about the meaning of Czech history, polemics with Josef Pekař) as well as in other areas of his interest. Slavík was an active journalist whose commentaries about actual social and specific matters raised challenging but also sharp and personally motivated discussions on the right as well as left wing of the political spectrum. His methodology was significantly influenced by German sociology (and Max Weber in particular) and by its involvement with social sciences. In his research in history of the Soviet Union, he became the pioneer in the field of contemporary history and sovietology. In Czech history, he opened a number of new topics from the foundation of the Czech nation to Slavík’s present.

A part of the book is a new, expanded and revised publication of bibliography of books by and about Jan Slavík counting up to 2.500 bibliographical records. The book freely excerpts from the conference ”Life of Clashes” which was organized by the Slavonic Library in April 2008 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Slavík’s death.

Price: 349,- CZK

Distribution of the book is provided by the publishing house Pavel Mervart and the online bookshop

Further information (PDF)



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